Patti Higgins is an Intuitive Energy Master and Mentor.
Throughout this conversation, Patti and Jordane explore;
⊹ Expression & the throat chakra
⊹ Sound/tone healing
⊹ The chakras
⊹ Working with the elements
⊹ The divine human template
⊹ Navigating difficult conversations
⊹ Unhooking from unhealthy energy dynamics
⊹ Conscious parenting
⊹ Healing across timelines
⊹ The art of non-attachment
⊹ Patti’s experiencing with dying not once, but twice
Connect with Patti below:
IG: @trueessenceliving
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Patti Higgins: So I always see in the throat chakra, there’s very minimal like of somebody who’s stuck there, including like myself, when I was first opening it up, I was constantly stuck there. And so, I’ll see which elements aren’t flowing through there. They need more fire. Okay, what does that sound like? Don’t even try and make it a logical thing. Don’t even bring your mind into it. Fire, what does that sound like?
Jordane Maree: Welcome, beautiful you, to Girl and Her Moon, the podcast. My name is Jordane, and I invite you to join us as we connect, share our experience, and become one for a moment from topics like self-worth, creativity, expression, intuition, and soul, to astrology, numerology, taro, energetics and more. And then, the topics that are undefinable and ungraspable, exploring what it means to be alive, to be rooted in both our divinity and humanness and returning to the space where they are one. Thank you for being on this journey with us.
Jordane Maree: Hello, Patti.
Patti Higgins: Hi, Jordane.
Jordane Maree: I’m so excited to have this conversation.
Patti Higgins: Oh my gosh, me too. Like I’ve been so excited for days and then last night when I was feeling into the energy of it, I’m like, oh my gosh, this is going to be just magical.
Jordane Maree: I bet we were doing that at the same time because I was like laying in bed last night just going through all of the possibilities, and a lot of new doors opened last night as well. I was like, oh, I see, that’s why I had this note written down or I see my processes to the initial ideas that I had for our conversation, and then how they get deeper and deeper and deeper, and I see the process that I went through, and so I’m very excited, and there’s also mystery, as there always is.
Patti Higgins: Yes.
Jordane Maree: But should we start with just a little bit about you, a little bit about your work, anything that you want to share, any direction that you want to go in. I know some of our members have already gotten glimpses of you through our membership. I think last year we did a collaboration.
Patti Higgins: Yes, that’s right. We did a special full moon activation.
Jordane Maree: Yes, it was sound healing, wasn’t it?
Patti Higgins: Yes.
Jordane Maree: Which is so relevant today, that just clicked. So yes, any direction that you’d like to go in, just tell me a little bit about your magical self.
Patti Higgins: Well, my magical self in human form. I am a mum to two little light worker girls, Bella and Clara, and they are just the most incredible teachers, and there’s this beautiful balance in our relationship of them teaching me and me teaching them and everything that comes through because I’m always plugged in and connected as I bring through how I’m meant to guide them in that moment, and there’s always magic in it for my own self.
And then I just get to show up a little more clearer than I had the moment before when I was in that moment of frustration of like, ah, why are you not listening. And then just tuning in as soon as I get that reaction and then, okay, this is what they need to hear, this is the energy they need you to embody, and then breathing and surrendering that. It’s just magical anyway, being a mom to these little light workers and seeing the sensitivity and why they’ve come through the way that they have. It’s such a blessing.
Jordane Maree: I love that this is where you started. I can just see your heart bursting right now. It’s so beautiful.
Patti Higgins: They’re like the purpose of my work, and not just them as this very close-knit human family that I’ve got, me, hubby, and these beautiful little girls, but they represent humanity to me. So everything that I meet with them, I expand it out across the planet and even universally so that any being that’s needing whatever’s coming through just gets blasted with it. So sorry everyone, if you feel these supercharged [00:04:09 – inaudible].
Jordane Maree: Just take a deep breath and bring it in. Patti is just, whether you’re watching or listening, but Patti is just this pink light right now. And if you’re listening, just breathe in and taking that beautiful pink light.
