North Node In Pisces, South Node in Virgo 2025 – 2026

2025 offers profound astrological shifts, a beautiful change in direction of energy, and a feeling of a new world, a new era, a new season of our lives both collectively and individually.

A thread of this new tapestry that is 2025 is the movement of the Lunar Nodes. Our astrological indicators of direction, purpose, evolution and soulful growth, as the North Node leaves Aries and enters Pisces, the South Node leaves Libra and enters Virgo.

Welcome to a new realm of spiritual healing, compassion, surrender, creativity, and imagination.

North Node in Pisces Dates

The Lunar Nodes will shift signs on January 11, 2025, where they will remain until July 26, 2026. The North Node will be in Pisces during this time, while the South Node will travel through Virgo.

What are the Lunar Nodes?

The Lunar Nodes, made up of the North Node and South Node, are linked to themes of destiny, purpose, evolution, and soul growth in Astrology. Rather than celestial bodies, they are mathematical points in the sky calculated by the Moon’s intersection with the ecliptic. Always in a retrograde motion, they move backwards through the zodiac, spending 18 months in each sign.

Based on the position of the Lunar Nodes in the sky at the moment of our birth, we each have our own North and South Node revealing individual direction and Soul growth. And based on the transiting (moving) Lunar Nodes in our skies, we are shown transitory seasons of both individual and collective chapters of growth potential.

These collective movements of the Nodes bring inevitable change, evolution, and growth of both individual and collective consciousness. They shape the themes we are exploring, imbuing a sense of purpose and meaning into that area of life and self. And they offer opportunities for healing development, as well as release, closure, and freedom from past ties.

North Node & South Node

The North and South Node are opposite ends of the one axis. Meaning, they will always be in opposite signs. While the North Node represents our direction and evolution, the South Node represents where we are coming from and the deep karmic release we are experiencing.

Yet what Astrology teaches us, and what life teaches us, is that opposites are often pairs. Just like every pair of opposite zodiac signs are different ends of the same pole or different side of the same coin, these opposing signs are exploring the same themes yet from different directions, desiring the same outcome yet opposite in their approach.

And so, while the North Node is our guiding star – we don’t abandon the South Node entirely. We find the joint intentions, purpose, and medicine of these two signs. And with that, bring development of the North Node qualities, a release to the South Node shadows, within this process, find that we can now relate to both signs with greater intention, clarity, and medicine.

When we embrace the zodiac signs of the Nodes both in our charts and our skies, we experience profound fulfilment, personal development, and a sense of purpose in our lives.

Virgo-Pisces Axis: The Bridge of the Conduit

The Virgo-Pisces axis is the bridge of the conduit. It is the channel through which we plant the stars into the Earth – or bring our imaginations and dreams into our tangible living. It is the axis of service, healing, and formlessness into form.

When both zodiacs are healthy and expressing as intended, this axis supports us to take the creative visions of our heart and bring them into practical creation and manifestation. It weaves together imagination with reality, fantasy with practicality, dreaming with action, and energy and matter.

With both signs related deeply to service and healing, this axis supports us to see the Divine within all – both within the tangible and intangible, and is the channel through which we bring love, divinity, and higher healing frequencies into the tangible so that we may experience it, benefit from it, and weave this healing energy into our lives for the highest good of self, and all.

North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo 2025 – 2026

As the Nodes travel though this axis of Virgo and Pisces, we are invited to immerse ourselves in a chapter of spirituality, healing, dreaming, and connection to the Sacred. We are encouraged to see the divine in all and find compassion, empathy, and oneness within ourselves and each other.

As we embrace the mystical, intuitive, and dreamlike realm that is Pisces, we are healing our relationship with control, perfectionism, and self-judgement. This is a time to let go of shame, close-mindedness, and being healing to any spaces within that feel as if we are never enough, are inherently broken, or disconnected from the Sacred. Pisces reminds us that we are enough, we are sacred, we are love – just as we are, wherever we are.

We are finding balance within spirit and body, intuition and logic, analytical thinking and imaginative thinking, fantasy and reality, detail and big picture. And in this balancing, exploring how these two seemingly opposing ways of understanding the world and moving through life can actually co-exist, as designed. To be human is to be a blend of energy and matter, spiritual and mundane, intuitive and logical, imaginative and practical.

While the North Node is inviting us more deeply into the energetic, spiritual, intuitive, and imaginative over this time – it is for the purpose of finding overall balance and healing both sides of the axis.

The South Node in Virgo is inviting us to stand back and create space between the self and small details, while the Pisces North Node reminds of the perfection in all, and the beauty in wherever we may be in our lives – without needing to control or calculate each step, or even the details of where we are going. We are uncovering the opportunities available in surrender, in unclenching our hands and letting ourselves be guided – held and moved by the sacred slip stream that is life.

Throughout this time, we are invited to offer ourselves and others greater compassion, acceptance, and wholeness. And in that, we are remembering service. When we remember that we are One as Pisces teaches us, we know that to be of service to another is to be of service to ourselves.

Throughout these 18-months, and perhaps always, compassion heals, love heals, forgiveness is medicine, and honouring another is honouring yourself.

As we find a deeper relationship with the Sacredness of life, we might just find higher meaning in our movements and living, too. We might just find devotion, a desire to serve the beauty that is existence, the desire to bring more sacredness, love, and healing into this world for the highest good of All.

Everything is Medicine

This time reminds us of the divinity and medicine within all. Energy as medicine. Compassion as medicine. Creativity as medicine. Movement as medicine. Ritual as medicine. Release as medicine. Each other as medicine. The Sacred as medicine. The tangible as medicine.

Everything is medicine if we allow it to be. Everything is healing if we allow it to be. This is a season of the healer – and returning to the healer within us all.

As we soften our minds, bodies and hearts, we will remember that everything is medicine – as everything is love. And every moment, breath, thought and word is an offering of healing – to life, self, and others.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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