September Astrology & Horoscopes ❀

September Horoscopes Astrology Girl and Her Moon

Aries September Horoscope

September shines a big, beautiful light on all things love and partnership, balance and harmony, Aries, with some extra self-reflection. The first half of the month invites you into cleaning up and renewing your habits, routines, and overall health and wellbeing.

With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury Retrograde and a new Moon all in your relationship sector throughout the month, this is a beautiful time to get clear on what you are desiring from your partnerships, and how you are showing up and communicating your truth within those relationships and a Pisces full Moon asks you to slow down, rest and get in touch with your emotions.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Taurus September Horoscope

Health and wellbeing are in the spotlight this month, Taurus, but not in a way that asks you to negate fun and play!

The first half of September has the Sun is shining in your house of creativity and joy while a full Moon asks you reflect on your dearest dreams. Take this opportunity to express yourself artistically and immerse yourself in all things laughter and hope. 

As the Sun, Mercury Retrograde, a new Moon and Venus move into Libra, the focus shifts to your health and wellbeing. The invitation here is to show up for yourself in a way that reflects your worth, through your habits, routines, and daily actions.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Gemini September Horoscope

Gemini September brings an influx of joy, play, romance and creativity with an opportunity to have this energy spill over into your work life.

Stepping into the month there is a focus on the home and family life in a way that may have you feeling a little more introverted than usual, while a full Moon on the 10th brings an opportunity to release an old chapter in your work and career life.

A shift in the energy meets you as the Sun, Mercury Retrograde, a new Moon and Venus all come into your joy and play sector. This is the time to create in all ways, express yourself artistically, try new things that bring joy and even revisit some old hobbies.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.  


Cancer September Horoscope

It’s all about communication, learning, reflection and comfort in the home this month, Cancer.

September begins with an emphasis on the mind and communication. Books, journaling, courses, conversations, interviews, this is the time for it. As Mercury begins its retrograde on the 9th however, that mental busyness may turn inward and become more reflective.

You’re right at home for a lot of September as the Sun, Mercury Retrograde, a new Moon and Venus sit in the realms of home, family, comfort, and safety. This is your opportunity to rest, renew your energy, and get in touch with your emotions.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Leo September Horoscope 

September brings an opportunity to reflect on and renew your sense of worth, get in touch with your emotions, and reframe some thought patterns to make sure they are serving you, Leo.

It’s a big month for our Lions as the Sun shines in your second house of worth, value, and finances and a full Moon takes you deep into your emotions. Take some time to journal, meditate, and get clear on reframing how you view yourself and what you believe you deserve.

As the Sun then moves into Libra along with Venus, Mercury Retrograde and a new Moon take the time to review your thought patterns, renew the way you speak to yourself, and re-visit old subjects and courses that have been calling your name.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.  


Virgo September Horoscope

We begin the month in your season, Virgo! The big, beautiful Sun shines its light on everything Virgo – health and healing, organisation, and efficiency. It’s your time to embrace all that you are and bring clarity and refinement into your days.

As the Libra Season begins with Mercury Retrograde, a new Moon and Venus by its side, September becomes all about connecting with your inner worth, and allowing yourself to see your value. Mercury Retrograde will bring the opportunity to re-frame, renew, and release any old patterns or beliefs around unworthiness, while the Sun, new Moon and Venus open the door to a new chapter where you honour your value.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Libra September Horoscope

September brings us the beginning of your season, beautiful Libra! But first as the Sun shines in Virgo, there is an invitation to get quiet, connect with your emotions and release any old beliefs, ways of being, perspectives or emotions that you don’t desire to bring into this next chapter of your life.

Mercury begins its retrograde in your sign, asking you to slow down and reflect on the path you are walking upon. As your birthday gets closer, take stock of where you are in your life, where you desire to be, and any shifts that you are ready to make. Allow yourself plenty of time for reflection.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.  


Scorpio September Horoscope 

In a very Scorpio fashion, September brings deep inner reflection, self-exploration, dreams and wishes, and potential for healing. 

The first half of the month asks you to explore your greatest hopes and dreams, to write them down, to meditate and visualise on them, while a full Moon brings a spark of creativity and joy.

