Noush is Girl and Her Moon’s astrologer, intuitive, and overall magic human.
Throughout this episode we explore Noush’s introduction into Girl and Her Moon, her divinely guided journey with astrology and really beautiful connection with this art.
She guides us into looking our chart in a holistic way, and the best places to begin to unpack our own relationship with astrology, with self-reflection and tracking cycles and major events in our lives.
We’re also holding a giveaway for a 1:1 live Astrology Reading with Noush!
If you like this episode please leave us a review on apple podcasts and share it on IG and tag us, and we will pick a winner in the coming weeks – and it could be you!
Jordane: Hello, beautiful. It’s Jordane here. Welcome to episode 5. Today, we are connecting with Girl and Her Moon’s beautiful astrologer and overall magic human, Noush. Throughout this episode, Noush shares with us her introduction into Girl and Her Moon, her journey with astrology, and then also guides us with some ways in which we can approach and begin and deepen our own relationship with astrology. Whether we’re talking about transit or our own natal chart.
I really wanted to create a space where you, our community, had the opportunity to get to know the human behind the monthly astrology readings inside of the membership or the human behind all of your one-on-one astrology readings to really get to know the soul behind the wisdom, the person behind the guidance and the knowledge. I think this conversation holds some really beautiful guidance into both astrology and this entire human experience.
Before we dive into the episode, we are also holding a giveaway for a live astrology reading with Noush, which I have had this experience and it is magical. So, if you like this episode, please leave us a review and share it on socials. We will pick a winner in the coming weeks, and it could be you. I would also love to extend the invitation for you to join us on the 13th of this month. We are holding our Sagittarius full moon circle. This is an hour and a half of connection, vulnerability, astrology, movement, meditation, and expression. These circles are free for all Flow with the Moon members. And so, if you are interested, you can join us at Enjoy the episode. I adore you and thank you for being here.
Hi, Noush.
Noush: Hi.
Jordane: How are you?
Noush: I’m good. I’m excited. I’m nervous but I’m excited to be here and to be doing this with you.
Jordane: Yeah. Good. I was kind of pondering before jumping on this call. Do I say welcome or do I not? Because, to me you’re not outside of Girl and Her Moon. You are Girl and Her Moon, you’re one of the expressions of Girl and Her Moon. So, it feels weird to be like, “Hi. Welcome to this space” when, to me, this space is one of your homes.
Noush: That feels so comforting to hear you say that. Even though I know that I am welcome at Girl and Her Moon in that space, it feels really comforting to hear that. So welcome back.
Jordane: Well, I actually realized, I think I realized this morning, that in a month from today, you have been with Girl and Her Moon for a year.
Noush: Oh my gosh. Crazy.
Jordane: Isn’t that insane?
Noush: I can’t believe that. I can’t believe how it began as well because it was such a synchronicity for me, and it felt like such a magical experience that, I don’t know, fell into my lap like a star that just kind of twinkled down from the sky and was like, here you are. It was such a beautiful and magical experience and I can’t believe it’s been a year and how much we have together grown and evolved to this astrology chapter of Girl on Her Moon. It just feels so beautiful and incredible.
Jordane: It does. Thank you for being on this journey with me and with us. It’s so great. Tell me more about this synchronicity. Where were you at in your life when we connected for the first time?
Noush: So, I guess that’s a big question. So, at that point in time, I had started to really invest in my practice of astrology. I guess we can talk about how it got into astrology a little later, but in terms that synchronicity, that moment, I had really started to invest my time and my energy and my whole being into this practice of astrology. And it just became something I was doing and not something– and rather than doing, I should say, it became something I was just being. I was just being in that energy. I was in my meditations. I was in my own experiences of manifesting little things and watching magic unfold and unravel around me.
And then this was an opportunity. I think you had a posting out that wasn’t even on my direct radar, but a friend of a friend sent it to me. And I dismissed it initially because I thought I’m just in this and I’m not looking to necessarily make it a solid carrier necessarily. I was just enjoying it. I was just feeling it and really enjoying it. And then one day, I just thought, why not see what happens if I apply for this position. And I’m sure there’s hundreds of people. And what’s the harm? Let’s just see where it goes.
And it was almost like things just unfolded so quickly with Girl and Her Moon in terms of me applying for that and then receiving a message from you maybe that was welcoming me or really excited to know more. It was almost like I wasn’t even processing what was going on as it was happening. And the day that I got the offer from you was one year since I began my own Instagram page for astrology in my own official practice. It was on the day that I received that offer from you. So, it just felt like this message from the universe that was giving me a little thumbs up and just encouraging me. And it just felt like such a synchronicity for it to line up in such a beautiful way, because I had initially, yeah, I’d looked past it because I just wasn’t sure where I was taking it, and then this kind of evolved. So, it felt wild.