Patti Higgins: Yes, so much pink [00:04:32 – inaudible], where I walk, it is pink. And so yes, I’m an intuitive energy master and mentor, so I’ve been working with energy my whole life, not always fully aware of it. So I came through very intuitive, and like so many of us here, especially in this community, it’s filled with super sensitive, empathic, and intuitive people that just haven’t really learned the language of it yet. And for me doing that as a little girl, I was so open to learning how to be human from my humans who are around me.
And realizing the disconnect between what I knew I was here to show up as compared to how they were showing up and expressing their human self a lot of the time as a wounded human rather than bringing in this light that we’re here to be. So it was a whole lot of witnessing. I learned very early on I had to step back and witness because as soon as I’d step into it, I’d become caught up in it, and then I couldn’t hold the space for them like I felt called to do.
Jordane Maree: That’s quite profound that you were doing that young, because I was definitely not. I was drowning in it.
Patti Higgins: Yes. It’s so easy to do, and that’s what happened with me. I was suicidal for so much of my childhood as I was first opening to it. And I just remember praying to God, please just take me, I can’t deal with this anymore, it’s too hard, just please. And I had a cousin that I was super close with and looked up to, he passed away when I was super young. He was only a teenager. And that moment for me was so pivotal, and looking back at it now, I can see that for me was the moment where I could either sink or swim.
And something dad always said to us growing up was, you get to choose how much you let something hurt you. And that just empowered me and supercharged me through everything that I’ve ever faced. That’s been my guiding light, just I’ve got the choice here, nothing else around me, I get to control how I handle this. And that for me was him in his human form supporting me in showing up how he knew I was meant to show up as well.
And so yes, I’ve been working with energy since a tiny little girl, and then just tracking and mapping and playing like it’s the adventurous little girl in me. And for me, having the courage to do it, even when I was fearful as anything, the courage was what supercharged that as well. So, I work with energy now professionally as a standalone service. I’ve been doing it now for about, I want to say maybe 12, 15 years I think.
Jordane Maree: Wow.
Patti Higgins: And before that, I was always doing this work in my other professions like retail management, and I’ve always worked with people, that was my thread since a little girl working it out like family farms, roadside, fruit stall. It’s like a six year old serving. And just seeing people’s whole demeanor change when they’d show up and I’d just be like, I’m here. What would you like?
And then just taking them through an experience, just an interaction. And that was really where I started tracking. They’ve showed up like this, but now they’re like this, and then looking at what happened between here and here. I was doing something there, and I realized it was a vibration I was holding and radiating it so freely that they could then entrain off my system.
Jordane Maree: That’s incredible.
Patti Higgins: That’s the gift I feel.
Jordane Maree: Has there been much outer influence in this process? Like as in learning from different teachers or schools of thought or whatever it was. Was it mainly an internal exploration?
Patti Higgins: Definitely an internal one was a foundation of it. So we didn’t have access like we do now when I was growing up to all of these spiritual works that are now everywhere. And we grew up on a farm growing fruit and veggies, so everything was about tending these plants and hopping up in the freezing cold, wet mornings in the rain, picking the beans just after daylight.
And I actually left school early to do that. School wasn’t for me. I wasn’t comfortable and it was too overwhelming. And I remember I said to dad, look, I can’t go back, I just can’t go back. So just before the end of year eight, he said, okay, well, if you leave school, you’ve got to work on the farm. I’m like, okay, I will do it.
Jordane Maree: Wow.
Patti Higgins: To me, I could handle the physical pain more than I could handle the emotional and mental turmoil of those that were around me because I hadn’t built out the boundaries yet. That is going to be something that we’re really going to discuss later is the boundaries.
Jordane Maree: Definitely.
Patti Higgins: Where they’re not strong or even in place is where a lot of us come unstuck.
Jordane Maree: So something that I’ve heard or just seen across a lot of people that are working in a very energy rich and from a mastery kind of place is that, working with the land has been their greatest anchor and teacher. Do you think that that had a lot to do with your journey?
Patti Higgins: Yes, because we live under at the foothills of mount warning, so it’s like the core of an old volcano.