As Mercury Retrograde begins and the Sun, new Moon, and Venus follow its movements, the cosmos takes you deep into your inner psyche asking for deep reflections and healings. There is an invitation for greater solitude, meditation and expression, and whatever else allows you to feel connected to your emotions.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Sagittarius September Horoscope

September asks you to widen your perspective, to think and dream big, and to bring some of that into your work and career goals.

Mercury Retrograde first invites you to reflect on some of the greater dreams you have for your life, and how you feel yourself adding to the whole of society. You might find yourself revisiting old ideas and hopes or questioning some that you currently hold. The invitation then switches towards the end of the month to reflect on what path you desire to walk down within your career life. 

A full Moon brings deep inner healing around the family and ancestry line, while a new Moon closing the month brings a new beginning to your career.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Capricorn September Horoscope

It’s all about an expansion of your mind and reflection of your path this month, Capricorn. This is the time to think about your long-term goals, to reflect on the path you have been walking upon, and take stock of how far you’ve come.

Mercury Retrograde asks you to slow down and bring intention into both your career path and greater perspectives of how you see the world, while a full Moon closes a chapter to the way you express yourself – all so another chapter can begin. Libra Season highlights your career at the centre of your days, and an end of month new Moon brings an entirely new chapter to your work path.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Aquarius September Horoscope

Our second Mercury Retrograde of the year invites you to reflect on the perspectives you hold of the world around you. Are they aligned with who you desire to be, the life you desire to live, or the way you desire to feel?

Virgo Season brings the potential for deep inner healing, and invites greater intimacy and soul connection with a loved one, while a Pisces Full Moon highlights all that you are ready to release so that you may fully see and celebrate your inner worth. The end of month brings a new Moon and Venus setting the stage for a new chapter of higher learning, access to wisdom, and the expansion of your mind.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Pisces September Horoscope

September brings a full Moon in your sign, Pisces! We can expect intuition, emotion, and illumination, all in a very Piscean style. This full Moon asks you to release any old identities that simply aren’t up to date with who you have grown into.

Mercury Retrograde brings an invitation to reflect on your willingness to be present within intimacy, emotion, and healing and later moves into your relationship sector asking you to realign how you show up in your partnerships.

The month closes off with the Sun, a New Moon and Venus each bringing a new chapter in healing. September asks you to be present with your emotions and all that comes up to be explored.

Explore the month deeper with a personal astrology or tarot reading.


Go deeper into the month: personal astrology

Explore all of the Septembers transits alongside your own natal chart and unique energy. The way each movement in the cosmos interacts with our own inner cosmos is unique to each of us. The messages that the planets have are unique to each of us. The insights, space for growth, healing potential, and wisdom to be gained, is unique to each of us.

Our Divine Guidance Transits Astrology Reading is our most accessible reading, looking over the big and exciting movements in our skies and what they are whispering to you, just you. This reading takes your natal chart and the astrological transits and decodes their meanings.

Whether you are being guided inward, into a deep portal of healing and introspection…

Being asked to reveal yourself in bright outward expression…

Whether it is time for major energetic upgrades…

Or spacious time for integration…

This 15 minute ~ mini-reading will explore your month ahead and the major transits taking place.

By looking at the cosmic transits ahead, and how these movements are influencing your unique energy, we will seek to do the following:

⊹ Unravel the possibilities opening themselves to you

⊹ Explore the healing potential presenting itself to you

⊹ Decode your unique guidance

⊹ Explore aligned decisions and steps

It requires great trust and devotion to surrender into and align oneself with Life, but that is why you are here. Because you are ready for that.

Use code: MARS for 10% off. 🖤

Get yours here.


⊹ Bring Astrology into your day-to-day⊹

Explore the seasons, moon cycles, and astrological movements in ritual, soul and community with our Flow with the Moon Membership.
Monthly Astrology, Tarot, Live Moon Circles, Soul Journeys & Energy Activations.​

Our Flow with the Moon membership has been home to thousands of women from across the globe who are aware of, and deeply nurturing, their innate magic. They’re doing so by aligning with the cosmos, connecting with the Moon cycles, and bringing Soul into their everyday.

Join us here!

All the love,

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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