Jordane: The best bet for it. I love that. I love looking back at our journey together. I actually remember the exact moment that you emailed because you emailed before you applied and you were just like, is this still open? And I can just remember it so clearly. We receive emails all the time, but for some reason, this is just like a memory right in front of my brain. So, it was obviously a very divine and special moment.
Noush: Yeah. I can’t believe you remember that.
Jordane: So, you mentioned your journey with astrology. Let’s go there. Has it been something that’s always been in your life a little bit or did it come in heart? How has that been?
Noush: Yeah. I mean, I guess this is going to sound really cliché and maybe a little cheesy, but I would say astrology found me, and in a way, astrology is me, astrology is all of us. It’s a blueprint that we carry with us that we’re born with that we entered this particular journey with. And to break it down a bit further, for my own experience, astrology has always been a part of my own life in some way. I’ve grown up in a very open-minded family. I would say my mom owned a few astrology books of her own that I used to pull off the shelves and scan through it over and over again as a kid. It was almost like a hobby and when people would be like, “What are your hobbies? “As a kid, I always remember thinking, how do I say that this is my hobby as opposed to riding a bike or playing tennis or whatever. How do I communicate this? And so, it always felt like lost for words in that way.
And then my extended family as well, her sisters and so on, have always enjoyed practices of the occult such as reading coffee leaves, ghost writing, things that would be considered taboo, maybe. So, there was always an interest there. And both my parents are of Persian descent, and I say Persian because they are Zoroastrian. However, they both grew up in India, so they have this rich cultural background that they’ve carried with them wherever they’ve lived in the world, and they both believe in the energy of karma and your purpose that dharma as well and my mom’s trained in various energy healing practices. So, there’s always been that influence around me of astrology, but in that bigger umbrella. I guess it’s like energy, working with energy and energy healing practices.
So, in some way, my introduction into astrology was from a young age. I think many of us maybe have had those kinds of experiences, and then it extends into this bigger umbrella of working with energy and energy healing. And it wasn’t until recent years that I realized it was something that I could no longer resist in my life or keep as a private secret hobby. And it was actually during a really challenging time in my own life, which usually is something that happens, we look for something to help guide us through those dark tunnels of our journey. And it was during one of those really challenging periods in my life that I was finding a way to keep myself grounded, while my mind was racing and while everything was happening around me. And it was through meditation, I was meditating an hour every day to keep myself somewhat out of that lower vibration. And I had already really started getting into astrology a little more as a form of guidance for myself, and I’ve been meditating for several months at that point.
And it happened one night. I remembered this. It was another strange synchronicity. I was lying in bed awake, when we are going through those really dark periods, we lie in bed awake staring at the ceiling or the wall and waiting, when am I going to fall asleep? And I was lying there and I had created more ease in my body through this practice I had of meditation, and I remember it just came to me as a whisper that night. It was the strangest thing. I don’t know how to make sense of it logically and how to describe it in a logical way, but it was like a whisper. It sounds so trivial, but to out my own Instagram page to explore this further. And the name which I’ve now changed, but the name at the time that I used for that page came through so clearly in that whisper. I just can’t even describe how that happened and what that felt like in any kind of reasonable or logical words. It literally felt like this message that just entered in my brain in that moment that was spoken to me, and I acted on it immediately.
At 2:00 am in that moment, it felt so immediate and so poignant to that particular moment, and I did it immediately. I just started it. I just started this page and that was where the practice of astrology in a more, I guess, tangible way was born for me through this whisper, which is such a magical experience. And I’m always trying to recreate those whispers for myself, you kind of realize over time that it’s just not something you can manufacture. They really are just energy forces that come to you to guide you at some points in your life or times or leading you to your soul’s evolution. But it was it really just came from a process of that healing that I was going through, the meditation practice of connecting to source, connecting to my energy, and raising my own frequency through that connection to source, through that quietening of my own mind, but I think that came to me. So that’s the long story of how I got started.
Jordane: It’s perfect. That is so magical. I love stuff like that. I was literally getting goosebumps when you were talking about it. One of my thoughts was it’s quite bizarre because that’s very similar to how Girl and Her Moon started. I don’t know if I’ve spoken to you much about this, but it was just I wasn’t as connected to myself in this experience, and so it wasn’t really like a magical moment of like, take this step that felt quite divine. It was more like, hmm, I want to do this. And it was just starting an Instagram page, just Girl and Her Moon. And it similar to what you said, I didn’t have to think of a name. It was just like, it’s there and I just typed it in. And I didn’t know, like I couldn’t see at that point from taking that step all of the doors that it was opening. Is it, it was that similar for you or were you aware of this is a big step that’s going to take, it’s going to open up a lot of different directions even if I don’t know what they are? What did that feel like?
