I love a life full of variety and spontaneity, but I have come to realise over the past few years of travelling often, I am a M E S S without my morning routine/rituals. A morning well spent sets me up for the entire day, leaving me feeling grounded, organised, calm, powerful, and excited to take on the day.

You can create your own morning routine by using some of the rituals below as ideas. Flow with whatever feels right, there is no need for your routine to be fixed. And what better time to start than fresh in the NY of 2019!

If you don’t have much time, see if you can squeeze in just one thing, it will make all the difference I promise ♡



Meditating brings upon a feeling of calm and presence – A state of contentment. It’s as if everything that was weighing you down prior has been flushed away.

It may sound confronting if you haven’t dabbled in it yet, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be as simple as sitting in silence with yourself and checking in while being present with your breath. It can be sitting in the magic of some calming music. It can be following a guided meditation on YouTube (this is one of my favourites). I do all the above.

When meditating I love using crystals and essential oils – (see my favourite here and here)!

*I usually meditate for 10-20 minutes, and then move onto gratitude. I find gratitude exercises easier after meditation.




Starting your day with appreciation sets your mindset for the whole day like nothing else. Gratitude exercises are extremely powerful to put you into a state of appreciation and love, with the belief that you are the luckiest person on this earth. It is a beautiful way to start your morning.

Each morning; write down at least three things you are grateful for in that moment. It can be something simple, it can be something grand. It can be whatever you want it to be. It may sound simple, but it has changed my life.

*I usually meditate for 10-20 minutes, and then move onto gratitude. I find gratitude exercises easier after meditation.





I love to write. It un-jumbles all those thoughts that are inside your head and organises them into words – words that now make sense and words that are now no longer stuck and racing around inside of you. It is a release.

A few times a week after mediation and gratitude I usually write for a good 10-20 minutes. Anything that comes out. It may be more gratitude but in paragraphs instead of lists, it may be something that has been racing through my mind, it may be a check in on where I am in my life. Once the pen hits the paper you will know what needs to come out.

Journaling in the morning helps me feel grounded and at-ease throughout the day.



Intention setting: Could be simple mantras, could be what you want to get done for the day. For example: “Today will be a light-hearted day of fun, love and appreciation, I will get X, X and X done with ease”.

A simple intention can shape your day. If you believe that your day will be easy, it will be easy. You can direct your life by directing each day. You have the power.




Your physical health, spiritual health and mental health are all intertwined. If you are taking care of your physical health, you are taking care of your spiritual and mental health – and vice versa.

Always aim to start your day with some sort of hydration. For me, I juice fresh Celery every morning, first thing (I’m a total lover of Medical Medium and his work). I also aim to drink 1L of plain water or fruit/veg infused water within the hour.  I notice a tremendous difference in my energy, cognitive abilities and digestion throughout the day.



Just thinking about this brings me to a place of excitement and energy. Music can take you to beautiful places. I love putting upbeat music on in my morning and dancing and singing away. It gives me energy, it makes me feel FUN, it makes me fall in love with that moment and the day to come.

Aside from dancing, put some music on and move your body in any way that feels right to you. This may be yoga, going to the gym, this may be going for a walk, a hike, a swim. Just move. You will feel alive and accomplished. What a beautiful way to start the day!





Tarot, Oracle and Angel cards can provide incredible insights to your inner world. They may give you certain perspectives you need in order to move forward; provide you with guidance or insights in areas of relationships, finances, growth and much more.

If you have an area of your life you feel lost with, just ask what it is you need, and pull your card.

 ♡ ☾✶


Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

5 Responses

  1. Thank you for this, it’s helped me to gather different things to do to better myself and start off my days once the right step

  2. Good morning . I love seeing your posts , they are inspiring . I try to do all those things above but normally over the course of the day. This is a year where for me its a committed relationship with myself and my higher power to connect and groundmyself to the centre core of me take care of me , ive spent so long taking care of others ( i have 10 kids and 10 grandkids) but now being 53 with the children grown its time to find my own place in the world and find out what defines me as a woman. Motherhood past relationships dont define me they have shaped me taught me , but ive never known me or how to think for me. Look forward to more inspiring moments with you . God bless ❤

  3. Wow ?I do most of the same things! I don’t set intentions however, but I’m going to start. I can certainly see how that would set your mood for the day. Very helpful blog today, thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing this! I have been getting into a habit of writing daily affirmations and it feels so good and a nice way to start the day. I love all the other ideas you’ve listed as well! Music is magic right? Always lifts me up! ❤️

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