Crystals: They are not only absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and make gorgeous jewellery, home décor and more, but all crystals have so so many metaphysical benefits far beyond their beauty. These benefits differ depending on what crystal you are using, how you use them, and you the intentions set for the crystal. These benefits affect the spiritual, mental and even physical.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla
Healing crystals have been a part of the earth since, well, the beginning of time – this is because they literally are a part of the earth. Formed in the earth, they are physical forms of the earths energy. Metaphysics teaches us that every object in existence is surrounded by its own vibrational sphere, or better known as an ‘aura’, and crystals are no exception of this. Neither are you, or your thoughts. Crystals have what is called a ‘crystal lattice’ which is basically a perfect symmetry of atoms. Humans on the other hand don’t have such symmetry, we are more…well, messy. This is why our aura is so beautifully harmonised by the energetic symmetry that is a crystal. In other words, crystals balance our vibration.
Your thoughts, words, actions and more, put out a specific energy into the universe. You connect with your crystal through this energy – This is called crystal programming, and this is where the power is – setting intentions for these beautiful pieces of earth to carry out.
I’ve put together some of the crystals I think would be best at the beginning of your spiritual journey, or the beginning of your crystal journey. I have highlighted the benefits, how to use them, and some other fascinating facts about them. Enjoy! Xx
Clear Quartz
Chakra: Aids all Chakras, specifically the Soul Star, Crown, and Third Eye
Born: Worldwide
Zodiac: All birth signs
Planet: Sun
Element: All – Earth, Fire, Air, Water
A serious crystal for levelling up. The clear Quartz is one of the most abundant materials in the world, being found on every continent. It is essential to manifesting intentions as it amplifies thoughts and stimulates clear thinking. It helps develop clairvoyance (psychic visions), is easily programmable and can be used to connect with higher spiritual realms.

Clear Quartz Metaphysical Benefits:
- Manifests goals and intentions
- Easily programmable
- Protects the Aura and expands the human energy field
- Aids in reaching higher spiritual realms with ease
- Aids in the development of clairvoyance
- Radiates the positive energy pulled in from the sun and moon into the rest of the room
- When placed in the kitchen, it may help with healthy choices and willpower
Clear Quartz Physical Benefits:
- Enhances energy flow alleviating fatigue/exhaustion
- Assist with the treatment of migraines and headaches
- Helps with motion sickness and vertigo
- May improve metabolism
- Aids in concentration and unlocks memory
- Stimulates the immune system
How to use your Clear Quartz:
To program your Clear Quartz with your intentions, firstly, quieten your mind and breathe deeply. You will need to hold your crystal in both hands and focus on your intentions for the crystal, envision your intentions, feel your intentions with everything you have. The crystal will pull the vibrations in that you are putting out, and congrats, you have a programmed Clear Quartz!
Meditating with your programmed Quartz will help strengthen your purpose and the visualisation of your goals. You can place the Quartz on your third eye chakra to establish further clarity. The more you strengthen, visualise and live your intentions, the closer you will be to that energy.
Rose Quartz
Chakra: Heart
Born: Madagascar
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth, Water
‘The stone of unconditional love’, the Rose Quartz is known for its beautiful ability to heal heartbreak and attract love. The Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart to new levels of forgiveness, compassion, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Rose Quartz Metaphysical Benefits:
- Restores trust and harmony in relationships
- Encourages unconditional self-love
- Promotes inner healing
- Comfort in times of grief
- Heals heartbreak
- Attracts love
- Calming and reassuring
- Protects against environmental pollution
- Encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance
- Invokes self-trust and worth
Rose Quartz Physical Benefits:
- Increases fertility
- Protects from miscarriage
- Strengthens and balances the heart
- Assists the circulatory system
- Reduces internal impurities
- Helps with reducing high blood pressure
- Aids chest and lung problems
- Heals kidneys and adrenal glands
- Alleviates vertigo
How to use your Rose Quartz:
For meditation, either place your Rose Quartz in your left hand, or if lying down, on your heart. Visualise a pink glow emitting from the Quartz. Allow it to fill your heart space, visualise breathing in the pink rays and allowing the warm, comforting sensations of love fill your entire heart centre lifting all heaviness, tension and negative emotions from your being.
Adding rose quartz to your bath means for a love-filled, relaxing and healing ritual.
The Rose Quartz is great to have on you throughout the day, especially on a necklace sitting close to the heart. Place throughout the house – the more the lovelier!
Chakra: Third eye and Crown.
Born: Brazil, Uruguay
Birthstone: Feb
Zodiac: Virgo, Sag, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Water, Air
Amethyst is a well-known crystal for it’s deep shades of lavender and violet that strengthen your connection to all things magical and mystical. A stone of protection, Amethyst will guard against any stress, ill wishes from others, irritability, anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. If you are seeking more calmness and tranquillity in your life, Amethyst is one of the best intention crystals for bringing balance back into your life. A very powerful crystal to combat over indulgence and addiction.