Noush: Yeah. Absolutely not. In no way had I any idea what it was going to unfold for me in my life at that point, in that moment. It’s funny because the Instagram page that I used for that astrology page was actually one that I had been using for design inspiration and it wasn’t doing well. It was just my life as an interior designer. I had made this page and I was just putting inspiration there and it was whatever. So, I just used that page and it had maybe 50 followers. There was nothing. And I used that page and I just repurposed it rather than creating more on the Internet. I just repurposed that.
And I thought it would be similar. I thought it would just be I’m just putting my inspiration and my learnings and my knowledge and my enjoyment of this topic of astrology, out there, and whoever connects with it connects with it. It’s not for any particular purpose. I’m not trying to build a career out of it or something. It’s just to share what I have and maybe, I’ll build a community. Maybe there’ll be someone else that will engage in and I can chat to other people about it because I love learning from other people and astrology is about pattern synthesis. So, learning other people’s experiences with particular transits or in particular moon cycles would be really fun. So, I just put it out there and I had no idea that it would bring me to you. I had no idea that it would eventually evolve into some kind of a brand or that I would be inspired to do what I’m doing now.
And yeah, so short answer is no, I didn’t know, but I think that that’s part of what makes this journey really exciting, it’s just not knowing. And I think what has made it really fulfilling is not having that pressure on it to be something and just allowing it to evolve, which I’ve noticed that when I start really putting the pressure on wanting it to achieve certain things, it feels like it’s not moving as easily and I’m not connecting to it as easily. When I just let go and sit back and just practice without any desire for any kind of tangible results, I just want to do it for the sake of being and sitting in my joy, it feels like things just come to me.
Jordane: Yeah. Like I said, it’s the exact same. I feel like you just brought so much width of my life and brought it into these few sentences. There’s this constant rebalancing that I feel like I move through of surrender, which to me is what you’re explaining that stepping back, coming back to joy, taking away the forcing and the rough expectations or the pressures that we so often put on ourselves. It’s so present in my life, and it’s an ongoing balancing. But what I love so much about this conversation, I love getting to look back and just seeing how all the dots connect even when we had no idea. This door opening leads to this path, which leads to that thing over there, to this conversation, and it just unfolds so beautifully. And it’s just the most incredible magical reminder that we are so guided. It’s mind blowing.
Noush: Yeah. Definitely. I’m just speaking for myself, but if you resonate with this, sometimes it takes going off that path a bit to realize that you need to step back and surrender a bit. You’re pushing too hard in one direction or it takes that space to sit back in your being and just realize what is working and what are you forcing and how can you work with the energy that you’re in at the moment to create whatever it is that your soul wants, which maybe you’re not even aware of just yet.
Jordane: And that’s why I think even when I feel like I’ve been walking in a different direction or maybe feeling like I’ve been a bit distracted, again, in that forcing mode or looking really tightly or tunnel vision towards this one thing. The moment where I get to witness that, and then take a step back, I can also see the divinity and the perfection in walking in that what we could label as wrong direction. Because if I didn’t walk over there, I wouldn’t have arrived back here and I wouldn’t have that awareness or that extra layer of witnessing my tendencies or just witnessing myself being a human and all that comes with that. So, yeah, I’ve stopped labeling I’m doing this wrong or I’m going in the wrong direction, and I can see it all as this really beautiful picture coming together, and it’s all perfect.
Noush: No. I can definitely appreciate that. And it makes me think of moments as well when you might think you’re going in a wrong direction when in fact you’re being tested. There could also be a test to your soul. Are you ready for this next stage of your evolution? Can you say no to this? Whatever it is that is taking you back into a past way of being or a past way of responding or reacting. And can you step up to the challenge of what your soul is calling you towards? So, as you said, the challenges and the wrong directions or maybe another way to say that now, but they could be like tests as well from source or from your guides to help navigate you or not. Are you ready or not? It’s kind of very Saturnian, I guess. If we’re tying it into astrology.
Jordane: I would love to hear your perspective on that. Where does your mind go when that came through?
Noush: Well, I guess it just wandered off into the current astrology, I’m always going to thinking about what’s happening. And when I’m feeling a certain way, I’m always thinking about or rationalizing why I might be thinking that way so that I don’t get caught up in waves of emotion or waves of reactivity. So, when I think about certain, now I say there’s lightly, wrong paths or challenges or tests, I think of Saturn because I think of how Saturn acts as a tough love teacher to help us reach our greatness, but it does it through really testing you, really pushing you, really challenging you. A lot of people experience big moments of those tests or challenges during their Saturn return, for example.
