Natalie Olson is a philosopher, numerologist, spiritual coach and all round magical human.
Together in this episode we explore 2023 through the lens of numerology.
2023 in numerology is an 7 Universal year, the year of the hermit, the mystic, & the realm of spirit.
Together we will explore what that means, how to align with and open to its magic, and uncover how 2022 has been preparing and leading into this spiritual year ahead.
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IG: @numerologychick
Jordane Maree: Hello, Natalie. Welcome back.
Natalie Olson: Hello, Jordane. Thank you so much for having me.
Jordane Maree: It’s my pleasure. The episode that we did together was almost six months ago now, can I just point out how weird that is?
Natalie Olson: That’s crazy.
Jordane Maree: That’s still probably one of my favorite experiences of recording a podcast. And so having you on again, I’m just so thrilled.
Natalie Olson: I know I said this to you before we recorded, but just for your audience too, this relationship that we have, it’s so amazing because I get to just show up and talk to you like a girlfriend about deep spiritual stuff and be authentic and be real. It’s so therapeutic and I just know we’re going to create magic together. I’m legitimately excited just for me and you, for us to riff on this new year because I truly believe that this year is going to be a game changer for us. I really do.
Jordane Maree: Oh, my gosh, that makes me so excited. So, would like you to start, where do you think it would be better to start? One, reviewing this six year that we’re about to finish, or jumping straight into the seven?
Natalie Olson: I want to do a quick review, if that’s okay. I want to do really super start at the beginning for a second for your audience. Is that okay?
Jordane Maree: Yeah, for sure.
Natalie Olson: What I mean by that is, I know that your audience is maybe more familiar with astrology than numerology. Is that true?
Jordane Maree: I would assume.
Natalie Olson: So really quick, I just want to give people my definition of numerology and then segue into the timing cycles that we’re talking about. To me, my belief is that numerology, it’s based on the premise that numbers are the fingerprints of a divine intelligence behind existence. And then that the numbers that are derived from the dates, for instance, can help us decode sort of love notes from the divine about the territory that we’re traversing together. I think that’s so important because sometimes when we think of timing cycles, we think of fortune telling or we think of, this is what’s going to happen in 2023. And for you and I, I come from a belief that we’re in a collaborative relationship with the divine, and so the timing cycles are here to support us, to buoy us, to help us along with whatever it is that was placed on our heart.
That’s so important just because there is this paradigm, I think, that I’m trying to shift in the new age movement of these incredible assets. This incredible wisdom is there, but it’s there so that we can create our best lives with the help of the transcendent. Now I want to just take you guys through the timeline of how we got here collectively to illustrate, I believe, how accurate this work is.
Let’s go back to 2021 really quick. 2021 was this really big shift collectively because it was a five universal year and it was the year of the adventure, and this was where big changes were happening in our lives. So metaphorically, we were in new land and new territory. It’s like we landed on this new lot of land. I know that’s true for me. I literally moved to these islands off the West Coast of the US. But for all of us, it was some big shift in our life, our career. We moved locations or there was just this sense of, I can’t be resigned to stay the same anymore. I’ve got to change things. So that was 2021. New lot of land that we find ourselves on.
Then 2022, last year, was a six universal year and this was the year of the healer. You could also think of this as the year of the gardener. It was like we have this new territory, we have this new foreign land that we’re working with, a new desire, a new thing on our heart and now we have to figure out how to nourish it and tend to it. This was where we put our love into something, our care, our handiwork into something because we want it to bloom and we want it to grow.
I want to stop here for a second because before we then talk about 2023, what’s so important for us to all do together right now is to really get clear on either what we’ve been putting our love into, the thing that we’ve been wanting to grow. Or, this is very important because this was the challenge of 2022, or to really take note of whether we put our love into something that wasn’t ours. Because the lower function of last year, of 2022 was, do we go and meddle in other people’s gardens? Are we going and doing what we think we should do? Are we going and putting our energy into who we think we should be?
And so if at the start of this new year you look back and you’re like, “Well, I was putting my love and my care and my handiwork into something that I don’t like, that wasn’t mine,” that’s really important to just identify and to celebrate that you have that awareness now. Because moving into 2023, we really want to get clear on, wait a minute, what is it that is on my heart? What do I want to create? Because in 2023, it is going to be deepened, it is going to be magnified, and it is going to be time to really align with those things that are true to your heart. So, just review right now is, what is that thing that you’ve been loving, that you’ve been caring for, that’s on your heart that you want to grow, you want to thrive? Are you thinking of that for you right now?
Jordane Maree: Yeah, for sure. For me, it’s not anything tangible, so it’s kind of hard to define. That’s like true Jordane style, totally intangible thing that I’m leaning into, but there’s been some — I love the example you used of a garden because when I think of this year, I think of flowers and I think of roots down into the earth. I think of nourishment, a nourishment that I haven’t been able to give myself before has presented itself this year in a depth that I’ve never ventured into, I didn’t even know existed. What else?
Natalie Olson: I think you’re so intuitively tuned in because the seven, which we’ll talk about in a second, isn’t specific and it’s not about tangibles. It’s usually about non-physical values. So you’re already ahead of the game and that’s actually one of the steps I’m going to take us through later in the episode, is that we really want to connect with the non-physical values behind what we want because that’s what the seven loves, that’s where the power is. I think that that’s really beautiful.
I relate to what you’re saying as well. When I look back over this past year, this was where I was really putting way more time and energy into moving around the puzzle pieces of my life so that I could actually start to engage with and feed what I really want to grow. For me, it was a little bit different and actually, I don’t know if you’ll relate to this or if you have people in your life who maybe had a similar experience, but the six is also the number of the divine mother or the divine father. It’s sort of about family as well, family, domesticity, family life.
This past year was this year where it was also having to grapple with, how can I feed my heart of service while I’m also feeding my domestic, my life as a mom and as a wife? There was all of that in there, but that was prep. That was prep because then when we come into 2023, it’s like we can look back and go, “What did I find out really matters to me? What did I find out I really want to grow and feed?” Can I just roll with this? Can I just keep going? Did you have something else?
Jordane Maree: No, I’m just amazed at everything.
Natalie Olson: Because it’s so important that we don’t stay here forever in the six. I was nerding out on this a lot. It was because there’s this beautiful, elegant wisdom in numerology and it’s the power of sequence. It’s like you can’t have the two without the one. You can’t get to the five without going through the four. And in 2023, we can’t get to the seven, obviously, without going through the six. But if we stay stuck in one of these developmental cycles, we’ll suffer for it. So if we stay stuck in the six where we are saying, it’s my role to be the caregiver, the healer, to be the gardener, who’s mending, healing, putting my love and care into something, if we stay in just the realm of love, this is profound, and we do not move on to the seven, which is the realm of spirit, then what will happen is we will be stuck in the norms and the standards and the limitations of our communities, our families, and our industries.
Because if the six is about community, it’s about wanting the best for your ecosystem, if you do not move into the seven, the hermit, the mystic, the shaman, if you don’t create space from that, you’re never going to be able to move beyond limitations that were set forth before. So much of what we’ve done this past year was really about, like we’ve done hard work of trying to figure out how to take care of ourselves, trying to figure out how to take care of our lives, our dreams, our domestic lives, our passions. But now it is time for us to move into the seven, the year of the mystic, so that we can start to amass spiritual support for our next level. Because the resources that worked in 2022 are not going to feed our garden anymore. So 2023 is the resource of spirit. It’s the resource of the unseen. It’s the resource of solitude and that’s what’s going to allow whatever dream is on our heart, whatever thing we defined earlier that we are wanting so badly to grow, the seven, the spiritual life is, what is the key to that next level of growth?
Jordane Maree: That’s so beautiful. And I just wanted to add a perspective that came to my mind when you were talking about that. If we are trying to stay in that six or any number that we’re moving through, we really miss out on the magic and the invitations that are present in that next number. Because within all of these numbers, within everything, within astrology as well, there’s such depth and potential and magic and just wonder there that we don’t want to miss out on that.
Natalie Olson: No, no. The way that I see it is it’s like these different levels or these different playgrounds. It really is that prompt, that question of, are you open to life being better and better? Are you open to whatever it is that your desire is? Are you open to it having more life, having more space? And that’s what these numbers are about is how can we evolve?
Jordane Maree: That’s so exciting. There’s a part of me, I’m just going to be totally truthful, there’s a part of me that’s already trying to venture off into eight land, the number eight.
Natalie Olson: I so relate to that actually. I had put a note here. Wait, let me scroll down. I had put a note on this. I actually did. I didn’t know, this might drive you guys crazy because if you’re structured, you’re like, “Stay and stick to the plan.” But one of the things that I said is a block to watch out for in 2023 is believing that investing in our spiritual life is unproductive, which I so relate to because I am such an eight. I’m an eight-life path in numerology, you know this. And you actually, Jordane, also have more physical oriented numbers, so physical and service-oriented in your chart as well. You and I both have a propensity to be doers. I actually wrote down this is one of the blocks for us to overcome is do we really believe that this is this physical world of, Newtonian physical world where globs of atoms are just running into each other? Do we really believe that? Or do we believe that there is some magical presence behind the scenes of life?
For some people who are listening, they might be like, “I don’t know,” but I’ll tell you, I know. Well, I know for me. I know for me. There’s been too many synchronicities, too many miracles that have occurred in my life. That’s why I’ve become a spiritual coach is because I know that that presence is there, but it is so easy to be hypnotized by the muggle world, the physical world, and to think that that’s where results lie, that’s where productivity is. To your point, we sometimes want to fast forward to the eight to say, “Well, I need to focus on my goals, achieving my goals, being productive, money, business.” There’s that sense and it’s like wait, you can have all of those things, by the way, in a seven year. All of those things are ours, but they come by virtue of us surrendering and leaning more into our spiritual life than ever before, and less from I am going to set goals and achieve them. That’s so counterintuitive, but it is such a key to success in this year is to develop more of a trust in energy in our lives.