Amethyst Metaphysical Benefits:
- Heightens psychic powers
- Provides spiritual protection
- Promotes inner strength
- Stimulates the Crown Chakra to calm your thoughts
- Purify any space of negative vibrations
- Attract abundance and bring new business opportunities
- Unplug from unhealthy attachments and powerfully cleanses the mind, body and aura from negative or addictive patterns
- Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams
- Relief from insomnia
Amethyst Physical Benefits:
- Alleviates stress, anxiety, rage, anger, sadness and grief
- Strengthens the immune system and cleanses the blood
- Boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism
- Reduces pain
- Destroys malignant tumours and aids in tissue regeneration
- Eases headaches and releases tension
- Reduces bruising, swelling, injuries and hearing disorders
- Heals skin conditions and diseases of the digestive tract
How to use your Amethyst:
The Amethyst crystal is a classic tool for meditating. Meditating with them can help you to become more in tune with your feelings, helping you to get to know yourself on a much deeper level.
Amethyst has a strong power to rid your home of negative vibrations, place in the home to create an energy ideal for you to thrive in. To assist with insomnia, place in the bedroom at night.
Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra
Born: Brazil, The Congo, Madagascar
Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo and Libra
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air

Citrine Metaphysical Benefits:
- Brings energy into every level of life
- Raises self-confidence and self-esteem
- Cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition
- Encourages motivation
- Attracts abundance, prosperity and success
- Promotes creativity and intellect
- Allows the release of fear
- Opens you to the positivity coming into your life
Citrine Physical Benefits:
- Helps with energy levels, combats fatigue
- Balances chemical imbalances
- Stimulates digestion, the pancreas and the spleen
- Helps with kidney and bladder infections
- Increases blood circulation and detoxifies the blood
- Balances the thyroid
- Reverses degenerative diseases
How to use your Citrine:
I came across a really great Citrine Meditation in the book “Crystals, The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing” by Yulia Van Doren: Hold your Citrine in your hands or place it on your navel if lying down and imagine a specific goal of yours. Place your goal in a clear balloon and let it hang above you. Imagine energising flames emerging from your Citrine, flickering upwards and outwards towards your balloon. Watch your balloon slowly changing from clear to a golden, fiery orange. Blow that balloon up and away with your breath, to the land where dreams always come true. Have faith and trust, your goal is coming to you.
Citrine is a must to have in the home, especially the office/study to help with finishing that to do list of yours with creativity and ease.
Wearing citrine is highly beneficial. Wearing it daily you will notice your negative thoughts transformed into positive. Manifestation here we come!
Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
Born: Mexico, USA, Morocco
Zodiac: Taurus
Selenite is named after the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene. Selenite is a powerful crystal with a wide range of benefits, including clearing and cleansing the aura and even other crystals. Selenite removes blocks and negative energy from within you, your surrounding space and other crystals. It clears confusion and aids in ‘seeing the deeper picture’, promoting deep peace and mental clarity.