So, in a similar vein, wherever Saturn transits in your chart, whatever it’s activating for you, it’s through my own learnings. Many astrologers might have different perspectives on it or deeper understandings of it, but from what I have gained to this point, I see it as helping you uncover a greater feeling of greatness. So, Saturn’s going to help me learn how to communicate better. But it’s like this energy force that helps you uncover a stronger foundation in a certain part of your life. And that comes from digging up what’s not working or digging up the truth or digging up a faulty foundation in some way to rebuild something. So that can come from being tested. We’re testing the foundations of what we’ve built. So that’s where my mind went, just there.
Jordane: That’s beautiful. It’s so relevant. My goodness. See, one of the questions that I wanted to ask you was how astrology interacts with your day-to-day life, and I think you answered that a little bit. And I feel like you answered that in a very Aquarius fashion as well with you being an Aquarius, stepping back and rationalizing and not getting swallowed up in the emotion of the experience. So, I love getting to a witness astrology in action. I feel like that’s the best way to learn as well.
So, we just had the Gemini new moon, for example. And yesterday, I was doing some work, and it was as if what I was doing just wasn’t enough for my brain and so I put on Netflix in the background, and I had it on the other side of my screen and I was doing some work. And I was like, this is insane. I never do this. My mind can kind of juggle, there’s multiple things going on at once. And then I thought of the way I must have found my partner, he’s a Gemini sun works, and he’ll be working for five or ten minutes and then he’ll jump on to a YouTube video, and then he’ll go over to there, to this other thing and then race over there. I thought of my mom who is a Gemini moon, who whenever she’s working, she has a movie on in the background or she’s listening to a podcast and these things that are totally foreign to me.
And then getting to witness what feels like astrology in action, and then even that in itself gives me a deeper understanding into the people in my life. I was like, oh my goodness, is this how most of us lives? This is too much for my brain. When you said yes to welcoming in astrology more into your life, how did it begin to show up more so in your day-to-day life?
Noush: So, first of all, I want to say that’s such a perfect example of how astrology not only can work for us and be used as a tool to help us understand ourselves, but as you mentioned through your story, it’s underlining how it can also help us understand each other and interact with each other with more empathy or passion or understanding at the very least. Just more understanding of how or why– Hello, kitty.
Jordane: Sorry.
Noush: That’s okay. That’s so funny. I just want to interject. My dog was just making noises outside my door as your cat walked past.
Jordane: Oh my god. They know. That’s so precious. I think she’s going to come back. She’s gone. Sorry if I distracted your brain. Yes. It can be incredibly connecting to get to witness someone through the lens of astrology, especially when it’s experiential like that. Sorry. I just wanted to, if your brain went somewhere else like mine did, I wanted to be able to bring it back a bit.
Noush: It totally did, so I’m glad that you did that. But, as you said, it’s a really good tool to use as well to understand each other so that we can be a little less reactive, defensive, or take things a little less personally by understanding that each person comes with their own framework that is unique to them. And how can we appreciate that? How can we navigate and work with that so that we can live in a more harmonious or not? How can we understand that to maybe separate from those people that don’t work or come together closer by understanding?
So, it’s a really powerful tool not just to understand ourselves, but also the interactions that we have with certain people, how to get through to certain people, how different people understand relationships, or love, or communication. How can our message get through to the way that different people process words and process thoughts? So, yeah, that was a really nice example of that. Having that Gemini moment for yourself was almost opening up that space to understanding your mom and your partner in a different lens.
Jordane: That’s very cool. That makes me really excited because we just, obviously, we just bought in partnership readings so I just thought I would get it in there, because that really excites me. Have you done a few of those?
Noush: I did my first one. I did one, and it was good. Off the record, this might be a good one to do live because I just wonder if it was received well or—Yeah. It’s almost a bit more challenging to do as an audio, I found.
Jordane: Okay. Cool. We can totally explore that. That’s awesome. Is it more challenging bringing two charts together in that way?
Noush: It’s not the challenge of bringing the two charts together. Actually, it’s really exciting and I love ministry astrology, and I love understanding and unpacking how people interact the psychology of people and extending that into the art of astrology. I really enjoy understanding that. I think what makes it challenging as an audio was there are so many ways that the points between two people can show up that it was hard for me to know if that was what was the issue or if that was what the person was feeling. Because I don’t want to raise a vibration that doesn’t exist, which might be. If they have pointed out a challenge, I don’t want to say, this could be causing this, and then it creates that world and it manifests in the relationship.
Jordane: That makes sense.
Noush: I was treading so lightly, and I think you saw it. It took me so long to do it because I was just like, I’m looking at it and I’m studying the points, and I was just thinking, how do I do this so that I’m not creating something that doesn’t exist between these two people?