Jordane Maree: I love that you said that because last month, the month before we’re recording this, was a seven universal month and it was also my seven personal month. I mentioned to you before we started that seven is one of the numbers that I feel I haven’t explored a lot within numerology. And so I really took last month as an opportunity to observe how this number presents itself in my reality. And it really was a hermit month. I can’t tell you how my meditation practice, energy work practice, went from half an hour a day to I wanted to be in there forever, as much as I could. And I was enjoying it so much. I was really, really loving it. I don’t know if this came up too much, but I can see this potentially coming up as we step into next year, at least for me anyway.
There’s a voice that comes in and says, “But when are you going to do? When are you going to take action? When are you going to deal with the ‘real world?’?” There’s always this beautiful whisper that comes back and it says, “This is the real world.” It’s this combination of these two coming together, the seen and the unseen, the tangible and the intangible. And we’ve been so focused as a collective on the tangible that I think this is a really beautiful opportunity to go behind the doors a little bit and go to the back end and see where things start and how they move before they come into the physical.
Natalie Olson: I love that so much because I would say my fundamental belief about abundance, prosperity, business success with the seven is that the way the seven generates all of those things or love, whatever it is, it could be any physical thing in your life that you want is via deeper meaning and deeper purpose. I’m bringing that up because deeper meaning and having a deeper sense of meaning, a deeper sense of passion in your life is this intangible currency that so many of us don’t have, but it’s the thing that draws clients and customers to us. It’s the thing that makes us money. It’s the thing that allows us to create beautiful things that have never been created before. It’s basically saying, “This is on my heart for a deep reason, and I’m going to do it. I’m going to own this. I’m going to advocate for this.” And the reason I’m bringing this up is because one of the benefits to the seven, one of the benefits to leaning into our spiritual lives, leaning into the unseen is discovering that intangible catalyzer for why we are motivated to do everything that we’re doing.
And that’s unique to each of us. It’s not just I want to have a career so that I can make money and be seen. No, it’s that you and your chart, Jordane, I mean, we’ve talked about this, but you have a unique purpose and calling as a six life path, as an 11 expression number. There is this currency of energy that’s surging through you and surges into every action that you take and the seven pulls you down into that. The seven, the more that we develop a one-on-one relationship with our spiritual life, the more that we can then finally deepen our awareness of what that thing is that drives us, that wakes us up in the morning, that we want to imbue into everything that we are and everything that we create. So our monkey mind says, “What about the doing?” But the seven is like you do and you don’t keep that as your home, as the place that you jump off from, and anything and everything that you do will be in vain.
If you’re not coming from that deep place of, this is what the universe is calling me to do. This is what matters to me. This is what, I call God the zero, but this is what life has designed me to be and to create. And if we’re not in touch with that, we’re stuck. One of the things that you read in old numerology books is that the seven as a timing cycle is said to be a time when you discover your calling. And it’s because you can only discover your calling when you quiet down enough to finally listen to the whispers of the universe, the whispers of your soul. And I know we’re going everywhere, but this is just the perfect segue into one of my first tips for people to make this the best year of their life.
So my first tip, to leverage the energy of the seven and it’s right with what we’re talking about, is you need to unplug. You have to unplug from the noise. You have to quiet the noise and strip away the extraneous noise in your life because you won’t hear the whispers of your deeper calling. You won’t hear that against the grain idea that’s wanting to come through you. You won’t hear it because you’ll be stuck in the six, the chatter, the clatter of the ecosystem, the community around you. Does that make sense?
Jordane Maree: For sure.
Natalie Olson: I have this way of thinking about this, about extraneous noise. Imagine that you or I were followed around by a radio journalist with one of those tape recorders, and they were wanting to get sound bites for a segment on Jordane, for instance. They’re like, “Okay, we’re going to do a segment on Jordane on…,” here in the States it’s called NPR, National Public Radio. But anyway, so he’s recording you, the day in the life of Jordane, but it’s just radio. What would he hear? What would be the sound bites that he would have of what it is that is in your life and around your life? And so would it be the flipping of a book, or would it be TikTok reels?
Jordane Maree: Depends what day it is.
Natalie Olson: Me too. It’s like would it be the TV news in the background talking about impending war, or would it be you talking to your spouse, your partner, your girlfriend about this deep, beautiful thing on your heart? Unplugging is really about unplugging from the noise, the chatter, the things that don’t align with your values, that don’t align with the deeper things that you’re wanting to create in your life.
It’s confronting even for me when I think about it. If I had a radio journalist following me around, my gosh, there’d be a lot of Disney Plus in the background with my toddler. Oh, my gosh, there’d be a lot of that. There’d be a lot of talking to my girlfriends about some of this stuff is deep, but some of it isn’t and that’s okay. But it’s interesting, it would be a lot of Instagram, to be honest. So the unplugging step is to really identify, we want to create a vacuum in a seven year, we want to create a vacuum and so we want to identify, where can we just unplug a little bit from noise so that we can create space? So we can carve out a little space in our lives to tap into this deeper meaning that is wanting to speak to us.
And that you’re going to hear me keep coming back to this, that the seven is about deeper meaning or deeper purpose, the calling on our heart and usually, it is unusual. It’s eccentric. It always is with the seven. If you have a seven in your chart, sevens are eccentric. They’re the ones that are talking about Bigfoot, for real, they’re those kinds of people, but it’s that’s the energy of the seven. Is I’m interested in things that are unusual, that are different. I’m willing to go places in thought that other people aren’t willing to go. So for all of us, we are all being called in an unusual direction to some degree. And to be able to hear the whispers of these unique callings that we have, the unique pathways that we need to walk down to manifest the thing that’s on our heart, we have to have a little bit more solitude. I do want to say that when you told me that you were doing an hour of meditation, Jordane, oh my God. I’m a spiritual coach and that makes me want to dry heave. I’m just oh, I can’t.
Jordane Maree: I know. It totally shocked me as well. It was all I wanted to do though.
Natalie Olson: And that’s good. So it might be that there might be some people that will feel that hunger and I’d say honor that, but we’re not talking about having to have a spiritual practice that’s rigid and intense. It’s just about leaning a little bit more in this direction of solitude, of quiet. Even if it’s just carving out a little time to do this 10 minutes before bed or 15 minutes when we wake up in the morning.
Jordane Maree: Just speaking on my experience with the seven that you mentioned, this was something that I wanted to ask you before. I’m hoping that it’s related because it could just be something else happening in my life, but last month it felt a key word would be learning, hunger to learn. I feel like I am someone who always has a hunger to learn, but it really got turned up to the point where it was, I want to know everything and there’s not enough time. I can’t take in all of this stuff quick enough because I just want to know everything. And when I say everything, it’s more of wanting to unveil the unseen, the mysteries so I can just soak in them, just be in them. I was going to say life makes a little more sense, but I don’t know if that’s exactly it. Just being able to see more of the layers of life. Is this making sense? Because I’m not sure.
Natalie Olson: It’s totally making sense and it’s astounding to me that that’s what’s coming up because I literally have step one unplug, I can’t believe this, and then step two, prioritize curating a relationship to passions, hobbies, or deeper interests because the seven is associated with deeper learning. This is why. So this is the year of the mystic. The mystic or the, you could call it the seeker really is wanting to understand where we came from and understand and dedicate themselves to making a firsthand connection with source. And that’s the source of knowledge as well. Like where did that come from? Let me dip into the books or the articles or the different realms of study that are going to help me tap in to that deeper truth, that deeper knowledge. I’ve got goosebumps. You just had a micro cause and experience that I think will be all of us in 2023 is that, yes, we will have more of a hunger if we’re tuned in to unplugging, but then we’re also going to have more of a hunger to seek out these unique passions and interests and curiosities. Now, I do have something to say here about — What did you say? You said it was almost you wanted to learn it all, is that how it felt?
Jordane Maree: Yeah, which is impossible.
Natalie Olson: It is and actually, one of the things I work on with my private clients that are sevens is actually just that. It’s that one of their actual biggest blocks to next level success is that their hunger is so great that they go in a million different directions, and it’s almost like it’s consuming. So this is actually why that little thing that we did earlier in the episode is so important is, it’s so important to really, before we dive into the seven, to get really clear about what it is that’s on our heart to create.
For people that follow my podcast, it’s so annoying how much I bring this up, but I will bring it up constantly. It’s like, “Okay, before we talk about this number, let’s talk about what you want.” But I think it’s because, again, going back to we’re in a collaborative relationship with the divine, and we’ve been given this incredible gift of free will to create what’s on our heart. That’s why unplug is the first step is so that we can listen to the whispers first. We can listen to ourself first. If we don’t do that, then we can go in a million different directions.
The way that I think of it is it’s like the infinite mind, God, is this infinite GPS system and we can put in any location. And when we put in that location, it’ll be like ding and it’ll give us the breadcrumbs to get there. It’ll say, “Read this book,” or, “Study this thing,” especially in 2023. That’s the currency. It’s knowledge, solitude, deeper meaning, but if we don’t put anything into the GPS, then what ends up happening is our car short circuits. And we can just become one of those people that is studying and researching until the sun goes down and being stuck in that.
So what we want to do is just make sure we are really clear. What is it that I’m wanting to craft and create? What is on my heart in 2023? And to presence that so that then when we move on to step two, we’ve unplugged, we’ve removed some noise from our life, so we have a little bit of extra space. So then we can move into, where am I guided to go in regards to passions, hobbies, realms of study that are actually breadcrumbs of inspiration for this thing that I have shared with life?
Jordane Maree: I love that. I didn’t know if this is relevant or not. Is there a moment when you’re getting close to the transition, the new timing cycle that it kind of seeps in a bit?
Natalie Olson: I would say, I mean, if you have a seven in your chart, it might actually be more intense sooner, but for the rest of us that don’t have a seven in our chart, I would say sometimes it’s felt three months before the onset of the new year. But the fact that you, for instance, had this, your own personal timing cycles that had the seven, that’s also going to increase that intensity.
