September 29 – October 5 2024 Horoscopes: Solar Eclipse & Mercury Cazimi

As we transition from one month into the next, this week holds within it the healing nature of Libra with a Mercury Cazimi and New Moon Solar Eclipse in the Venus ruled sign.

Mercury Cazimi in Libra: September 30

September 30, 2024, brings the Sun and Mercury directly together in our skies, forming what is called a Cazimi. A Cazimi, coming from an Arabic term meaning ‘in the heart of the Sun’, is an offering of clarity, new awareness, and a new beginning for the planet in question. For the Sun is the centre of our Solar system. It is the beginning, the end, and everything in between. It amplifies whatever it touches and seeds new potentials, symbolising potency and clarity.

This week as Mercury comes into the heart of the Sun in Libra, the offering of the Cazimi is brought into our minds and our awareness. It travels through voices, words, and ideas. It reveals sudden insights and revelatory communication.

Speaking, journalling, listening, meditating on the cosmos, and welcoming your mind to receive a new beginning – these spaces are your invitation. As you create the space and invitation for insights and understandings to reach your mind, so they will.

Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 2

Welcome to our fourth and final Eclipse of the year meeting us October 2, 2024. A healing, supportive, and celebratory moment, this Eclipse represents the final moments of a journey we have been walking for over a year.

This Solar Eclipse in Libra is both a beginning and an end. A catalyst of transformation and a portal for deep healing. It is beauty and creativity. Love and self-worth. It is a shifting of patterns. The end of a chapter.  And it is an opportunity for a new way of being, relating, loving, connecting, and showing up for ourselves, life, and others.

A Solar Eclipse occurs as the new Moon meets the Lunar Nodes in our skies. One of these Lunar Nodes, the South Node, has been in Libra since July of 2023, inviting deep healing, release, and shifts in both collective and individual relationship dynamics, interpersonal patterns, individuality and self-hood.

We have been re-balancing the dynamics of Self and Other, and where Self comes together with the Other. All so that we may find our own most harmonious, balanced, empowering and authentic way of being and connecting. And so that we may be reminded of the joy and beauty that is partnership in a way that can support, enliven, and feed into our individuality.

After 14 months of deep shifts and healing within this space, we arrive at our last Eclipse in this cycle, not meeting another Eclipse in the Venus-ruled sign until 2033. It’s the end of a chapter. A release that we have been building towards for over a year. A doorway that we have been working and walking towards for the same time. One that is taking us somewhere new. And now – here we arrive. Nothing we must force. Nothing we must control. We have been preparing for this moment. Here, we can simply breathe out, let go, and offer it all to the Sacred as we step into something different.

Read more about the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra here.

Astrology Forecast: September 29 – October 5 2024

This week brings us into the final moments of Eclipse Season. Where transformation moves beneath the surface within us all, and where evolution – both collectively and individually – calls our name.

Eclipses lift the veil and remind us of just how supported, guided, held and in-collaboration we are with the unseen. They are a doorway through which the Sacred can hold us even closer, letting us breathe out all that which is not for us and be re-enlivened in the process – whether we clearly recognise what is being released, or not, we allow ourselves to let go.

With this week’s Mercury Cazimi and New Moon Solar Eclipse meeting us in Libra, we can expect the insights revealed under the Cazimi to be directly linked to the inner shift awaiting us at the Solar Eclipse. As we continue to dance our way through Libra Season throughout this week’s cosmic movements – we know it is this sign that is inviting us into its arms.

Libra is a sign that wants love for all, including the self. It wants harmony, connection, beauty, and fairness. It wants to remind us of the inner harmony available in each moment, the scales within orienting towards balance with each step we take. It wants to collaborate. To joyfully come together in partnership and relationship – to laugh together, create together, explore this gift of a life together.

How can you allow this sign and all that it represents to move through you like a healing balm for your heart? How can it remind you of beauty, harmony, and connection in each moment? This is your invitation this week. To attune to the offering that is Libra, to open your mind under the Mercury Cazimi, and to surrender, release, and open your heart under the Solar Eclipse.