Jordane: Okay. Yeah. I think this is one of the many things that I appreciate about you so much. Just really only wanting to come from the heart and only wanting to add love and beauty and assistance and support and safety into people’s lives, and that’s always so witnessed through everything that I’ve been able to watch you do.
Noush: Thank you. I really appreciate hearing that. The astrology is neutral. It’s not just about the divine, I would say. This is my own perspective. It’s a very new role perspective of that comes from pattern synthesis, timing, alignments, planets, transits, etcetera, etcetera. So, because it’s so neutral, and because it being neutral, there are so much gray area in astrology. So, it can be experienced in so many different ways but having a choice, I would say, wouldn’t it be better to experience it in the highest possible manifestation of that energy?
But, of course, there are going to be challenging periods as well. And I think it’s about really sifting through those points and those moments and seeing what else is being communicated to you at that time because this is not the only thing that’s active. There’s such a complex tapestry of activity that’s activating your specific chart at any particular moment. So how can we extrapolate that tapestry to bring light to an energy that can support you if something else is trying to really bring you down or if something else is really trying to break you open in a really destructive way? How can we find something else in this really rich, woven framework of your astrology to support that? It all works together.
It’s like when people come to me with fear, fear in their request that comes from, “I have my Saturn return, I’m scared of what’s going to happen” or “I have this particular placement that I’m dealing with. I’m really afraid of what it’s going to bring for me.” It’s really important in those moments of fear, of concern of when you’ve allowed that pop culture of astrology to overtake your deep and knowing of yourself. It’s in important to understand that none of these things, points, placements, aspects, transits happen in isolation. And nothing in your chart exists in isolation. It’s all supporting each other. Without one slice of that pie, the pie doesn’t exist.
So, it’s all there in support of each other, and that’s really important to remember when you’re facing something that could be really challenging like a Saturn return or whatever it is. Because there are other energy bodies there to support you at that time and if you can tap into that and align to that if this is not working out, that is going to help you move through that and come out a warrior or come up, whatever it is that you want. So that’s how I view, I guess, that question, which now I’ve forgotten.
Jordane: I’ve forgotten it too, don’t worry. So, I really appreciate that you always see the chart as this holistic thing, the pieces of pies that it all exist together and can’t exist on their own. For someone who is newly exploring their own astrology, how would you take that step from looking at things in isolation as in like my Saturn is in this sign, and my this is over there, and my moon is, blah, blah, blah? Is there some guidance in stepping back and witnessing as a whole? How would you approach that?
Noush: Yeah. I mean, if someone is new to astrology, first of all, that’s really exciting because it just shows that you are ready. You’re ready to witness what your soul is here to experience. So, first of all, I commend you so much if you are diving into this journey. And the way that I personally would encourage anyone to start exploring astrology is by first of all, getting a journal and tracking things like major events, or significant moods or significant situations even, relationships that unfold in your life, and paying attention to where the moon is, and also where major planets like Saturn or Pluto is a little bit heavy, so maybe where Saturn is at the time, where Mars is at the time, where the sun is moving through.
I would encourage you to keep a journal and to track your patterns. So, after a year of experience that you have accumulated, look back at the moon cycles and, was there a pattern in terms of how you felt when the moon was in a certain sign. Like every time, for example, the cliched, when the moon was in Scorpio, did you feel like insane? Once again, this is such a generalized statement. When the moon is in Scorpio for me, I never feel that way. When the moon is in Libra, I feel that way because Libra’s in my 8th house, it rules my 8th house. So, it’s so subjective, which is why it can be really useful to start tracking the patterns of how you feel and any big events that are unfolding for you so that you can start to understand not only your own astrology, if you’re looking to understand transits and how to move through certain transits that you might be fearing, but also, it can help you to understand how to work with your patterns or tweak them so that you can still be in alignment with the energy, but maybe manifest it in a more desirable way for you.
So, if that moon in Scorpio is making me feel all kinds of crazy, is there a different energy that you can manifest when the moon transit Scorpio that might have more to do with diving into your vulnerabilities maybe, all the Scorpio themes? Is there something else that you can channel at that time that can be more useful than just the easiest path, which might be that level of intensity? Is there a different way that you can channel that intensity that can be more useful for you? No shade to anybody with moons in Scorpio. My closest friends, almost all my closest friends are Scorpio’s. I know so many people with moons in Scorpion, and I love the intensity and the passion. So, I just want to put that out there, but it does have a reputation because there is that pop culture astrology which does sometimes create a little bit of fear, but I think it’s definitely changing. I’ve seen that landscape changing recently, which is really nice to see.
