Sagittarius New Moon Horoscopes & Ritual: December 2023 Astrology

It’s our final new Moon of the year, where we naturally begin to think about the chapter that lays ahead. What could this next year look like? What could it feel like? What doorways might open for me in 2024? Or perhaps, what doorways do I choose to open now?

When is the Sagittarius New Moon?

  • Wellington: Wednesday 13 December, 12.31pm
  • Sydney: Wednesday 13 December, 10.31pm
  • Tokyo: Wednesday 13 December, 8.31am
  • Singapore: Wednesday 13 December, 7.31am
  • New Delhi: Wednesday 13 December, 5.01am
  • Dubai: Wednesday 13 December, 3.31am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Wednesday 13 December, 2.31am
  • Paris/Berlin: Wednesday 13 December, 12.31am
  • London: Tuesday 12 December, 11.31pm
  • New York/Toronto: Tuesday 12 December, 6.31pm
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Tuesday 12 December, 3.31pm

Welcome to the Sagittarius New Moon. A hopeful, loving, divine and opportune-rich New Moon. An invitation from Life to expand our visioning, our perception of possibility, and our dreams for ourselves.

A divine doorway where something greater seems to be calling us forward – a pathway, a sense of purpose, a desire etched into the very fabric of all of time and space that has been waiting for us.

This New Moon is where we widen the lens of what we believe to be possible for us to live, for the life we desire. And it is where we plant the seeds of intention to land these new visions for ourselves.

This New Moon reminds us that the bigger we dream, the more life seems to meet us in this bigness. The more we say yes to living, the more life says yes to us.

Sagittarius as an archetype invites us to take a step back into a space that we are offered a widened view. Where we are taken beyond the narratives, the stories, the beliefs that say our life must, or can only, be a certain way. It encourages us to think bigger, to open to higher possibility and vaster realities, expanding our perception so that possibilities previously hidden from sight may be revealed.

The dreams that desire to land within our awareness under this lunation are ones that are here to stretch us.

They may feel outside of what we believe to be possible. They may seem bigger than us, too far away, for everyone but us. But it is tonight that we let ourselves simply open to possibility with the two little words ‘what if?’. It is this opening, this moment, this what if that makes the space for the rest – for us to stretch to meet it, for us to see and release the inner narratives sitting in the way, for the details, the plans, the practicalities to begin to drop in with time.

It’s a lunation reminds us that we are not alone in our dreaming, our creating, our living. Rather, we are held within something vaster.

The breath of life. The hands of the Divine. A loving flow of movement, purpose, and love.

And it is when we are tapped into this reminder that we are instantly offered more energy. When we are clear in our knowing of this connection, this oneness, this remembrance that we a part of something vast and divine – our energy instantly increases – and the energy in which we plant our desires and lean into dreams increases.

As Mercury shifts into retrograde in Capricorn just the day after this new Moon, it is through reaching into a vision, a dream, a life that may be stretching what we believe to be possible, that we are then offered alternative perspectives, more information, and reflection that supports the grounded building of these dreams in the year to come.

Under this New Moon – may you open new doorways for yourself.

May your dreams stretch beyond the voices, both inner and outer, that say you can’t. May hope reach your heart and widen it that little bit more to the dreams that call your name. May you remember magic, that life is on your side, and that growth is simply, yet powerfully, the way of the Universe – and therefore, the way of you.

Sagittarius New Moon Ritual

Timeline Jumping: Tap into your Next Timeline with Jasmine Saba.

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

In this workshop we are diving into the underworld narratives of the mind, the unconscious, and the Soul, through dreams.

Held under the Sagittarius New Moon, this session is all about inspiring hope.

There are infinite versions of you and they all exist within you now. Timeline Jumping allows you to “try on” a new version and dissolves the perceived gap between the two of you.

A psychosomatic modality that uses breath, visualization, and awareness to embody more of your desired self, throughout our Timeline Jumping session with Jasmine, we will move through a gentle meditation to locate your current timeline, release it in neutral void space, and invite in your new timeline.

Access this workshop via our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Sagittarius New Moon Horoscopes

Watch your tarot horoscopes for the Sagittarius New Moon here!

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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