Selenite Metaphysical Benefits:
- Opens and activates the Third Eye Chakra
- Brings calming energy, deep peace and mental clarity
- Removes blocks and negative energy
- Provides clarity for the mind
- Magnifies the healing benefits of crystals around it
- Cleanses crystals
- Assists with judgement and insight
Selenite Physical Benefits:
- Can help reverse the effect of free radicals within the body
- Helps ease physical feelings of pain and tightness
- Aligns the spine
- Promoted flexibility
- Improves disorders associated with metal poisining
How to use your Selenite:
To cleanse your crystals, simply place them on top of or next to Selenite, as long as they are touching. Keep them there for at least four hours.
To cleanse your aura, use your Selenite like a wand over your body, starting from the top of your head and finishing at your feet, moving it up and down your arms, torso, legs etc. Visualise the negativity, worries, pain being pulled from your body. Open your heart and mind and allow the Selenite to energetically cleanse you.
To meditate with, place your bare feet on top of your Selenite Crystal and breathe. Feel the energy of the earth beneath you. Allow clarity and balance to be restored while you relax and deep breathe for at least 15 minutes.
Keep a piece of Selenite by the front door for a quick energy rinse when you return home. Keep your larger piece by electronics such as the TV or computer to help lessen the disruptive effects of electrical discharge.
Black Tourmaline
Chakra: Base
Born: Brazil
Zodiac: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Black Tourmaline is one sexy looking crystal, I will not lie. But the reason I feel so pulled to it is due to its grounding and protective properties. Black Tourmaline acts as a shield from any negativity around you, or within you. It is a powerful grounding crystal, providing a connection between your human spirit and the earth. It is essential for those who easily pick up others energy.

Black Tourmaline Metaphysical Benefits:
- Protects from negative energies around and within you
- Releases unwanted patterns of behaviour and bad habits
- Neutralises ones negative thoughts and internal conflicts
- Promotes a sense of self-power and confidence
- Provides high levels of purification for the auric field and the etheric body
- Aids in concentration
Black Tourmaline Physical Benefits:
- Soothes panic attacks
- Guards against radiation and environmental pollutants
- Provides pain relief of sore muscles, numbness, arthritis and scar tissue
- Treats motion sickness
- Strengthens the immune system, heart and adrenal glands
- Beneficial in treating IBS, constipation and disease of the colon
- Rids the body of heavy toxins
- Helps with nail and hair health, promoting shine
How to use your Black Tourmaline:
Wear the crystal or keep it on you daily for protection from negativity of others, protection of the ‘emotional vampires’ and to protect yourself from radiation associated with phones, computers and other electronics.
Meditation with Black Tourmaline will help you feel grounded and safe. Hold your crystal in your left hand while meditating and feel the connection with the earth.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Born: Italy
Zodiac: Leo
Element: Fire
Sulphur was born from ancient volcanic activity (I was sold after learning this…) and is present in many different forms depending on its environment. When emitted from volcano, it burns a bright blue colour and when it meets air, it transforms to a bright yellow. So, it is no wonder that Sulphurs power is to bring upon extreme transformation. Another one of its power is its uplifting, sunny magic that reminds you to live child-like and free.
P.S. It may have a soft smell like rotten eggs… but don’t let that defer you from its magical benefits.
P.P.S. Alternate spelling is ‘Sulfur’.

Sulphur Crystal Metaphysical Benefits:
- Transforms moods and uplifts your outlook
- Enhances creativity
- Improves understanding of, and interaction, with yourself
- Fosters self esteem and helps develop intuition
- Promotes patience and helps calm
- Highly energising
- Attracts new opportunities for abundance and success
- Help embrace the new and unexpected
- Soothes and softens anger and rage
Sulphur Crystal Physical Benefits
- Boosts Immune System
- Reduces fevers and treats infection
- Helps treat skin issues, joint pain and swelling, and physical exhaustion
- Heals stomach aches and indigestion
- Aids in the treatment of cysts, lymph issues and haemorrhoids
- Assists in treating of depression
How to use your Sulphur Crystal:
To use your Sulphur crystal for transformation, write your affirmation on a piece of paper and place the crystal over it. Meditate for at least 15 minutes focusing on your affirmation.
For a boost of energy and an uplifting frame of mind, place your Sulphur Crystal on your solar plexus.