Jordane: Yeah. It’s really exciting. I think that is some of the best guidance ever. I wasn’t expecting you to go there with tracking and journaling and really witnessing yourself. Because for me, over the past few years, astrology has been this constant invitation to go within, to witness myself, to witness how I’m feeling. And just that those invitations come in like those different flavors or those different shades, or they’re just manifested in different ways, but they’re always invitations to go within, and to witness myself and to be with myself. So, I really like that guidance. Thank you for sharing that.
Noush: Of course. I mean, that’s how I started understanding more about astrology from my own perspective because it is once again, yes, it is a neutral art form, I would say, or whatever anybody wants to call it, it’s neutral, but at the same time, it is a subjective experience. So, one person might experience a particular transit very differently to somebody else. So, to unpack and look back at how you are experiencing that transit is how you can start to really understand your journey and where you want to take your journey, which is the beauty of astrology, is that you are ultimately in control. Once you understand your patterns, you know where you can take them and how you can shift them or tweak them to whatever you desire.
Jordane: That’s incredible. What about when someone’s first looking at their own chart? I remember the first few times looking at mine and just thinking, what am I looking at? This looks insane. Knowing that it really is a step-by-step journey, sometimes I look at my chart randomly, I pull it up and I go, hmm, I haven’t noticed this thing over here before, but it’s kind of calling my name now. And I feel like that will almost be a constant journey of pulling off layers and going in deeper in different directions. I mean, that’s the human experience. We’re always meeting different parts of ourselves in more depth, but getting started and not getting overwhelmed looking at this literally new language looking a bit crazy on a chart. Where do we begin?
Noush: Yeah, I can definitely understand that, even though I can look at a chart and unpack it pretty quickly now. I recently explored human design, which I don’t know if you’ve looked at that, but that looks so confusing.
Jordane: I know, right?
Noush: And I look at it and I think this is what an astrological chart must look like to someone who doesn’t know. I’m looking at this thing. It looks like a body. It’s got lines out of its circles, all kinds of numbers. I’m like, what does this mean? So, if somebody was looking at their own chart for the first time, the first things that I think would be helpful for them to unpack and explore deeper would be obviously the big three, the sun sign, the moon sign, and the ascendant or the rising sign. And even though that’s such a very general understanding of your chart, those three really do lay the foundation for your soul. There are many other things that are holding up that foundation like your nodes, certain placements, the personal planets, but those three are really setting the foundation.
So, I would encourage you to dive into those deeper, further than the means and really understand what and how you can feed yourself energy when you’re feeling down, when you’re feeling low, when you’re feeling a little deflated, that’s your sun. Where is it placed? And wherever it’s placed is how you might feel recharged at times. If it’s in the 12th house, you might feel recharged that in time on your own. Meditation, self-reflection might recharge your fire, it might refuel your fire and give you more energy to show up in the world. What sign is your ascendant in? That creates the frame– maybe not the framework. It sets the stage for which areas of life are being activated at any point in time. So, once you know your ascendant, you can start to really understand what’s being activated for you at any given point in time based on the transits. So that’s a really key feature too or sign. Key sign to learn about, to get curious about.
And then it helps you unfold how you can best show up in different parts of your life based on which signs are ruling the other houses in your chart. And then your moon sign can give you a really good indication about how to feel at ease in your body, in your emotional body. What gives you that feeling of safety and comfort? What do you need to feel at ease and how can others give you that feeling of comfort as well? How can you express that to others? If you’re in a relationship and there’s friction and your partner doesn’t know how to meet your needs. They don’t know how to make feel safe and confident. This can give you an indication to communicate. If you’re [inaudible – 00:50:28] and Virgo, for example, you might say, “Hey, acts of service really help me feel like you understand me at an emotional level. You know what makes me feel safe, and makes me feel okay and comforted.” And that’s something you can communicate or at the very least, you know that you need to practice that in yourself to feel at ease in your emotional body.
So those I think are important points to uncover and unpack if you’re first looking at your chart.
And you can you can do that online. There’s lots of free resources that you can jump onto online to really dive into the basics and the fundamentals, but then if you do want to dive in deeper and understand the nuances of planets and points, then that’s when I would suggest an astrologer could really help you unpack that.
Jordane: That’s beautiful. I love the foundation that you bring to astrology. I think this is the same, this spans across all of life these days, but there’s such a habit of rushing past the why or rushing past the just really foundational, almost basics of what then holds all these complexities that we search for. Because I haven’t heard the sun, moon, and rising explained in the way that you have, but I think there’s a part of so many of us that go, “Yeah, these are my big three, and I just know these things because that’s what I’m told to know.” If that makes sense. I think we skip past the why and how this can be deeply helpful and supportive. I did want to ask you, is there something that’s mostly or just exciting you a lot about astrology at the moment? Is there a planet that’s calling a name or a transit that just gets you really giddy and excited?