Jordane Maree: Fair enough. I think that I keep thinking, and this is something that I feel like I’m hopping on a lot about lately, is we’re talking about unplugging. I feel like there are many different layers of depth when it comes to unplugging. One that we’re mentioning a lot is literally unplugging from the actual noise around us. And it’s interesting that we’re mentioning social media because I’m curious to see if people are honoring their own callings and directions, I’m interested to see how our relationship to social media will begin to shift. Because if we think about, we’re talking about community in that six year, a big part of that in these days is social media. That is for a lot of us, it brings us a sense of community being tapped in and connected to all these people in these little online communities around us. So I’m interested to see when we’re honoring our own movement and flow, how our relationship to social media will change. This is a totally different direction, but that can be difficult considering all of the hormones firing in our brains on social media.
But another thing, I think another layer of depth with that is really learning to discern what energy, what emotions, what thoughts are in your space that are not yours because to disconnect — I’m trying to think of a grounded example. If we think of the business world, it can be so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, and even on a less obvious level than that, it’s easy to get caught up in the general thought pattern or collective beliefs around business. I feel like another example would be parenting as well. And so unplugging even energetically, if you literally just come into a calm, connected space and just imagine yourself unplugging from all these collective thought forms or whatever it might be, I think that that is something that will be really, really helpful. And to me, that has been the golden key in learning to understand my own direction.
Natalie Olson: I just I want to say ditto to all of that because I’ll be really vulnerable here. I would say one of my personal biggest blocks that I’m very conscious of in terms of my own success, and when I say success, I’m not just talking about revenue in my business, I’m talking about the actual joy of creation. Does that make sense? Creating from that place of joy. My biggest block has been consuming too much content or being too much too involved in the noise so that I am actually, instead of embodying the true spirit of a poet. Poets used to have a pad of paper that they would take to the beach and they’d talk to God, or they would see the divine in a face of a child. So instead of embodying that true essence of being a poet, what would be the opposite of that? When I go onto social media where I am consuming content, I’m opening up my consciousness to that constant chatter and noise. It’s like I am a consumer. I’m not a poet. I’m just consuming. So I really relate to that.
And you know what I was thinking when you were talking is, one of the archetypes, one of the names for the seven is a shaman. And for people who don’t know what shamans are, shamans were an indigenous tribe. They are the individuals who would break away from the tribe, that’s the six, and they would go off up on the mountaintop and just commune with nature, commune with the divine and receive truths or wisdoms that would then help the tribe.
Well, what would these shamans have people do? I’m talking about before social media, I’m talking about the jungle people, even back then, they would have people go on vision quests. Why? Why would they have people go on vision quests? Why couldn’t somebody find their purpose in the tribe sitting around the fire? Because they understood, they knew that the only person that is privy to who you are here to be and what you’re here to do is you and your creator. And that is a unique and one of a kind, never to be replicated algorithm and only you can access that. So they would send somebody.
And when I first read this about vision quests, it gave me so much anxiety. Can you imagine, at least for me now, where you’re just plucked from your tent and you are just thrown out into the wilderness? And for three, four days and nights, you’re alone in the wilderness and you just have to basically listen to the whispers of the forest and listen to what it says to you. So that’s what we’re talking about here is about creating a dynamic where maybe we’re not going on a literal vision quest, but we’re at least gently breaking that addiction to the constant noise. And I actually, I have a really powerful story to share with you. Can I share with you a story?
Jordane Maree: Yes, please.
Natalie Olson: Do you know who Joseph Campbell is?
Jordane Maree: Yes.
Natalie Olson: For people who are listening, he was a very famous American writer and mythologist, and in numerology, he was a seven life path. So he wrote the book, A Hero with a Thousand Faces. Star Wars is based on his work. Amazing dude. So I want to tell you about his story because he’s a seven life path, but because it also illustrates that when we’re working with the seven, one of the things it teaches is that you have something unique to be and to create. And you often can only access the authenticity and integrity of that when you break away from the noise.
So he was a very educated man who went to Columbia University. And I think it was in the 1920s, he went to university and said he wanted to focus his graduate studies on Sanskrit and modern arts in addition to medieval literature. The faculty was like, “You’re crazy. We’re not going to approve this. That’s so bizarre and weird.” Again, 1920s, 1930s. So Campbell withdrew and he ended up sort of having a crisis, I guess you could say, he ended up spending the next five years living in this shack in the forest in upstate New York.
What’s so incredible about this is that he said that he engaged in intensive and rigorous study, independent study he specified. Not with teachers, not with people telling him what books to read. And he said he would get nine hours of reading done a day and this went on for five years straight. But it was during that time of unplugging from the institution of the college, it was unplugging from the noise of what everybody was saying around him that he was able to read these books. And that was where he started to craft his life’s work that became, The Hero’s Journey. His work, which is now he’s famous for, was because he allowed himself to read what he wanted to read, to be guided by the thoughts that he wanted to entertain. And that by doing so, he was able to tap into being the mystic, being the shaman, being somebody who is delivering truths, wisdoms, and insights that are unconventional, unusual, dare I say eccentric, and bring them back to the tribe and help other people access deeper meaning.
And so what an incredible example of what you’re speaking to, Jordane, of how these are extremes, but they’re great examples within polarity of how deficient we are in having our own spiritual leadership, having our own connection to our inner voice, to the creative works that we feel guided to do. We’re so deficient in that because our lives are now structured to be consumed by the thoughts, beliefs, opinions of others. It’s really creepy actually when you think about it. I think we’ve all talked about this. It’s literally looking in the window of other people’s houses, social media, it’s so creepy. It’s so weird. I do it, but it’s just weird.
I grew up not in this time. I grew up like you would only know what was going on in the lives of your friends and family and even that you didn’t hear all of their opinions all the time. But to your point, it is an addiction that, should we have the bravery and the courage to chip away at it, to unplug a little bit more, 2023 will be one of the best years of our lives. It won’t just be the best year of our lives in terms of being supported, in terms of getting the guidance that we need to craft what it is that we want, but I’m telling you, this is a superpower in the world that it is so not embodied. That if we, the audience, do this, we are going to become change makers. We are going to make a huge difference and we will become these rare and precious metals in the world, more magnetic, more impactful, more influential if we want to be.
Jordane Maree: This is all so beautiful. I really, really like something that you said, which was spiritual leadership for the self-first. I also really loved the example of the poet that you used and seeing divinity in the face of a child. If we kind of marry those two together, I think there’s a really beautiful invitation to discover and cultivate our own connection to meaning of spirituality, of even broader than that, of life.
And sure, teachers will come, the books will come, but I think there’s something really meaningful and just something really magic in discovering your own theories, your own cosmology, your own philosophies. You mentioned the shaman who goes away and is in nature and I would gather at that point in time, a lot of the teachings and discoveries that are coming to them are literally from nature. And so we can consume all the information we want and yes, the right information, teachers, books, whatever will come because we’re in such a resourceful time in reality where there’s, oh my God, it excites me how much information there is available. But at the same time, I think that most of it will most likely be found in that silence, in that seeing divinity in nature, in that mundane almost.
Natalie Olson: That’s so good. I’ve got two things I want to say to that. Going back to when we want to consume all the things, I think it’s such a great thing that you brought also in that we are now in a time when we have access to unlimited information and education through the internet. It’s bizarre that we have access to more than ever before and yet we are not embodied. We are not really, so many of us are not applying that knowledge. I think that there is a massive deficiency in deeper meaning and us being connected and tuned into our deeper meaning. And so I think that, that is sort of another way to look at how important spiritual leadership in our own lives is, is this isn’t about learning or knowing. This is about being guided to the information that is going to help us be who we’re here to be and do what we’re here to do.
Then, you were saying crafting, I feel you were starting to touch upon this third step that I wanted to share, so it’s perfect. Step number one, unplug, carve out solitude. Step two, prioritize your relationship to your interesting and eccentric passions, curiosities, hobbies. But step three is develop a spiritual practice that works for you or seek support and guidance and approval from your own version of spiritual life. I think what’s so important here is we all have our own way to get there and I think that’s hard for people that might be listening because they might be like, “Well, how do I do that?” But I just love that you’re honoring that we each might have our own way to access that.
I guess the way that I see it is, our spiritual life is where we’re connecting to the unseen. And if the unseen, if that bigger and greater energy is nature, then let it be nature. If that bigger and greater energy is God, let it be God. If it’s life, it’s life force energy, whatever it is. But this is really about allowing that part of your life to be a resource, to be where you get courage from. What’s so important is that to be able to pursue, like Joseph Campbell did, your unique curiosities, you have to have a spiritual life.
There might be people that disagree with me on this, but this is one of the lessons of 2023 is, the way that your garden is going to grow is it has to have deeper roots to reach up to the sky. The way that your desires are going to manifest at the next level is if you have a connection to something bigger and greater than you, because unfortunately what tends to happen on our journey is that we are going to doubt ourselves or other people are going to doubt us in this physical world.
And the seven, one of the things I wanted to go back to and talk about with Joseph Campbell, the reason I was also utilizing that story was because the dreams that again are going to come up for us in 2023 are unusual and different. They’re different from our friend group. They’re different from our family lineage. They’re different from our industry that we’re in. I really want people to hear this. So yes, pursue those unique and interesting curiosities that you have because they’re here to allow you to be more impactful, more influential in your own life to help you with your desires. But you cannot manifest them as easily, you cannot sustain them without that spiritual life because you will run in to people who are going to doubt you and life doesn’t doubt you.
The universe doesn’t doubt you. I believe it is this infinite field of energy that’s like, “You want to do this? You want to program this into the GPS? Let’s go. Let’s do it.” And so when we speak of being the mystic, again, we’re speaking of developing a one-on-one relationship to the unseen so that you can go places you haven’t gone before, so that when a windstorm comes by in that garden, that beautiful plant that you’ve been growing doesn’t topple over.
