Neptune Retrograde Comes to an End: December Astrology 2023

Neptune Retrograde Comes to an End December Astrology 2023 Girl and Her Moon

As we approach the final month of 2023, we have three planets (or, two planets and 1 asteroid!) stationing direct – that of Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron – meaning, their retrogrades are coming to an end. It is a month that seems to hold the essence of both ending and beginning, while it is our last month of the year, there is a freshness to December, an opening, and invitations to reach forward and widen the possibilities we have deemed possible for ourselves.

Neptune has been retrograde in Pisces since June of this year, but will be returning to its forward movement on December 6, 2023. For another layer of insight, take a look at what house Pisces occupies in your natal chart, for it is this house that it will also station direct within.

The Dance of Neptune: Retrograde and Direct

For approx. seven months of each year Neptune moves in its usual forward movement, circling the Ecliptic and bringing us an access point into what we could only call Divine. It is a doorway into the dreamscape, visions of art and oneness, potentials, and realities. It takes us into the wonderment of something sacred that seems to exist beyond, behind, underneath, or perhaps within all.

For the other approx. five months of the year, Neptune stations retrograde.

From our vantage point here on the Earth it is during these six months that it seems as if this far away planet is moving backwards, retracing its steps by wandering upon its path recently travelled. Yet this time its usual Neptunian veil gets lifted and seems to hold with it a clarity of reality in plain sight. We are offered a new perspective of this same path just walked.

Once this retrograde comes to an end, Neptune has retraced enough of its steps and is ready to move forward once again. It’s third time travelling the remainder of this journey, the imaginative, intuitive, subtle, and abstract lens returns to the way it perceives, understands, and collaborates with its path, bringing it yet another viewpoint.

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Neptune Direct: What it Means for You

This forward and backward dance of Neptune’s represents our own process of movement, creation, dreaming, and building of our lives.

While in forward motion we are supported in dreaming, into reaching into higher states of possibility and artform, intuition and imagination.

Neptune in its forward movement is the Self blending into the All – where we find ourselves invited into a space where there are no boundaries, there is no separation. We are one with the flow of life just as much as we are one with our dreams and imaginations.

It is where we go beyond ourselves and energetically become our dreams, energetically become our visions, we feel and know the sacred within ourselves, and we swim within the currents of unmanifested frequency, creativity, and art.

While in retrograde, we are offered a sense of healthy separation.

It is throughout this period of Neptune’s journey that we come back to the individual self with all that we gained from our time in the dreamscape, and we begin integrating our direct experience with the sacred into our self-identity. We come ‘down to earth’ and begin clarifying how we can bring those dreams, imaginations, and unmanifested visions that we have been merging with into our tangible, felt, and realised reality.

This is what we have been doing for the past five months, and this week as Neptune moves forward once again, we find ourselves ready to return into our next current of dreams waiting to meet us, the imaginations and possibilities swimming through the currents of energetic possibility that are desiring us just as we desire them.

And, we are ready to remember, with all of our being, that we are one with the divine.

The movement in our cosmoc invites a reconnection with the unseen aspect of our reality. Both Neptune and Pisces are focused on and attuned to the energetic – the frequency behind the words, and the intangible that seems to exist before anything tangible.

It’s where we step into heightened intuition as Neptune in Pisces intuits through its direct doorway into the space where everything is One.

It invites reaching into the dreamscape, playing with possibilities, frequencies, and imaginations that await us. As Neptune in Pisces brings us into the frequency of our dreams, desires, spaces of all loving nurturance, we are moving into the cosmic space where our desires already exists, where we can become it first energetically, before building it in the tangible.

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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