Mercury Retrograde June-July 2020: A month of SIX retrogrades!

Mercury Retrograde. Eclipse Season. SIX planets in Retrograde…. We hear you loud and clear Life, and we surrender to your great shift.


Mercury Retrograde

18 June – 12 July Sign: Cancer


We’re right in the middle of Eclipse Season; a total portal of transformation, a celestial checkpoint, a re-start button, a divine re-alignment of our Souls destiny.

Having Mercury (and Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune) Retrograde here amongst this time of great shift speaks volumes. Life is communicating, guiding, and initiating serious change both individually and collectively.

Perhaps that’s why the cosmos is bringing us Mercury Retrograde right now – as guidance into truly slowing down, reconnecting with ourselves and with the Universe, so that we can intentionally, on purpose, and in purpose, re-align our lives as life is so deeply asking us to do during this Eclipse Season.




Mercury rules over our minds, and as he moves into retrograde and honours the power of slow movement, he is asking us to do the same. He is asking us to return to a speed of life that facilitates healing, growth, and optimum living.

As a collective, we generally live fast-paced lives, and just about everything this year has held the guidance to slow down. If we’re constantly going, doing, doing, moving, going, if our minds are constantly stimulated, busy, loud – there is no space for healing, let alone living.

There is no healing without slowing down, without feeling, allowing, connecting, integrating. Mercury is bringing us home to a speed that allows us to heal. To heal by returning, revising, re-framing – allowing life to show us things in a new light so we can move forward.

Trying to move forward constantly, without pausing and integrating what we have just moved through only creates deeper misalignment. Trying to move forward without realising we have stepped off our path only takes us further from our path. Trying to move forward before we release heaviness we are still holding onto only creates more and more and more heaviness… until we no longer have the space or strength to carry all of it.

Take this time to find your own speed, a speed that allows for your most aligned and fulfilling life. Take this time to honour your energy and way of living. Take this time to revisit the heaviness, to revisit your path, and where you may have strayed, take this time to return to yourself.




With the influence of watery Cancer, our emotions will be potent during this phase, which can give us clues as to which way we are facing, what feels right and what doesn’t.

Your emotions are your greatest indication of where you are facing, of whether you are moving in your truth or if you’ve stepped onto a path that isn’t quite right for your unique, wonderful, infinite Soul.

This is a time to look at how we have been living and if we have been keeping ourselves small within our comfort zones.

Connect deep into your heart, your Soul, with honesty and ask yourself if you have been keeping yourself small in any are of life. Comfort is great and having a safe space is necessary for our hearts, but not forever.

If you hold fear around expanding, stepping forward, or making aligned change, ask yourself if that fear is coming from your heart or your head. Your Soul will never guide you into something that is not right for you – if you feel the guidance but are scared, sink deeper and deeper into your Soul with trust, with love, and with power.

Cancer also brings a greater emphasis on our family, our ancestral line, our roots, our upbringing, all that shaped us, and our home. Perhaps this is where we will find great healing.




Mercury being in Cancer will bring a deeper focus on our emotions, which may have been lacking with Venus Retrograde in cerebral Gemini, and with Mercury ruling our communication we can see a guiding shift into a new way of communicating in our world.

Each word we speak holds a vibration. A vibration that not only shapes the lens in which we see and experience the world through, but also a vibration that contributes to the collective energy of the world. So not only are we shaping our individual lives with our words, but we are shaping the energy of the world.

When you think and speak with truth, with love, with oneness, from your heart – you are shifting the energy of the world.

When you speak with truth, with love, with oneness, from your heart – you are creating the space for others to do the same.

When you speak with truth, with love, with oneness, from your heart – you are sparking something those around you. Because when you speak from your heart, you are allowing your Soul to speak. And when you allow your Soul to speak, other Souls hear, remember, and re-awaken in the most beautiful and powerful way.




A lot of wisdom can be found during this time as we slow down and reconnect with our emotions. So instead of allowing yourself to see Mercury Retrograde as a big scary event that it has somehow become in the online space… choose to see the truth of this time, the essence of this energy that is here for us.

Choose to see this time as a message to slow down, to connect with your emotions, to allow this new grand chapter of life to unfold and to allow yourself to flow with this collective movement.

We are in the middle of such big cosmic energy, such big shifts, and this has been reflected in the entire first half of the year. Life is moving us into change, the Universe is re-aligning who we are as a collective.

Our Souls know the path, our Souls understand the great plan that is unfolding, because we have chosen to be here in this time, amongst this shift, amongst this awakening, amongst this new way of being… So lets surrender to the ride.


If you are open, trusting and ready for this shift and are seeking further support and guidance, we have created a personalised Retrograde Tarot Reading, or you can join us inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership for a loving, supportive and powerful community of women.


So much love, always
Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

4 Responses

  1. Like!! Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

  2. The words you wRite are beautiful. i Am calmer reading this. ThAnk you for your tips and guidance.

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