And I’ll say, I have two daughters. One is four and one is 19, but I think about this a lot for them is, I think we’ve lost grit and we’ve lost resilience because we don’t have spiritual leadership in our own lives, because we don’t have a connection to our spiritual lives. It breaks my heart how people give up more. They give up on themselves. They give up on their dreams more because they don’t have a relationship to the infinite. They don’t have a relationship to that realm where anything is possible. They don’t receive messages and guidance from something that isn’t human and humans have limitations. Your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your teacher, any human, even clients that come to me and I’m their spiritual coach, I don’t have the answers. You do. And so it breaks my heart that because we don’t have the seven in our lives, we don’t have that solitude, we don’t have that connection to our unique deeper meaning and our unique cosmic best friend, we crumble under the pressure and the weight of the noise, of other people’s thoughts, opinions, et cetera.
So step three, developing a spiritual practice that works for you is like a currency of magic. It’s so important. And remember, before we started recording, I said that you are already an expert at the seven and you just don’t know it because I don’t know if people that are listening they don’t – I mean, they’ve listened to your previous episodes before, but Jordane, you are a spiritually devoted person and this is natural to you. Do you agree with that?
Jordane Maree: Yeah. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be in this energy because it feels like it’s just exactly what I want.
Natalie Olson: It’s your home, isn’t it?
Jordane Maree: Yeah.
Natalie Olson: So let me ask you a question because I actually feel you are an expert at this, developing a spiritual practice that works for you, what would be your advice to people who that doesn’t come naturally to them?
Jordane Maree: I actually just put out a post. I think it went out yesterday. Everything’s scheduled, so I don’t fully know, but I think something went out yesterday or today. That will be irrelevant because this podcast isn’t going out today, but recently a post went out on Instagram expressing my ponderings on structured practices. And this could go in so many directions, but I think that having a practice to start with isn’t like a meditation practice. If you want to do some energy work and work with your aura, or connecting to your child, whatever it might be, I don’t think that is the center of it. I don’t think that is where the magic is. I think that is a doorway into greater presence with the moment. And when you’re really rooted in that present moment, that’s when you’re guided to do something completely different and new. You’re suddenly doing this weird practice thing and you’re like, “What the hell is this?” But the practice is a doorway into your own medicine. Yesterday, for example, I really wanted to sit down and do this meditation. Let me just take a few steps back.
In October, that was my seven personal year, there were these two meditations and I actually shared them on the last podcast that went out. I shared one of them, excuse me, that I did every single day and I was like, “This is just the greatest thing in the world.” I loved it so much. November started and I was like, “Okay, I’m done.” But anyway, it was immediate, which actually leads me to another point, which is your practice, I think, should change with you, but anyway.
Yesterday, I was like, “I kind of want to do that practice,” and so that meditation and so I sat down and did it and I was like, “That was really great.” Now, all I want to do is clear out my office. I was like, “I just need to get rid of some stuff. There’s a lot in here that I’m not honoring, that I’m not touching, looking at and I can –“ on a subtle level, you can feel that in your field, you can feel that clutter. And so I think that’s a really great example that the practice is a doorway into the present moment. The present moment is where you will find your medicine.
Natalie Olson: God, that’s so good, Jordane. I was even just thinking about something recently that happened for me. So just for people to get a bird’s eye view of what my spiritual practice is and it’s interesting we’re having this conversation because it’s flexible, so I think that’s really fascinating. I think people think that it might be regimented where you meditate for 15 minutes and you do this and you do that. My practice is really flexible and so basically, it’s just taking time out in the morning that’s my favorite time to connect with, I call it the zero because I’m a numerologist, to connect with the zero, the infinite mind, my creator. So I take time out and I just share what’s on my heart. I might journal. I might meditate a little bit. It’s almost like I pick from my tool bag with whatever feels good. Sometimes it’s praying. Sometimes I will pray and praying meaning I’m asking for help. I’m saying, “This is what’s on my heart. This is the challenge that I’m facing. Please help me. Please guide me.” Sometimes I’m guided to do a visualization. I crave, okay, I’ll say it in a different way, sometimes I crave to do a visualization, but anyway.
This particular morning, I just felt like I wanted to journal, I just wanted to pray and that was it. I didn’t feel the craving to meditate. I didn’t feel the craving to do anything productive. It was just a request. It was please guide me, please help me. And then this weird, in the five minutes after I got up, this weird insight came to me and it was, “You need to cancel your gym membership,” and I’m like, “What? Why would I cancel my gym membership?” It was just a thought. It was just a thought of, “Cancel your gym membership.” And I realized that for me, what was coming up was — I do a lot of weightlifting. I’ve always loved weightlifting. I love it so much, but I’ve just been craving and needing more yoga, more calm like meditative movement practices. And I don’t think that I would have received that insight, which I believe is going to help my body — I believe that it’s actually an answer to my prayer of I want to feel more healthy, I want to feel more vital, I want to feel more youthful, all of these intentions that I’ve had. I don’t believe I would have accessed that if I didn’t just have time to unplug from all of the noise and to just listen, to listen. To just do that little thing between me and my cosmic best friend, just have that little check-in to say, “I’m the spiritual leader of my own life. There’s a bigger and greater presence that’s responding to me and I’m going to receive guidance and breadcrumbs on making my desires real.” And so that was a random, it was a random thing, but it felt like magic.
Jordane Maree: I love that. I love that you’re saying breadcrumbs as well because that really speaks to the surrender and the trust needed. You’re not given the entire loaf of bread. You’re given these tiny little crumbs and you don’t know where the next one’s going to be and you can’t reach the next one until you reach the first one as well. It’s so much about trust and mystery.
Natalie Olson: It is and I think you’re touching upon another thing that’s so important for people to understand about spirituality or the spiritual practice is that, people think it’s going to be a burning bush moment. For instance, I’ll give another example. Years ago, I had a request and so in the morning, my deep heartfelt request was, “Please, universe, please, zero, show me how I can help people.” I was feeling so lost in my career, I was feeling so lost in my profession and I was like, “How do I help people? What is the thing that I should be doing and leaning into to be of service in the world?” And so I just kept on praying and praying and praying and asking, and I was getting so frustrated because I was thinking that the answer was going to come to me in this big sledgehammer moment.
Jordane Maree: We always do.
Natalie Olson: Like here’s the piece of paper, with a vision of a piece of paper with my new title and the marketing, whatever I was thinking, I was thinking it was going to be this fully baked thing. When I finally got it, I was getting these little breadcrumbs. It wasn’t a burning bush moment. I mean, it was. It’s like I tell clients, “The burning bush moment was that little nudge that you got when you were in the shower, that was the burning bush moment.” But for me, it was just this little nudge of, “Cancel this contract. Cancel, stop doing this partnership. Start leaning in this direction. Here’s the next piece that you’re going to create that represents who you really are and your real purpose.” It was literally just the next piece I was going to create. Does that make sense?
Jordane Maree: It makes perfect sense and again, this is another thing that I shared a little bit about on the last episode, but I don’t know how much I’ve shared with you actually. The way Girl and Her Moon started, it wasn’t a huge come to Jesus moment either, it was I want to start an Instagram page to just share my thoughts. Then, from there, the next step was I want to start writing in longer format, so I’m going to start a blog. And then it was just these small steps, and when I was taking those steps, I didn’t see at the time the significance of them, but I mean, looking back, they were huge and I wouldn’t be here without them.
Natalie Olson: It gives me goosebumps. Well, it does because God, I used to be an atheist. When I was really young, I went to Catholic school for 10 years and I was done. After Catholic school, I was like, “I’m not religious,” nothing, but it’s so weird to now be the kind of woman who I’m a woman of faith. And when you share that with me, I’m like people don’t even know it, but prayers are answered, our prayers are answered, but they’re answered in ways that we haven’t yet, many of us haven’t yet learned how to have the eyes to see them or the ears to hear.
Jordane Maree: And I feel that’s what the seven is inviting us into. I feel like it’s a fine tuning of our senses. I’m thinking of the sixth sense almost, it’s fine tuning that so we’re aware of so much more. Again, unveiling that unseen so we can come into deeper communion with it.
Natalie Olson: One of my favorite representations of the seven from cinema is Toto from Wizard of Oz. Did you ever see Wizard of Oz?
Jordane Maree: I actually haven’t, which is kind of bizarre.
Natalie Olson: In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy comes to the Emerald City and there’s the big wizard that everybody is scared of. It’s like he’s this big voice and there’s fire coming out from the ground and her little dog, Toto, which represents our intuition because animals just feel. They just know things. He sniffs around and he goes over and he finds the man behind the curtain. He pulls the curtain back and actually the wizard, the all-powerful wizard was this little man, and he was just basically using these little things to make the fire and having this projector of his voice. I really feel like Toto is a perfect expression of the seven because the seven is about the understructure, the things that are going on behind the scenes that are actually the source of it all, but that we can’t see them. And actually, another little nerdy kind of fact, numerology is not just like the seven means this just because I said so, it’s based on sacred mathematics and ancient geometry.
The reason why the ancients always coined the seven as being the number of the mystical is because when they looked for seven in nature, they only found seven in things that were vibratory. So like the seven notes of a musical scale, the seven colors of a rainbow. It’s things that aren’t tangible like physical and yet they nonetheless exist. And so that is what the seven is calling us into. It’s calling us into unplugging from the things that actually aren’t real, that aren’t relevant, that aren’t aligned with what it is that is really that deeper meaning.
Pursue the avenues that really represent our true hungry heart, our eccentric curiosities and passions, and prioritize our connection to the unseen, to actually listen to it like it’s a best friend. Because it’s not just about unplugging, it’s not just about meditating and this is a really big key, it’s a collaborative relationship. Meditating is listening, but I believe a spiritual practice is also communicating and receiving and that’s what you’re speaking to, you received. You got that idea to start the Instagram. You received it and you acted on it. It’s like it is a collaborative relationship. And so I don’t know if I should plug this now, but I want it. Can I plug the membership?
Jordane Maree: Yes.