Noush: Giddy and excited? Well, there is one that I have and for everything that I’ve been saying, I’m going to sound like huge hypocrite, but there is one that I’ve actually been fearing for a while and I’m trying to learn more about it so that I can, once again, the Aquarius is kicking in, rationalize it, and move through it with knowledge and wisdom, and that is a Pluto. And it’s because Pluto is currently, well, yeah, I guess currently it’s transiting my personal planet. It’s going to be entering Aquarius. In my 12th house, it’s going to be moving over my sun, making a square to my Pluto, square to my Mars. It’s doing all kinds of things. It’s going to be up to no good, or maybe it’s going to be up to good. I don’t know. I guess that’s one planet that I am really engaged and excited to explore at the moment for my own personal reasons.
And I have a story, another story of synchronicity that I can share with you. So, this has been something that’s been on my mind for a while, Like, oh my gosh, Pluto is going into Aquarius. I’m going to die. And it’s the silliest thing. It’s the silliest thing and it totally goes again everything that I preach, but I’m human, right? And so, we have these feelings and we show up in our strengths for other people, but at the end of the day, we are human, and we have these feelings and these concerns that we also have to navigate. Even as energy healers, even as astrologers, we still have these feelings. And the way I guess that we work through them is through the wisdom and the knowledge that we acquire through whatever practice we’re engaged in.
So, I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve been talking about this for ages. And today, I went on a walk with my dog. And there’s a little free library that I walk past every day and they just have a bunch of books that people from the neighborhood put in there. And I always check it. I love picking up a book and putting stuff back there. I just I love that little piece in the community.
It’s my favorite thing. And today, I walked past it, and there was a book in there called… What is it called? Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green.
Jordane: You know, I actually only discovered him very recently. And I didn’t get this book. I got one of his other books, because I’m impatient and I wanted the Kindle version, and this wasn’t on Kindle. I just discovered him in basically evolutionary astrology very recently.
Noush: Yeah. I guess this is my opening up into evolutionary astrology, but I started reading it already. I just got it today and I was like, “I have to know right now.” But it was such a synchronicity because never ever have I seen an astrology book in any of the free libraries anywhere, and for it to be so specific felt like a gift. There’s no other way to describe it. It felt like a gift. So anyway, Pluto is one that I am excited to learn about. And I guess I don’t think that I would go down the path of evolutionary astrology necessarily. I like keeping my view open to all of them. I love this idea of relationship astrology. I’m also intrigued by medical astrology and the body, but this is just very selfish. The Pluto thing is very selfish.
Jordane: I know. It’s perfect. And I love the realness that you bring reflecting that sometimes there is that fear still present in self even when we show up at the same time with the message that astrology can be a supportive thing. You were talking about Saturn’s return earlier and I’m thinking it’s—So my Saturn is in Pisces, and so I think I don’t know when it transitions into the Pisces, but it’s going to come up in the next few years. And I have fear around that. Even though there’s also this more secure innate part of me that doesn’t hold fears, there’s these outside layers that’s like, shit, is everything going to fall apart?
Noush: Yeah. Of course. It’s so normal and it’s so okay, right? And that fear could also be driven by some other planet that is activating something in you at this time. So, I think that another thing that carries me personally through challenging periods or challenging experiences is knowing that– And I guess this is the comfort that astrology provides. Not everybody might connect it in this way, but just knowing that it’s a transit and it will pass. You know that phrase, it shall pass?
Jordane: Yeah.
Noush: I connect it to the planets as a way to comfort myself. It’s just a transit, it will move along. This is just a feeling. I don’t need to make any rash decisions or do anything crazy because of how I feel right now because this feeling is not my soul, it’s not who I truly am. It’s this external thing or it’s this situation or it’s this person and it’s my feeling towards that, but that feeling is not me. And detaching from that a little bit is also part of why I really appreciate astrology because it helps me understand that bigger picture of what and how my life is evolving or how it’s guiding me to evolve in some way or move towards a certain path or not. And it’s detaching a little bit from the outcome, but also detaching from that feeling. Even though it’s hard, it’s so, so hard sometimes to detach, but that’s where that comfort comes from in astrology and knowing that this is a transit and it will pass.
Jordane: I love to see a lot of transits as an experience to explore all that it means to be human. Because when I see astrology coming together, it reflects all the different avenues or pathways or shades or almost flavors of what it means to be a human, and so, a certain transit could be happening and I’m like, oh, so this is the part of the human experience, and I think that almost simultaneously allows me to be fully present and slightly detached from it. Not detached in a way that is ignoring, which I don’t think that’s the true sense of the word detached. I know that there are some associations with bringing this together. It allows me to just surrender to it and witness it and also not completely take it on as my own. It’s just a part of this grand giant so multifaceted human experience, which that’s what astrology has largely been for me.