Zodiac Sign Weekly Horoscopes

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign for your horoscope forecast, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope for the week, forecast for September 29 to October 5, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week represents both an ending and a new beginning that you have been moving towards for over 14 months, Aries Rising. For you have been learning how to channel more of yourself into yourself while you relate to connection, partnership, and collaboration in a new way. Insights are making their way to you this week, and so is a deep transition of self.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Both your body and mind are speaking to you this week, Taurus Rising. Your days are speaking to you. Your habits, routines, rituals, and connection with practical movement are speaking to you. For they are ready to shift into a state of being that supports and nurtures your mind, body, and heart – while also moving you with each step into your desired direction.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

You are a channel for creativity, inspiration, and art, Gemini Rising. How does that truth feel in your body? This week is here to remind you of this truth, asking you to let the creative force of life continue moving through you – healing you in the process, bringing joy, fulfilment and play in the process – and adding more to life, in the process.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week brings the kind of insights and shifts that change the very foundations of self, Cancer Rising. They reach down and in, nurturing and nourishing the very soil that feeds your entire being. Journalling, inner child connection, therapy, narrative re-writing or nervous system tending – spaces that allow a deep release of the past, will support you in re-writing your future.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

The mind is a spectacular tool, Leo Rising. And this week it invites you to open yours like a door, tuning into the chosen station as if an antenna, open to new ideas, perspectives, and truths floating in our cosmos waiting to be seen by you. This week brings a shift to the world that is your mind. The more open you allow yourself to be, the easier the shift will move through you.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week that desires for you to finally, truthfully, and deeply, know your worth, Virgo Rising. To arrive at a way of being where there is no questioning, doubt, or fear that you are anything but the deep value you intrinsically hold. It invites a new level of safety in your body, and a new level of trust in physical security and resources.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

It is very much your week, Libra Rising. For everything taking place in our cosmos is taking place in your 1st house of Self, where identity shifts, self-perception, vitality, your sense of purpose, and overall approach to life is opening and beginning a new season. Allow what no longer feels true to you begin to fall away, so that what is blooming may do so.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

May this week hold you in a sacred, slow, and nourishing retreat, Scorpio Rising. It’s a week that invites a slowing down, where the whispers in silence may be heard, and where life may move through your heart with greater openness. There is a deep release desiring to take place, the closing of chapters, and a reconnection with the sacred.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

This week represents vast new ideas, potentials, and cosmic guidance, if you so open to it, Sagittarius Rising. Playing with ideas and desires, visioning, and intuition will support you deeply, while your sense of community, collaboration, and connection are inviting a cracking open into something new on the horizon. It’s a week to look far and wide, dream openly and playfully, and connect with your chosen people.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

It’s a big week for you, Capricorn Rising. For your long-term dreams, for the life you are building, for your hearts visions, and your sense of purpose and impact. For all of this is going through vast shifts, first with insights and information streaming through the Cazimi, and then with a new way of being awaiting you under the Eclipse. Be open and receptive, curious and adaptable.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

This week is all about a higher perspective calling your name, Aquarius Rising. Where life itself seems to hold messages, vaster insights, and truths to shift your cosmology, sense of belonging, and understanding of existence. A beautiful time to explore your own beliefs of life and your place in it through journalling or conversation, and an even more beautiful week to open your mind and let more massage into you.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

It’s a deep release, Pisces Rising. A transformation. A self-reclamation. A new conversation between the conscious and unconscious knowing living deep within you. It’s a week that invites intimacy with yourself and with life. To strip away the layers holding you from deep feeling, sight, intuition and vulnerability. And it’s a week to listen even more closely to the unseen, the sacred, your body, intuition, and subconscious.

The Moon & other planets in transit this week:

  • September 29 2024: Moon Enters Virgo
  • September 29 2024: Moon in Virgo Sextile Venus in Scorpio
  • September 30 2024: Mars in Cancer Trine Saturn in Pisces
  • October 1 2024: Moon in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn
  • October 1 2024: Moon Enters Libra
  • October 3 2024: Moon in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini
  • October 3 2024: Venus in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
  • October 5 2024: Moon in Scorpio Conjunct Venus in Scorpio
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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