Jordane Maree: Oh wow. That’s big energy of volcano.
Patti Higgins: Massive, yes. We see it in the weather that moves through [00:10:26 – inaudible] floods. And so, living on this mountain, like dad, [00:10:32 – inaudible], and everything, and I saw the determination in this man, getting these dozers to level out just a portion of the land, he owned so much of this mountain, he only carved out a small area so that he could do what he needed, and then the rest is still there today. And there’s so many spots that I would go to on the property that this is my go-to.
And whenever I’ve met something, I’d go up, and it’s like you could reach out and touch the mountain across the river, it’s so close. And there was so much healing in that, just this nurturing, it’s definitely been an anchor. I wouldn’t have felt safe to stay in my human body if I didn’t have that support from the earth without even realizing it.
Jordane Maree: So when you were talking earlier about being suicidal, and I’m just possibly following a thread here, just out of curiosity, so you actually– you died right? How long ago?
Patti Higgins: 2015. I love how you said that. I don’t know how to say it.
Jordane Maree: I didn’t know how to say it.
Patti Higgins: Yes, 2015, I died, and then 2019 I almost died again. But I was smarter this time. I got there earlier, so they were able to operate the second time. Yes, they saved me and it was like they said like half hour off this time.
Jordane Maree: Oh my goodness.
Patti Higgins: I didn’t go all the way this time.
Jordane Maree: Can you tell me a little bit about how nearing death in the space of being suicidal and then actually dying, and then going on that edge again, how has that shaped you, how has that been a part of your life?
Patti Higgins: The level of courage I have and the capacity to surrender and trust is ridiculous. If you put it on a chart, you couldn’t measure it. It is eternal and infinite. I just trust in the process of life and the afterlife because I know where we’re going and I know so deeply who I am. Who I was beyond this human body when I died is who I am now. So nothing’s going to change, I just won’t have a body where I get to express colors this way. My light just has to express it. So I may come back in a beautiful pink light and visit people.
And that’s what I was saying to my little girl the other day. The other night she was having trouble getting off to sleep and I said, okay, feel my energy because I was split between the two girls, and my three-year-old needed a tummy tickled and everything. And then my nine year old was up on her bed and she needed, but I couldn’t reach, I physically could not reach both of them.
Jordane Maree: Well, you’re a little human.
Patti Higgins: I’ll go energetically then. So I was singing to them, and I said, okay, so they were just soften and breathe here, come into your body, put your hand over your tummy, one over your heart, and now feel yourself opening to my energy, moving through the cells of your body. And she said, I feel like it’s happening. It’s a bit tricky though.
I said, yes, this is why we practice though. And I said, and one day when I’m not in my body, if you call on me, you will know when I’m here because you’ll say that’s mom’s energy, I know that. And you’ll even feel it in the cells of your body. It’ll be like, I’m hugging you. So let’s do the work now so when that happens, it’s so much easier for you and you don’t feel alone because you won’t be, I’m going to stalk you.
Jordane Maree: That is so precious. It makes me so full to see you interacting with your children that way. I think it’s so precious.
Patti Higgins: It’s always adventurous and fun and so love filled, the love is always at the core of it, and not conditional love. It is unconditioned and unconditional love. So however I’ve been loved by any other human doesn’t factor into how I show up to love in that moment. Whatever they’ve done before, that doesn’t affect how I’m showing up to love them. I’m open, I’m bringing in that divine love, light, and wisdom, and bam, whatever that looks like, we will see.
Jordane Maree: I love that. I have been thinking about the first time that we interacted, it was over Zoom and we were on a group call, and then we randomly, oh not so randomly, got placed into a breakout room together.
Patti Higgins: Oh, yes.
Jordane Maree: Do you remember this?
Patti Higgins: I remember it. And I was so excited I got put with you.