Noush: Yeah. I love, love that you said that because I think detaching can be taken in a few ways and I love that you said astrology is also about witnessing the human experience. And it just makes me think of how astrology is this framework that in a way describes this three-dimensional experience that we are having here in this lifetime. We don’t know what exists beyond this or before this, and we can speculate and create these stories around it, but in this three-dimensional lifetime and journey that we’re on, this astrology for me, I guess, is creating that framework for how to navigate that.
Like you said, I like that you dissected the word detachment because it’s not completely about coming out of your body and not feeling. I guess it’s for me about witnessing the situation, experiencing and feeling it, but knowing that you don’t have to let it wash over you and completely drown you. You are in the driver seat. You can hook your head up out of the water and say, oh, this is just a feeling. I can get back in the water and feel it some more. You don’t let it completely drown you because you can step back and look at that situation or that feeling from a wider lens and ask the question of what is this really about, how did I get here?
What is the pattern of my behavior or of my moods or of my experiences that may have led me to this point? And how can I change something? Or what is this particular situation or relationship trying to teach me? How is it trying to help me evolve in some way towards the highest expression of my Mercury or of my Venus or of my sun or whatever it is that you feel like you’re connecting to at that time or not. What is it just trying to teach me?
Jordane: Yeah. Maybe– Sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off.
Noush: I was pretty much done.
Jordane: I think we really doubt how intuitive and in tune we are in those moments because when we do ask those questions, and we’re not grasping with the mind, for me, anyway, the answers always come. Even if I overlook them, even if I doubt them, they’re always there when I ask the question. And so, I think that’s really beautiful. It’s almost being both the experience and the witness of the experience at the same time. And I love that. Cool.
Well, I realized that I forgot to ask you about this. We spoke about this a little bit on Slack, but I thought it would be cool to do a little giveaway for a live reading. So, we’re still– Not we. Most of it is in the back end still putting together live readings for us, but when they are up, which I think will be soon, I thought it would be cool to do an astrology giveaway with you, a live reading with Noush.
Noush: Cool.
Jordane: Cool. Anyone who is listening, if you enjoyed this. maybe if you can leave a review on Apple Podcast and/or share on Instagram or Facebook this episode or whatever episode that you’ve enjoyed, and we can announce that or whenever we announce that, I’m not going to make any promises because I will just fail with them. Thank you so much for being here. It’s gotten a bit darker on your end, and I don’t want to keep you up too late.
Noush: No. That’s okay. I was completely lost in this conversation in a good way. So, I could keep talking for hours. So, it’s not a problem. But it is getting dark, I guess.
Jordane: Beautiful. Thank you so much for this conversation. I’ve loved it. And I think more than anything, I just wanted to have a space for people to get to witness the human behind the astrology guidance that they receive through Girl and Her Moon and say thank you for just showing up as you.
Noush: Thank you. Thank you for such a beautiful conversation. And I feel, like I said, I was completely lost in it. I completely lost track of time. So, thank you for having me on and giving me that space as well. I really appreciate it, and I appreciate you and everything that Girl and Her Moon provides. Thank you.
Jordane: Thank you so much.
Join us as we:
⊹ Explore our hearts in one-on-one conversations.
⊹ Dive into our oneness with the cosmos through astrology and numerology.
⊹ Explore soul-based systems through which we can understand the world.
From topics like self-worth, creativity, expression, intuition, Soul, coming home to self. To astrology, numerology, tarot, channelling, business, energy, healing, akashic records and more. And topics that are undefinable and ungraspable. Exploring what it means to be alive, to be rooted in both our divinity and humanness, and returning to the space where they are one.
Hosted by Girl and Her Moon’s founder, Jordane Maree, this Podcast is a space to connect, share our experience, and become one for a moment.
There are no expectations here. Only spaciousness and invitations for truth.
At the core of this adventure:
Connection. Vulnerability. Authenticity. Truth. Love. Expansion. Realness.
Where we share from truth, not fear.
Where we witness the innate power in our vulnerability.
Where we take off the masks of expectation, of needing-to-know-it-all, of performance, of abandoning-the-self to fit in.
Where we explore self, and all that we meet as we stumble our way through this beautiful human experience.
Where we value all cycles of being alive. The moments of cracking open, the moments of beautiful bloom, the moments of confusion and doubt, the moments of excitement and clarity.
Where we value the breaking open and the becoming.
All of it is welcome here.
All my love,
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