Natalie Olson: I’m going to be offering up a workshop within the Girl in Her Moon membership to basically help leverage the energy of 2023. And I’m going to be doing a workshop on how to awaken your spirituality with the zero in numerology, which is a doorway. It’s a doorway to develop an authentic, collaborative, communicative relationship with the divine. It’s not just about unplugging, It’s not just about feeling the presence of something, but it’s actually developing that trust that it’s there, that it’s listening, it’s responding, and being able to receive the guidance that you need for the dreams that are on your heart.
I cannot wait to share this because it’s basically 10 years of experience with my own spiritual practice and working with clients, and I’m just going to be pulling out the top things that have really worked for me and the people that I’ve worked with. To not just have a relationship to the spiritual, but to do something with it. And that’s the eight in my chart, but it’s let’s do something with it, let’s create something with it.
Jordane Maree: That was so beautiful. I had so many directions come up when you were speaking. First, actually, I just wanted to commend you on your incredible examples. You always come up with the best examples to connect to a concept with greater depth. You really do. They’re great. And my mind took me to something that I wrote a little while ago and it went something like within nothingness sits everything. And so it’s not just about unplugging into that nothingness, it’s about collaborating with that everything that sits in that nothingness that we can then use as that fuel to go forth and create.
Natalie Olson: I’m going to say something that I’m self-conscious about saying, but I’m going to say. I’m going to pretend it’s just you and I. When I first went to college, I majored in religious studies and philosophy for a short time. I didn’t earn a degree, but I remember when I was studying all of the world religions, the one that I had the least affinity with was Buddhism.
Jordane Maree: I thought you were going to say that.
Natalie Olson: Did you?
Jordane Maree: Yeah.
Natalie Olson: Listen, I love Buddhism. Buddhism is amazing and I have such a deep respect for it and I know that I’ll be learning more from that tradition as time goes on, but I’ll tell you why. The emphasis on emptying the mind and just sitting in the meditation and that that was their version of nirvana, and this is me showcasing perhaps my still spiritual immaturity. But it was like there was something intuitively that I was like, “There’s something missing here for me. There’s something missing here for me.” And it was what you were speaking to, I think, which is that meditation is an absolute skill to generate of unplugging, of being less attached to this so that we can dive in to that limitless state. But for me, I see a deep spiritual practice. The greatest mystical experiences that I’ve had has been when there is a communication.
Jordane Maree: Me too.
Natalie Olson: And that’s where the most enrichment and empowerment and peace and serenity that I’ve ever experienced has come from. Is by communicating with that energy, being in that realm of the void or that realm of nothingness. It was just what sometimes what we experience when we’re diving into the spiritual, but being in there and actually feeling that there is an energy responding to us. In the workshop, I’m going to share one of my most favorite magical stories of how I manifested my husband, so I’ll save it for that workshop. But I have so many stories that they just draw tears to my eyes.
I’ve made it a part of my life’s work and a part of my mission to help other people know and understand that that presence is there. That we can, not just empty our minds and dive into that realm of infinite imagination and creativity and all of the beautiful things, but that we can create something there. That we can craft and sculpt our lives from that place. So I love that you shared that.
Jordane Maree: I feel like based on what you’re saying, for me, anyway, I think journaling will be something that will really, really be a theme of next year.
Natalie Olson: Spot on. Journaling, even visualizations, prayer. And actually what’s really funny is a lot of the sevens that I’ve worked with, they’ll say, “I can’t meditate. Sorry, I’ve tried to meditate,” because the seven is such a hungry mind, so it needs something to kind of do. And so I think that’s also a great extra layer to add here is that, again, your spiritual life can just simply mean that you have a bit of a sacred space where you connect to your own energy, your own desires, and your own requests. And be open to receive guidance not from humans, but from some other realm. Although, humans can be the messengers.
Jordane Maree: My goodness, I can’t tell you how excited I am for the next year. I really do feel as if the seven energy has been slowly coming in and I can’t tell you how much I freaking love it. I’m so happy here. It’s so fun. I’m so excited. Wow!
Natalie Olson: The way that I’m picturing it, because I’m feeling it too, you know what I picture? Like this oasis. It’s this oasis that’s just blush and quiet and private and safe and sacred. It’s like a refuge. It’s like this refuge and it’s so empowering to know that this is available to us and to know that this is actually where the miracles are. To almost for me have that extra layer of permission that, let’s do this experiment and see what happens.
When we embody the mystic more and we prioritize wizard magic kind of stuff in our life more, let’s give ourselves permission to do that and do an experiment to see what happens. What numerology teaches is that what happens is deeper meaning and deeper purpose, grit and resilience to not give up on your dreams. The realization and materialization of things that are deeper and more profound than what you could have conjured up yourself. What are some of the other things I wrote down? We’ve talked about finding your calling. Oh, we didn’t talk about this. More rest than ever before and peace and contentment because when you know that there is a bigger and greater energy that’s responding to you, that’s guiding you, that believes in you, you can rest more.
Jordane Maree: Something that I was thinking, I think quite a bit earlier on when you were talking about greater resilience, I was also thinking, which you’ve now touched on I think, greater trust in yourself. And it’s this, you know that you’re not alone. You’ve got everything around you that you can see that you might feel separate from. And that’s when we can really begin to doubt or question or feel that aloneness or feel like everything’s on our shoulders because we have that. We’re in that realm of separation. I’m separate from you, I’m separate from money, I’m separate from food, whatever, but when we dip into the seven — I think I kind of lost my train of thought here and went somewhere else, but it’s this communion with, I’m not alone in this. There’s a whole other world that I can’t see that I, from my perspective, every movement that it makes is in support of me. How could I possibly feel alone and I need to hold the world on my shoulders when there’s a whole universe that is like, “Here you go, here you go, here you go. I’m holding you. I’m supporting you. I’m loving you in every way that I can,”?
The more that you open your eyes to that, which I think we said the seven is something that’s going to help us do, the more that we can have awareness of that, the more we’re going to be able to trust and the more we’re going to be able to lean into that rest because we’re not going to be running around thinking that we need to manage, control, do, overanalyze everything.
Natalie Olson: I want to go back in my notes because you just said something and it brought up — Where is it? Oh shoot, I’m not going to find it. But I remember there was something that I wrote down that I really wanted to share and it was just in alignment with what you were talking about. Oh well, I guess it’s not meant to be.
Jordane Maree: You’re welcome to take your time if you do want to find it. Can I just say this stillness right now, I feel like we’re embodying the message of this episode.
Natalie Olson: Yes, and it’s so the seven. Let’s just let this be here while I go through my notes. Or maybe that’s what it was for. That’s so weird. Okay.
Jordane Maree: I feel like there’s so much goodness in this spaciousness right now. There’s this sense of learning to become friends and to become comfortable in that spaciousness, in that silence, in that not knowing which is kind of the opposite direction of where so many of us have been taught to go.
Natalie Olson: It’s even just having that moment of silence, how uncomfortable that is for me, and yet it’s just, it’s so full, that silence is so full, that spaciousness.
Jordane Maree: If we go back a little bit when we were talking about a practice, can I actually share with you? Some of the most profound moments that I’ve experienced with myself is when I have no idea what to do. I wake up in the morning and I’m just like, “I don’t want to do this normal thing. I don’t want to go to my, a checklist of let’s tick off, I’m being spiritual today or self-care.” You know what I mean? For me there’s a part of my office that is sacred space. I’ll just come in and I’ll just sit there or I’ll just lie down. And then it’s within that not knowing, within that spaciousness, within that silence that then you’re guided into experiencing something so much more profound than if you’re just on autopilot and you’re ticking off that list.
Natalie Olson: So two things. You just reminded me of the note that I was looking for, so that’s pretty funny. But isn’t it interesting that, when I look back on the most spiritually profound moments of my life, they were when I didn’t know what to do. And going back to what you talked about earlier about our instinct to do is that, it’s in the not doing that we are finally bolstered and buoyed by this presence, that we finally receive the revelations that we need to. I would say that a huge portion of my clients, maybe like 80% of my clients come to me because they’re in that moment that you’re talking about of like, “I don’t know what to do.” And it could be like you’re just talking about, it could be just a little micro moment of, “I don’t really know what to do with my mood, I don’t really know what to do with this business thing next week.” But also it can be about those bigger things like, “I don’t know what to do about this relationship,” or, “I don’t know what to do about this depression,” or, “I don’t know what to do about who I am here to be or the direction I’m meant to go in.”
It’s in those moments that people finally awaken, potentially awaken to the relationship that will change their lives, that will allow them to create the thing that they haven’t yet been able to create. And also the relationship that, this is kind of morbid, but I think about this every night, Jordane. You can tell me if this is weird. Every night I go to bed, every night, I’m not even kidding, I sometimes wonder if there’s something psychologically wrong with me. But every night I always wonder what it’s going to be like to die, right before. I’m always like, what is it going to be like to be on my deathbed? I’m always thinking about that. And the reason I’m bringing that up is, what always comes up for me is, I just want to have a relationship to my home, to my cosmic home because that’s all that I’m going to want when I’m on my deathbed. That and my beautiful loved ones with me, but those moments when we’re going to drift off back home, I want to have a relationship to that.
So many of my clients come to me in these big moments in their life when they’re like, “I’m ready to make my life better, I’m ready to have clarity, I’m ready to move to that next level, but I don’t know what to do. I have tried it. I have consulted, I have talked to everybody, I’ve done everything I can to figure it out and I don’t know what to do,” and that is the seven. That’s what we’ve been talking about here. It’s like you don’t know what you’re supposed to do because you are being asked to then, now that you’re backed into a corner, finally turn in the direction where the next level miracles come from.
The note that I wanted to share was, you were saying we’re not alone and that really hit me because when I was younger, I really believed that I was alone. Again, it’s in the darkest moments that for me, that presence emerged. Now it didn’t emerge for me in a way that it might for others. I always imagined for others, it’s this loving presence or some people have visions or, like I never was like that. But for me, I was going through a really painful divorce and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to financially support my daughter who at the time was 13 years old.
