Scorpio New Moon Horoscopes & Ritual: November 2023 Astrology


13 November 2023 brings our first New Moon in Scorpio after a year of Eclipses in the transformative water sign.

We have been transforming, shedding, becoming, rebirthing, over and over and over with Scorpio by our side. And tonight, within the time and space of the unseen new moon, within the time and space of the empty dark sky, we will begin again.

This time, as different people.

This time, who will emerge?

When is the Scorpio New Moon?

  • Wellington: Monday 13 November, 10.27pm
  • Sydney: Monday 13 November, 8.27pm
  • Tokyo: Monday 13 November, 6.27pm
  • Singapore: Monday 13 November, 5.27pm
  • New Delhi: Monday 13 November, 2.57pm
  • Dubai: Monday 13 November, 1.27pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Monday 13 November, 12.27pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Monday 13 November, 10.27am
  • London: Monday 13 November, 9.27am
  • New York/Toronto: Monday 13 November, 4.27am
  • Los Angeles: Monday 13 November, 1.27am

What does November’s Scorpio New Moon Mean for You?

Under a New Moon the sky is dark – the Moon nowhere to be seen, for she has emptied herself bare. Existing only in the unseen, the energetic, the emotional, the felt. Existing only in the intangible, intuitive – beyond our sight.

Do we too, not need to step away into our own, unseen from all others, while we are rebirthing ourselves?

Do we too, not need space, distanced from all other energies so that we may clarify who we are and who we are not?

Do we too, not need moments unknown to who we are, before we can know who we are to become next?

Transformation requires mystery.

Clarity births itself through mystery.

Under this New Moon, may you befriend, surrender to, and trust in your mystery. For there is much awaiting you here. For you will be reborn here.

Scorpio Zodiac Astrology Class

Sitting with Mars and opposing Uranus, this New Moon holds a strong rebirth. While Scorpio speaks through felt emotions and unseen currents, Uranus speaks through sharp insights and intuitive awakenings. As the Moon speaks through our inner knowing and emotional body, Mars brings fire, heat, and passion coursing through our bodies until we act.

This Moon holds an intensity, power, and drive waiting within the veils of the unseen. It is here to be deeply felt, seen, and collaborated with. It is here to be wholly catalysing, to change something within or around us, and it is here to be acted on. It is a door opening a new way of being, and a drive and knowing from within clarifying that we must walk through it.

This New Moon is a rebirth, a reclamation, and an opportunity to embody the depth, strength, and empowerment that is waiting within each of us.

There is an unmistakable power and force to Scorpio unlike to all else. A power of claiming the self, claiming desires, claiming direction. Scorpio is medicine to those of us that have felt small, incapable, powerless, or trapped within fear or ways of being, narratives, identities, or patters.

For it is where we feel imprisoned that Scorpio asks us to find our freedom. It is within the experiences that have us feel powerless that Scorpio invites us to remember our power. It is through cracking open from within that Scorpio welcomes light into dark spaces. And it is through surrendering to the metaphoric death of ourselves that Scorpio walks us into our rebirth.

This New Moon. May it be your rebirth.

Scorpio New Moon Ritual: Welcome to your Rebirth

This Journey holds an intensity, power, and drive waiting within the veils of the unseen. It is here to be wholly catalysing, to change something within or around us, and it is a door opening a new way of being.

Created for the Scorpio New Moon, there is an unmistakable power and force to Scorpio that can be found within this journey, and its purpose is to awaken it from within you.

This ritual is a reclamation of the Self, reclamation of our desires, and reclamation of our direction.

Access this ritual via our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Scorpio New Moon Horoscopes

Watch your tarot horoscopes for the Scorpio New Moon here!

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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