Jordane Maree: Me too. Because when we were in the group call, you always had this, it was as if the sun was right behind you and just shining into the call, and your face is at the center of this burst of light, and it was so fitting to who you are. But I got off that call and I wanted to tell most of everything about what I had just experienced, but I physically couldn’t. I was like, how do I put this into words? Because I had never experienced anything like that, I had never intentionally worked with energy with another person. And so that was my introduction into it. Can you do your best with the words that are available to explain what a session is like with you when you’re working with your one-on-one?
Patti Higgins: Magical. Miraculous. You’re just going to get a bunch of random words. No. Do you mean like how do I experience it?
Jordane Maree: Yes.
Patti Higgins: So for me, I literally just show up, create a space, and surrender. I make sure I’m plugged into the right channels, I make sure my boundaries are all fully guarded and protected and sealed and strengthened, and then that’s why they can be so powerful because then I just step out of the way, my own individualized human experience, my own individualized soul journey gets to just bear witness to somebody else receiving what they need. Because this is what I create for myself every moment of every day. I am constantly just in this portal.
And then, there’ll be things that happen and I’ll slip into my mental intellectual aspect of self. And then, with that, I’m straight onto it and then bring it back into my whole being. So it’s not that I disregard it, but I get it online and get this figure eight blowing through that communication. So when I show up to hold a space for someone, it’s different every single time because– and I’m glad about that because if they show up and the energy’s the same as their previous session, then they haven’t had a shift. So I would gracefully back out and say, this doesn’t appear to be that I’m the right person for you right now.
So let’s maybe check out who would be best for you, what your next step is now so that we can get that moving for you. I’m not afraid to surrender, and non-attachment is a huge quality to have working with energy. Non-attachment, the surrender, the ability to forgive and shed and let go, these are all things and courage you have to have, the most ridiculous amount of courage to just leap from everywhere you’re meant to go. Because it’ll take me when I show up and this person is here in the space with me, I will step back and I will see them as a whole picture. And then from there, I’m shown one little portal in, and then I head through there, and then it takes me almost like a wormhole on this portal, and it’s like I’m moving through their entire timeline of their soul.
And along the way, there’s people, there’s emotions, there’s thoughts, and every single one, I go for what’s significant. So I don’t need to stop and address that moment where that person was mean to them in that moment. That one’s insignificant because it links back to an origin. So I’ll keep tracking it. I’m like, okay, yes, got that, keep going, keep going, keep going, and then I’ll go right back to its origin, and that’s where the big energy is.
So in that moment, I’m brought into a moment in time and it seem as if you’re watching a movie and you’re seeing this person playing out this scene and being able to witness, okay, this is their divine human self, this is their soul light, this is who they were showing up as, what was the disconnect in that moment? And then recoding it and rereading it, bringing through whatever words, sounds, whatever guidance needs to come through, shifting that very moment. So then, none of the other ones, I don’t need to stop and look at each of them because we’ve gone to the origin, and then it can get disconnected
Join us as we:
⊹ Explore our hearts in one-on-one conversations.
⊹ Dive into our oneness with the cosmos through astrology and numerology.
⊹ Explore soul-based systems through which we can understand the world.
From topics like self-worth, creativity, expression, intuition, Soul, coming home to self. To astrology, numerology, tarot, channelling, business, energy, healing, akashic records and more. And topics that are undefinable and ungraspable. Exploring what it means to be alive, to be rooted in both our divinity and humanness, and returning to the space where they are one.
Hosted by Girl and Her Moon’s founder, Jordane Maree, this Podcast is a space to connect, share our experience, and become one for a moment.
There are no expectations here. Only spaciousness and invitations for truth.
At the core of this adventure:
Connection. Vulnerability. Authenticity. Truth. Love. Expansion. Realness.
Where we share from truth, not fear.
Where we witness the innate power in our vulnerability.
Where we take off the masks of expectation, of needing-to-know-it-all, of performance, of abandoning-the-self to fit in.
Where we explore self, and all that we meet as we stumble our way through this beautiful human experience.
Where we value all cycles of being alive. The moments of cracking open, the moments of beautiful bloom, the moments of confusion and doubt, the moments of excitement and clarity.
Where we value the breaking open and the becoming.
All of it is welcome here.
All my love,
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