We were in a toy store and she was looking at something that she wanted to buy. And the thought went through my mind, “I don’t know if I can afford to buy that for her.” I don’t know if I have the capacity and the capability as a mother to buy that. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to financially support her. And obviously, divorce is really stressful and really challenging, but this was also just a very, it was a very challenging one. It was one where I was like, “Can I make it? Can I do this?” I will never forget it because it was one of those little moments, you are not alone moments, I put my hand to my heart and I just looked up to the ceiling, to the sky. And I just said, “Universe zero,” because I was studying the zero back then, I was like, “Zero, please, if you’re there, please hear me,” and I came from that depth, it’s like that’s the seven; it’s not about the money. I wasn’t asking for money, I was asking for the capacity to create.
I just said, “Please, please show me that I can do this. Please show me that I can support her and that I can support her doing what I’m here to do.” Because at the time I was thinking about I’m going to work at a 7-Eleven, which I don’t know if you have those in Australia. I was like, “Okay, I might have to go out and work at a 7-Eleven,” which there’s nothing wrong with, but it was like that wasn’t what was on my heart. I had that moment and I remember looking at the clock on my phone because it was lunchtime. It was 12 o’clock and I was like, “Sweetie, let’s go down to the coffee shop.” So we go down to the coffee shop, we grab a bite to eat and some coffee, and I open up my laptop to just check my email. And at 12:02, so it was right at that moment when I said that prayer, I received the biggest client contract that I had ever received in my life. And this was an offer that was on my website that I was like – I put it up there at 2:00 AM one morning. I was like, “Nobody’s ever going to buy this. I want to offer this. I’m excited about offering it, but I don’t think anybody’s ever going to buy this.” It was the biggest contract I had ever gotten and it was at that moment. I remember it was that, I am not alone moment.
It was one of those moments that people talk about from all different religious traditions and I don’t believe that God is like — We can define it, but it’s a magical presence and it’s there and it was that moment when I was like, “Oh, I’m not alone. I’m not alone in this. There is an energy that’s responding. I am a collaborator in this and I can trust. I can trust that even if there’s nobody else in my life that believes in me, there’s nobody else in my life that can support me, I know that there is the zero. There is that infinite mind that is there.” And God, I mean, I love all the numbers in numerology, but this, as a magical gift, right now I can’t imagine anything that is more magical than this. If you’ve got that relationship, the deathbed relationship, if you have that, I mean, that’s it.
Jordane Maree: That was so beautiful and I think what one of the many things that is so profound about that is the place that, that prayer, that moment when you looked up, the place that you went to there, it wasn’t from the surface level. You said it wasn’t about money. It was about so much more and I think that is, I don’t know if I’m going to get things muddled up, but that’s almost like that zero point of create, that zero field of creation where everything stems from. That depth that we can descend into, those roots that you’re talking about, that’s where it all really comes out. I just feel like it’s not going to be a year of, and I want to make sure that I don’t come in a little bit sassy here. It’s not so much going to be a year of putting on a vision board a Benz, a Mercedes Benz, or a swimsuit model, or whatever. It’s going to hold so much more depth. And from that depth, we might then be like, “Okay, time for a Benz or time to sculpt my body,” but it’s going to come from somewhere else.
Natalie Olson: Oh, my gosh, that is just golden. That is golden because I think that if there was one thing that we would do this year that would sabotage our growth, our progress, it’s what you just spoke about, it’s focusing on the wrong thing. It’s focusing on the material, focusing on the physical, focusing on the surface, that’s everything that’s anti-seven. Anti-seven is that. In fact, another really fun thing, one fun way to look at timing cycles is to look at how that number shows up in a person’s chart like if it was a character.
One of the things that sevens exhibit is they absolutely abhor superficiality. They’re the kind of person that’s like they cannot talk about the weather. They could care less about the shoes that you’re wearing. They’re true mystics who are like, “I want to talk about the deep stuff.” I want to go to the understructure, what’s underneath all of that. So you’re spot on. Yes, you can make your vision board, but your spot on is that it’s not going to work unless you really get clear on, what is this really about for me? Why do I really want the freaking Mercedes? Do I want it because I want that deep sense that I’m capable, that I’m empowered? That was where my quest was coming from.
Gosh, what’s another example? Do I want a super-hot guy on my arm because I just want to look good or I just want to have other people be like, “Wow,”? Or do I want a partner because I’m coming from a place that I so deeply have the capacity to love and have the capacity to receive love? The seven is, it’s the deeper roots diving deep down into our core values, diving deep down into what’s really going on underneath the surface. I think I should have come up with a fourth step because I think that that’s a really good one.
Jordane Maree: I also love, this is so Virgo, the fact that you have this broken down into steps.
Natalie Olson: It is. It’s totally Virgo and actually it was so difficult to not have eight steps and I was like, “We can’t do that.”
Jordane Maree: What I was thinking of when you were just talking and what I think I meant earlier when I said I want to rush into how the seven goes into the eight it’s because we’re talking about that greater depth that we can descend into those roots. Then, correct me if I’m wrong, I’m feeling perhaps that what sprouts from those roots, that’s where we’re up in the sky, we’re tending to the branches and we’re like, “Look at all of this stuff that’s come from the fruit that’s come from those roots that I was able to go into during that seven year.”
Natalie Olson: You’re spot on and again, that power of sequence that’s so elegant. You can’t get to the eight, which is money, power, resource, manifestation, business success. Those are the more conventional things that we talk about, but you can’t get to that without first going through the seven. And what’s fascinating about that is it tells us that if you don’t tap into the deeper roots behind why you do what you do, what’s really behind it, what’s that deeper meaning. If you don’t create a deep root system, when you move into the manifestations, they will not be maintained. They will topple over.
So for people that come to me who have a hard time with money or manifestation or even business, it’s like we want to back up and go to the seven and it’s like are those roots deep? Are you really doing what you really want to do? Are you talking about what you really want to talk about? Are you focusing on what’s really on your heart? Are you really in touch with your relationship with the spiritual because again, the seven is about unusual eccentric interests and desires, and you will not want to move on to the eight with eccentric, unusual desires on your heart if spirit doesn’t have your back. If you don’t have some kind of support system that is supernatural.
Your absolutely spot on is that this is our time. This is our opportunity to dive deep into those roots so that we can better prepare for even more fruition and abundance and prosperity that actually represents what we want. I think you and I were talking about this on Voxer. I can’t remember, but it’s like we don’t actually want to make X amount a year. We want to be the kind of person that can easily do that and actually be doing it in a way where we are enjoying ourselves, where it’s aligned with our values. I used to have this goal, this monetary goal in my business and now it’s no, that’s not the primary thing because I don’t want to make X amount. I want to be working with people like this, doing this kind of work because this is what showcases my gifts. This is what I love. This is what I just could do in my sleep. That’s another expression of the seven before the eight.
Jordane Maree: And I think that this is such a great example of what I was trying to explain before of, it’s hard to come to that conclusion or to that sweet spot that then takes you into your own path. If you are tapped in to the world around you, bombarding you with six figure months, you know what I mean?
Natalie Olson: Yes.
Jordane Maree: That is everywhere. It’s kind of crazy. So we got to unplug from all of that, both physically, energetically, emotionally, out of our minds, all of it because it is really pervasive and it can be really intrusive if we’re not purposefully not letting it just penetrate every aspect of ourselves.
Natalie Olson: It’s like being in a crowd of people at Disneyland or something and all of them shouting. They don’t know you and they’re just shouting at what you need to do for success. You’re like, “I don’t even know you. You don’t even know me. You don’t even know what’s on my heart. You don’t even know the depth of what’s coming through me.” But I think that’s what social media is like is it’s all these people shouting at you and they’re not even privy to who you are and what’s on your heart.
Unplugging is so important in this year. It’s so important. Listen, we can still do all the things and have all the fun and consume, consume or connect or be available on those platforms, but we want to do it from a new place. We want to do it from a brand new place. And I would say in a practical way, this is the Virgo in me, but I would say, one of the tips I would give is, before you go in, before you go into social media or before you consume content, that you just first check in with that spiritual practice, prioritize that so you just feel what it feels like to be you and you really get clear on, what do I want to create today or who do I want to be? What is the essence? What is the energy? You just have a moment to check in with that before you might dive in to these other things.
Jordane Maree: I totally agree. I know that social media is coming up a lot, but I’m really curious to see, this is more personal for me, but I’m really curious to see how my own relationship with sharing is going to transform. And actually, I’m just backing up a little bit, I think it already has been for six months or so. Even having something like this podcast in comparison to purely sharing on different platforms like Instagram, Facebook, that feels so much cleaner, clearer and it can hold that depth that we’re being invited into than purely being in other spaces online. I’m really, there’s a lot of invitations present for me right now around how I actually want Girl and Her Moon to be on social media and that can come with a lot of challenges, and this is probably more specific to a lot of other people that are in business that are listening.
The standard business model right now is just like, “Post, post, post, post, put yourself out there, put yourself out there,” and there’s this idea that your business is dependent on these platforms. So I’m just witnessing right now the kind of toggle and the balancing that I’m going through around really unplugging from that message and some of the stuff that that can bring up when you try to unplug from that. And how to then show up in a space that’s actually purposeful. And it’s not just for the sake of relevancy or it’s not for the sake of fear of being left out or being forgotten or something, it’s actually got that depth behind it that’s pushing it forward.
Natalie Olson: It would be really interesting to see maybe for you and I, looking back on 2023, to see if people in businesses who thrived or really catapulted in this seven universal year, were people who decided to go against the grain and do less, actually do less and be more. Or the other thing that the seven could do is, the more that we develop private, intimate containers, the more that our businesses thrive. Because like you started to sense, I know a while ago that the podcast was going to be a great platform for you and your great work. I think it’s going to be really interesting to see if podcasts or similar containers like this really thrive because they are more private, they’re more intimate. It’s a long form.
The seven loves things that are about, I want to go deep. I think that’s why you’re also getting excited because that’s your wheelhouse, it’s the going deep and so it’d be really interesting. There’s a part of me that wonders, if we did a workshop on how to be successful as a business owner in 2023 and all of the seven stuff like do less, post less, only post when you’re inspired.
