Sagittarius New Moon December 2024: Astrology & Horoscopes

Sagittarius inspires hope. It invites us to tune into the ever-present wisdom, support, and blooming of life. It expands our minds and reminds us of the knowing, truth, and direction alive within us – in our intuition, in our bodies, and in our hearts. And it invites us to trust – in life, in our unfolding, and in goodness.

When is the New Moon in Sagittarius December 2024?

The Sagittarius New Moon meets us November 30 or December 1 2024 depending on where you are in the world.

  • Wellington: Sunday 1 December, 7:21pm
  • Sydney: Sunday 1 December, 5:21pm
  • Tokyo: Sunday 1 December, 3:21pm
  • Singapore: Sunday 1 December, 2:21pm
  • New Delhi: Sunday 1 December, 11:51am
  • Dubai: Sunday 1 December, 10:21am
  • Istanbul: Sunday 1 December, 9:21am
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday 1 December, 7:21am
  • London: Sunday 1 December, 6:21am
  • New York/Toronto: Sunday 1 December, 1:21am
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Saturday 30 November, 10:21pm

Sagittarius New Moon Astrology

As the moon renews herself into a new cycle of her life with the sun by her side, Mercury sits nearby shifting our perspective, questioning our narratives, and asking us to reflect, realign, and rewrite the stories alive within us.

As we meet the new moon, we are journeying backwards with Mercury in its retrograde, where we are invited to slow down and rethink the boundaries of our perspectives, our belief systems, our visions for the future, and our faith.

The sun and moon shining in this adventurous sign remind us that there is so much available for us – vast worlds, exciting creations, and joy-filled experiences. It reminds us that life itself is desiring to express through us, and life itself exists in the boundless, the open, the expansive.

Under this new moon and in the reflection of Mercury Retrograde – does your frame of mind have enough space for the life calling your name? Do your beliefs leave space for possibility, expansion, and hope?

Squaring Saturn and trining Mars, there is passion and imagination, desire and creativity alive within the frequency of this lunation.

Yet there is also a knowing that we aren’t beginning again just yet. First we are being invited to plant our feet on the ground, connect with our truth, and trust that a new story is being written and more will be revealed.

Can we trust in our own timing? Can we fall in love with where we are? Can we clear our fields of the need to rush, or false narrative of feeling behind?

This new moon is slowly opening our beings. Opening our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our fields. For there is more waiting for us.

It is a space to heal our relationship with faith, trust, time, and belief that beautiful things can happen for us. It looks us towards the future while we re-write our narratives gained from the past and anchor ourselves deeper into the beauty of our now.

And it holds us in nourishing reconnection to life and self, with spaciousness to question existing beliefs, and let our imagination and intuition guide.

New Moon in Sagittarius Planetary & Astrological Influences

  • Sun conjunct Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sun and Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo
  • Sun and Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
  • Venus in Capricorn sextile Uranus in Taurus

New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual

Sagittarius New Workshop: Attune – Exploring the Field of 2025 with the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a field of consciousness and a vibrational records of every Soul and its journey. It holds all information. All possibilities – past, present, and future. An interactive space, as we collaborate with the Akashic Records not only do we attune to a heightened state of our own larger energy field and consciousness, but we can also clear past patterns, and receive the highest guidance for our movements forward.

Together in this workshop with Intuitive Channel and Mystic Abbie Hallinan we will explore the Akashic Records, opening our energy and channel to attune and receive the codes and frequencies from our own Soul Field.

As we attune to our own records, we will then begin opening to the energy of 2025, which lays ahead fertile with invitations, potentials, and themes unique to each of us.

As an Akashic Records Reader, Abbie will then channel information and guidance from the Celestial Team specific to members of the Flow with the Moon Membership for 2025, and bring through any practical information to support us for this year ahead.

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Sagittarius New Moon December 2024 Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

Watch below for your Sagittarius New Moon Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Dilosh. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!

For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here – now on sale with up to 50% off.

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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