And the other thing I would probably say is really start to share the scary unconventional things that are on your heart. Because again, the seven, remember the Joseph Campbell story, it’s like the things that make you odd and unusual, the unique curiosities that you have are going to be the thing that make it for you, so I think that would be also another interesting thing.
Jordane Maree: Yeah, I’m really curious. And do what I’ve actually been thinking a little bit? If we’re talking about even bigger cycles, bigger than year to year, I’m going, I’m zooming out, I’m talking about thousands of years, I almost feel like we are stepping into that seven a little bit more. Because obviously, this isn’t something, a thought that I’ve fully landed in my brain so bear with me, but I feel like there are some people that are kind of on that leading edge. And the examples that are coming to my mind are in business and people that I really admire the way that they’re creating and it is really in the theme of that seven. They can still contain that mystery. They’re saying no to the noise, to the expectations, to just contributing for the sake of contributing that’s coming from this flat empty space. Do you know what I mean? I feel like there is this transition into more of these seven themes that we’re talking about.
Natalie Olson: And you know what I just thought of, I have a client right now and this is a just a little behind the scenes moment of how this actually can look and work. She has a seven life path, seven expression number, so in numerology that’s very special. She hates social media. She just doesn’t have any affinity for it at all. She has an aversion to it and she has somehow crafted this successful spiritual business completely by word of mouth alone.
She’s having people say, you need to start at Instagram. You need to do this. You need to do that and she’s like, “No.” She is fully booked, just kicking butt and defying what every marketing professional, every advertiser would ever tell her. There’s no way that you can make a lot of money, there’s no way that you can have a waiting list just by word of mouth alone, but that’s the energy of the seven. I think the energy of the seven is a couple of things. I think it’s that, again, there’s a lack of depth. There’s a lack of, I’m going to do this my own way and I want you to see that there is another way. I think that’s what makes the seven so special. But I think the other thing the seven points to again is to the unseen.
It’s like do you think that what you do in the privacy of your office doesn’t somehow energetically reverberate out into the world? Do you think that it’s literally just physical, you just post something and that’s how people find you? Or do you think that there might be something else to this? Do you think that maybe there’s an energetic component, a vibrational frequency component?
Jordane Maree: There’s something I’m really excited to say. So the person that I was envisioning when I was speaking about that transition into the seven energy, she as a business, hardly ever posts online. What she has shared is that she often does energy work for her Instagram. She clears it out, makes sure it’s not mixed up with everyone else’s energy. Makes sure it’s a strong frequency of her signature energy. Makes sure she updates it because we’re constantly going through these transformations and so she updates her energy onto her Instagram page. It’s all frequency and very successful.
Natalie Olson: Wait. So you’re not talking about she goes and cleans up posts?
Jordane Maree: No.
Natalie Olson: It’s all vibrational?
Jordane Maree: Mm-hmm. I know.
Natalie Olson: Do you know what her numbers are in numerology?
Jordane Maree: No, I don’t.
Natalie Olson: Because I’m just like, how crazy would it be if she had a seven in there? I mean, obviously she sounds such a unique individual, but it’s such a unique thing, but it’s so speaking to that magic behind the scenes. One of the other things that I’ve found so fascinating in my client work is, obviously the accuracy of it is that when people with sevens in their chart come to me, they have such a natural belief in the unseen that it blows my mind. I literally have a miracle list. Did I tell you about this, Jordane? I’ve had to write a list of all of the times miracles have happened in my life because I still didn’t believe. I still sometimes have that moment of, “No, there’s no magic.” I’ve had to work at my faith, but sevens are like, “Oh no, I’ve known this. I’ve known this since I was born,” and I’m like, “What? Wait, what?” And I’m an eight, you know eights are physical. Yeah, it’s so natural to them that they just think, “Well, of course that makes sense that I’m going to do an energy thing on my Instagram and that that’s going to create, that’s going to manifest something.”
Jordane Maree: I also think what you just shared is a really great exercise for people, write down a miracle list. All the times you’ve been in awe, in shock, all the times that life has just shown you how supported, guided, one with this magical essence, this flow that’s constantly moving and supporting us is, that’s a really good idea.
Natalie Olson: It was a game changer for me because one of the, back to the eight, the eight has such an affinity to the physical world, which is why it’s associated with money and power and business and things that. But that can be a downside if you have an eight in your chart, is there’s this almost this ability to be hypnotized by the physical world a little bit more. So I’ve had to really work at using the physical world as a playground and an inspiration for my spiritual life and the miracle list is a great way to do that. And it’s a good thing to leave my kids too. I don’t think about dying constantly, but I do, I guess I do. But I want to, but it’s a great thing I leave for my kids of, how cool would it be for them to be in an attic somewhere and then finding a miracle list of all of the miracles?
Jordane Maree: That’s so sweet.
Natalie Olson: Because I mean, again, what greater gift to give someone than that deep knowing that we’re not alone.
Jordane Maree: Oh, my goodness. I’ve had so much fun with this. When we were at the half an hour mark and I was like, “I wonder if this is only going to be an hour,” because we’ve covered so much. But no, same as last time, we’re at two hours.
Natalie Olson: I know. It’s awesome and we could just keep going, but I guess we should probably wrap it up.
Jordane Maree: I think there’s a lot of goodness in this and this is something that I have an intention to shift. A lot of the podcasts that I’ve done with other people, it’s like I don’t witness the depth of what’s there until later on when I come back to it and I start pulling things to share online. But I think that there’s something you’ve touched on. I think the seven teaches us to listen and I think in this episode, in this conversation that we’ve been having, I’ve been able to sit here with much greater presence and see the depth of what we’re speaking about in present moment rather than needing to come back to it later. I think that’s really beautiful.
Natalie Olson: I feel that too. I’m present and it feels like a song and a dance when you’re present and you can feel it. You can, I feel that too.
Jordane Maree: This has been so much fun. I’m so happy to close up unless you wanted to share any more of your wisdom.
Natalie Olson: No, what I’ll just say, I’ll just do one last invitation that that workshop on awakening your spirituality with the zero will be available in the membership. When do you think that we’re going to do that?
Jordane Maree: It’ll be available as soon as we reach January.
Natalie Olson: Okay. Good and as soon as I create it, but yes. So I just invite people, if you have listened to this conversation and you really resonate with the seven and really feel that call to do this work on a deeper level, that will be a great resource for you in January and the membership. Because I’ll be sharing the tips, the tricks, the procedures, that’s very Virgo, but the procedures that I give to clients to rehabilitate their relationship with the divine and to awaken their spirituality so they can be guided in 2023 versus stressed.
Jordane Maree: I feel very lucky that I’ve totally forgotten about that throughout this whole conversation. And you’re doing all the heavy lifting for me and you’re doing it in such a beautiful way. Well, thank you.
Natalie Olson: And for people that don’t know, so Jordane’s an 11. Your gift is being in the present moment. Your gift is channeling. You just, the inspiration comes through. And with the number, with that eight in my chart, it’s like — You know what’s funny is, this is the most natural that I’ve ever been in an interview and even still, I have to have — Because usually what I’ll have to do is, anytime somebody contacts me to interview me on a podcast, I have requirements. And one of the requirements that I have is, I have to know every question they’re going to ask.
Wow, this is very revealing, but I do because of the eight, it’s like I have this controlling nature. I want to know what we’re going to talk about so that I have the perfect answer and all of that. But with you, it’s like I’ve really learned how to do that less and I’m learning how to let go a little bit and just be natural and just let it flow. But with that said, I still have my little outline of the, these are the things that I really want to make sure that we get to, so it’s a part of being an eight.
Jordane Maree: That’s so funny because before we pressed record, I told you I was trying to prepare and I just like, every time I tried to, it was just like there was nothing there. And I was like, “Am I going to turn up on this podcast and just have zero to say, zero to contribute, zero structure to this?” But that’s where the magic is, I think. That’s not going to be the case for everyone and especially when it’s something new.
I think what you said about when you are going on podcasts or interviews or whatever, that you want to know the questions. I think that that’s actually really valuable for a lot of people listening, especially if it’s something new. And so that creates a sense of safety and so you can ease into that. I think example is the first podcast that we did together, that was my second. That was my first episode where it was someone else on the podcast and so you and I had come to a pretty structured place in what we’re going to talk about. I think we stuck to that a lot more than we did today and that just shows you what that sense of safety can bring, that safety in the mystery, which again, seven, that’s where we’re going to be invited into, finding that safety in the unknown a bit more.
Natalie Olson: Oh, my gosh, Jordane, safety in the mystery, I’m writing that down. That is so good. Okay, I’ll credit you, but I’m going to take that and share that.
Jordane Maree: Go for it.
Natalie Olson: Oh, that’s so good. That is the perfect personification of the seven. This was so much fun.
Jordane Maree: I know, me too.
Natalie Olson: Let’s do it again sometime.
Jordane Maree: For sure. I mean, I was just so happy because I love connecting with you. I love these conversations that we have and then to get to talk about something that, for me, is so exciting. You know how you were talking about those eccentric desires of where you want your heart, where your heart’s taking you? To me, it is all of this. To me, it’s like the mysteries of the universe. Nothing gets me more excited than this. And so getting to talk about this with you, I’m going crazy and jumping on the inside.
Natalie Olson: Well, and now, just as your friend, I’m like, okay, so we need to make sure that pursuing the mysteries of the universe is even more of your full-time job. I mean it’s already your full-time job, but we could create a little more leaning into that.
Jordane Maree: Yeah, and I was going to bring this up earlier, but I didn’t know if this was just me because I’ve had that personal seven year, but I was thinking perhaps as an invitation to explore where each of us have been guided into within the last few months, maybe that’s that seven coming in, showing us the way. Showing us like, image in my head, showing us the pathway to the waters that we’re just going to dive right into next year.
Natalie Olson: I know that that’s absolutely what I’m feeling. And the clients that I’m working with and even some of my best girlfriends, I’m just actually having a moment thinking about how every single one of us is feeling this. The image that I got was the call of the sirens. We can hear it’s in the distance, but we can hear it. We can hear it and there’s this knowing I think that we all have, that something deep and luminous and beautiful is calling us, but it’s in a very unusual direction. It’s not in the city. It’s calling us deep into the woods, but it’s calling us now.
Jordane Maree: And it may not be totally graspable either. Because it is that, it does hold that aura of mystery with the seven. So you might not be able to be like, “This is my direction,” like clear cut sentence, but you’re just like, “I’ve just got to go this way. I’ve just got to. This energy is just pulling me forward and I may not be able to intellectually define this, but it’s my direction.”
Natalie Olson: Yes, it’s like, “It makes no logical sense that I want to go to this dance class, but there’s something about it that just my heart just soars when I think about it.” Or, “It makes no sense to start to write about and talk about and put up these posts about something that’s so different and outside the realm of my industry, but it’s so fulfilling to just think about crafting it and creating it and putting it up.” That’s, you’re spot on. It’s not going to come to us like, “You’re supposed to be this.” It’s never, the seven never does that. It’s always just the breadcrumbs, the breadcrumbs that if we follow them, by the end of 2023, we’re going to look back with awe and wonder that we’ve been prepped and primed for a better life than we could have imagined.
Jordane Maree: Oh, my goodness, I am so excited. A few years ago, Mustafa had his seven personal year and he’s also an eight life path. And so he is hypnotized by that material, like you mentioned, he was a completely different person in the seven year. And so I’ve been kind of looking back to that and just being so excited for this year ahead.
Natalie Olson: Oh, it makes me just excited too of what’s going to be happening in the world as well because the seven is about truth. It’s truth coming out. It’s clarity, truth and so it’ll also just be cool to see if the truth sets us free. Be cool if things, if the more people that really dip into that peace, that solitude, what did you say? The safety of the mystery, what that might do collectively in our world because we need that a lot.
Jordane Maree: It feels medicine.
Natalie Olson: It’s medicine without that medicine. In this world, it is.
Jordane Maree: There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to finish.
Natalie Olson: I know, me too. I’m like, “Oh, we should start talking about the world stuff.” “No, don’t.”
Jordane Maree: So many extra things are coming up and I’m like, “No.”
Natalie Olson: Me too. Well, I mean, maybe we could do a follow up mid-year too, depending on how things feel.
Jordane Maree: I think that’s a really beautiful idea because I think there’s a greater perspective, I think that comes looking back. Even reviewing the six year now versus when we looked at it in May, I think, you can see how it actually unfolded in your life and things begin to make more sense. Instead of it being up here as a potential of this might happen, it’s already landed and you see the manifestations of it.
Natalie Olson: It’s so different to be in the fray of it than seeing it coming because when you’re in it, your feet are in the mud and it’s like oh, now it’s real — Now, one of the downsides, I don’t want to say the downsides, one of the challenges of the seven, let’s say halfway through the year, we check in and some people might be experiencing just a lot of struggle, a lot of suffering. And it’s usually because they aren’t following the breadcrumbs of that inspiration because they haven’t unplugged, there’s just too much noise. And so having that check-in, it’s like I forgot, I forgot that miracles happen via the mystery this year. That, I forgot that prioritizing solitude time is actually what is going to be productive in my marriage or in my business. So that check-in can be so helpful because it wakes us up from the illusion of the physical world.
Jordane Maree: I think that’s a really good idea.
Natalie Olson: Okay, well it’s a plan.
Jordane Maree: We do. Okay, let’s end here. Thank you so much. I adore you. I adore this conversation. I just feel lucky to be here and to get to share all of this.
Natalie Olson: I feel so lucky. I was telling Nick this morning, I was reminding him that I had this. And I was leaning out on the front porch, he was doing an oil change on his truck and I was like, “It’s so amazing that I get this opportunity to speak to Jordane’s audience, that it doesn’t even feel stressful because I just –“ It is, literally my prayer to the zero was, “I would just love to share my business in a way where I am authentic and finally doing it in alignment with my values.” I canceled numerologist contract, which was like I do all of these things, they were like, “No, these aren’t in alignment with my values anymore.” And then being able to then connect with you and talk in a real authentic way, oh, my gosh. I was like, “Nick, this is just – it’s just like I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
Jordane Maree: Well, this is you. This isn’t an external business thing.
Natalie Olson: But it’s also you. It is.
Jordane Maree: But I mean – Yeah, for sure. Thank you, but I mean, you’re sharing as you. Something you mentioned, I don’t know if it was before or after we pressed record, you don’t need to put a hat on. You’ve come to a place in your life where you’re sharing just yourself and there is medicine in that for people and there’s magic in that and there’s wisdom in that. And you don’t need the bells and the whistles, you’re just sharing you. Isn’t that incredible?
Natalie Olson: It so is. It so is and I need to practice. I need to practice doing that more because it’s so therapeutic. It’s like once you get a taste of it, you just can’t go back.
Jordane Maree: I know, I agree.
Natalie Olson: So you’re just like you are an angel that came into my life. It’s bizarre that here you are in Australia and I don’t even —
Jordane Maree: Do you remember it was a year ago as well that we met?
Natalie Olson: Or more than that. Was it more than that? What? Maybe not, but yeah. And I think you emailed me…
Jordane Maree: I just found you on YouTube.
Natalie Olson: So crazy. That’s so crazy.
Jordane Maree: I know and every time I see or hear about a platypus now, I think of you.
Natalie Olson: I was actually able to buy a stuffy, a stuffed animal platypus for myself. I actually circled it for Christmas. I just love them. They’re just so cool. And there’s a movie, what is it called? Fantastic Beasts. Have you seen?
Jordane Maree: Yes. Love it.
Natalie Olson: And there’s a little creature that loves gold and stuff and he looks like a platypus. And so now I need to get him. I need to get a stuffy of him or something, or a picture of him because he’s adorable. And that’s the eight, that’s the lower function of the eight, is that dude because it’s money. I need more of his energy. I’m more like, “Oh, money, I don’t know,” but I need more of him. Yeah, but anyways.
Okay. Well, I’m going to go, I’m going to eat dinner. But this was, I cannot wait for this podcast to come out. I’m so excited. I honestly think it’s going to really help people and I feel like we gave so much content. And you’re so good. You’re my leader and my role model around authenticity because you would just bring a personal example, and I’m like, “Oh gosh,” like that’s hard for me. But you just, you drop into that so easy and that’s what makes your podcast so good, is that it’s not pretentious.
Jordane Maree: Thank you. I’m trying. I feel that I fell off that path a little bit somewhere in between, as I’m kind of stumbling my way through this new journey, but that’s my center line. That’s what keeps me. That’s where I go, that’s where I need to go. I don’t know if that makes sense.
Natalie Olson: That’s actually refreshing that you say that because that actually helps me not be so hard on myself. It’s like I imagine, let’s say right now, 33% of the time I drop into that, but then 66% of the time I’m like it’s harder for me to do that. I can feel like that percentage is getting bigger and bigger of the authentic piece, but it’s not perfect yet and that’s the growth process.
Jordane Maree: I don’t think it ever will be.
Natalie Olson: I think you’re right. There’s a part of me that’s like, “Well, maybe it’ll be 100% one day,” but no.
Jordane Maree: But then the mark point of 100% will just continue to move.
Natalie Olson: Yes. It does make me think though, are we always going to have that part of us that’s, because it’s the 11 too, the part of us that’s wanting to people please, are we always have that? But I think the answer is, yeah. I think it’s a part of the superpower.
Jordane Maree: This is a huge theme in my life right now, finding where that people pleasing comes from. There’s an element of me that just wants everyone to feel safe, comfortable, happy, supported all the time and that’s a healthy expression of that. But sometimes it can come from a totally different place and that’s the part that needs a lot of tending to, I think in literally everyone, myself massively included.
Natalie Olson: Myself massively. And I think one of the pieces that’s helped me a lot is that I also want people to feel so loved and cared for and comfortable. I have also been beginning to understand that for somebody to truly, sometimes if you truly love and care about something, sitting in the discomfort of their discomfort is kind of a part of love too. And that’s kind of like, it’s a topic for another time, but that’s something that’s helped my business so much is I used to think my job was to please my clients, to help my clients. And now I’m zooming out and seeing, if I really want to help them, I have to not be focused on pleasing them. If I really want to help them, I need to be willing to allow them to sit in their discomfort and me knowing that they’re capable of figuring it out.
Jordane Maree: For sure. I’m not surprised that that’s coming up. I feel that’s a lot of the people that I’ve spoken to over the last few weeks. Then, myself in particular, that’s a huge thing right now. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the time to bring a lot of healing to that space. I don’t know.
Natalie Olson: Yes.
Join us as we:
⊹ Explore our hearts in one-on-one conversations.
⊹ Dive into our oneness with the cosmos through astrology and numerology.
⊹ Explore soul-based systems through which we can understand the world.
From topics like self-worth, creativity, expression, intuition, Soul, coming home to self. To astrology, numerology, tarot, channelling, business, energy, healing, akashic records and more. And topics that are undefinable and ungraspable. Exploring what it means to be alive, to be rooted in both our divinity and humanness, and returning to the space where they are one.
Hosted by Girl and Her Moon’s founder, Jordane Maree, this Podcast is a space to connect, share our experience, and become one for a moment.
There are no expectations here. Only spaciousness and invitations for truth.
At the core of this adventure:
Connection. Vulnerability. Authenticity. Truth. Love. Expansion. Realness.
Where we share from truth, not fear.
Where we witness the innate power in our vulnerability.
Where we take off the masks of expectation, of needing-to-know-it-all, of performance, of abandoning-the-self to fit in.
Where we explore self, and all that we meet as we stumble our way through this beautiful human experience.
Where we value all cycles of being alive. The moments of cracking open, the moments of beautiful bloom, the moments of confusion and doubt, the moments of excitement and clarity.
Where we value the breaking open and the becoming.
All of it is welcome here.
All my love,
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