Scorpio Full Moon May 2020 Girl and Her Moon

Our last Super Full Moon of 2020 is here as a powerful healer, ready to walk us through the depths of death and rebirth, ready to awaken us to limitations so that we can shed deeply, transform greatly, and embody all that we are without limitations.



  • Sydney: Thursday 7 May 8.45pm
  • Hong Kong: Thursday 7 May 6.45pm
  • Moscow: Thursday 7 May 1.45pm
  • Paris: Thursday 7 May 12.45pm
  • London: Thursday 7 May 11.45am
  • New York: Thursday 7 May 6.45am
  • Los Angeles: Thursday 7 May 3.45am



A deep, deep moment of surrender

We are yet again being called to deeply surrender.

To surrender to transformation, a cleansing of lower frequencies and perceived limitations. To surrender into total trust and faith. To surrender into the knowing that life is working for you, for you, for you, always. Whether it feels like it in the moment, whether we feel ready to let go, whether we understand the greater plan, or not.

This is a time to hand it all over to La Luna, to the Universe, to God. Whatever is heavy, confusing, missing, too much, too little, stressful, frightening – hand it over.

Hand over all that is not serving you and allow La Luna to transform that newly created space within you into pure magic – into all that you really are.

And to hand over willingly; we need to become aware of what it is that is holding us back, so you can trust that if there is heaviness coming up at this time – it is an indication that you need to hand this energy over to be transformed. Emotions that have been suppressed are making their way to the surface, they are ready to be set free into the cosmos once again.

La Luna wants to deeply to show us all that we are capable of. To awaken us into our unlimited potential. To clear what is not serving us. To clear what is holding us down and dimming our light. To clear all that we have been clinging onto that was never really us in the first place.

We are moving into the Eclipse season next month; this space we are in now with this Supermoon and the multiple retrogrades, is a deep cleanse in preparation.


If you find yourself moving through darkness – know that it is here to be acknowledged and released, that it is temporary, that you are so strong enough to feel through it, and that you are not alone.

Not one bit.

The entire Universe is waiting, all of its attention on you, waiting for you to surrender into her arms, waiting for you to hand over the heaviness and allow a shedding into all that you are.




We always recommend reading your Sun, Moon & Ascendant for a full overview. ⁣⁣⁣


Aries Girl and Her Moon


Beautiful Aries, it’s time to be brave.

It’s time to be brave and acknowledge all there is waiting to be felt and released back into the cosmos – however intense or uncomfortable.

You can dive in. You can let yourself feel. La Luna has promised that you will make it out on the other side even stronger, even more clear, even more you, and she has promised that she will hold your hand the entire way through.

This isn’t a time to push feelings to the side to deal with later. This is the time to look head on with no judgement at all that lies beneath the surface. Feelings and stories you might have suppressed throughout your life may make their way to the surface around this Full Moon. Just remember, no matter how heavy it may feel, you don’t need to carry it all alone. No matter how heavy it may feel, these emotions are just visitors, and they are ready to leave. No matter how heavy it may feel, moving through this time of shedding will bring immense lightness, immense growth, immense clarity and freedom.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Taurus Symbol Girl and Her Moon


La Luna is shining her light on your close relationships, Taurus. Wherever you are at in your relationships, however you have been feeling, under this Full Moon, consider it under a microscope, consider it unable to be ignored.

Intense feelings for another may surface. Relationships that no longer support your growth may crumble or transform. Any denials or fears within relationships will make themselves known.

This could even be an incredibly deep bonding time with you and another, as Scorpio rules soul-level love and connection. Only you know where you are at emotionally and energetically within your relationships.

Wherever this time leads you. Don’t ignore. Don’t push to the side. Let La Luna transform you. Surrender to her power and trust with all of your being that life is working for you, wherever it takes you, now, and always.

Give yourself permission to feel the full range of your emotions and give those closest to you space to do the same.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Gemini Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Gemini, you are so clever, so talented, so worthy, so loved. This Full Moon is asking you to connect with your beautiful body. Connect with your body and make space for its guidance to move through you. Sit in silence and ask yourself how you can better work with your body. Acknowledge if you have been ignoring it and chose now to move forward with only love and gratitude for your beautiful home in this lifetime.

This time is asking you to leave that clever mind of yours just for a moment, and instead feel. Feel your intuitive guidance. Feel into and remember your instinctual self. Remember that there are many kinds of knowing, not just the kind that comes from the conscious mind, but deep, deep, unshakeable knowings that lie inside of your heart since before your first breath. Knowings that are far beyond anything you have learned in this lifetime. Knowings that originate from Source itself.

Lean into the messages of your heart. Let yourself connect. Hold your beautiful body. Feel through any emotions that your body has held onto, waiting for this moment, waiting to be released.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Cancer Symbol Girl and Her Moon


These last weeks and months may have been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster, beautiful Cancer, but if anyone can ride the waves of emotion – it’s you. Under this Full Moon, these past few weeks emotions are coming into fullness, ready to be fully, deeply, wholly felt and expressed.

Under this Full Moon, you are a clear channel. A clear channel for art and creation. A clear channel for expression. These emotions, these feelings, any heaviness that you have been moving through, take this time to move and release them into something breathtaking – whether it be a painting, movement, music, poetry, anything. Let your heart guide the way into your most aligned expression.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Leo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Emotions are intense at this time. Not only are we working with the energy of deep watery Scorpio, but this isn’t just any Full Moon, it’s a Super Full Moon. Everything is intensified.

Now is a good time to let yourself pause, and really reassess your work-home balance. Whatever this period has brought you, less work, more work, no more work, work from home, however it has affected your home/family life, however you have been feeling, consciously or unconsciously, its surfacing to be acknowledged, felt and healed through.

Leo, ask yourself, are you truly happy in your home? Are you happy in your personal life? Your family life? Have you been ignoring or pushing aside any feelings around these spaces?  Is there balance in these spaces, or boundaries that serve you?

Let yourself feel anything, everything, with absolutely no judgement. Feel. Not analyse. Feel. Let everything come up. Let everything, no matter how messy, no matter how intense, be felt.

La Luna is here to help you move through any blockages and barriers so you can walk straight into your deepest desired home life.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Virgo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Virgo, take this powerful time to sit down and do some journaling or talk through your feelings with a trusted friend.

This is a deeply healing time to move through your emotions, as your mind is active and verbal/written expression is clear. Emotions that make their way to the surface are here to be felt and released, and for you, the best way to surrender to this process is to express them through your mind.

You may learn some deep lessons under this Full Moon. You may learn some deep lessons about yourself, about beliefs that have been holding you back and keeping you down, about communities that have been limiting. This is an incredibly powerful time for healing and transformation.

Lean into this transformation. Give all of your trust over to La Luna. Speak with La Luna. Tell her all you feel. She will hold you. She will take any heaviness. She will communicate your lessons.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Libra Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Beautiful Libra, if these shifts in our society have brought changes to your access to resources, how you earn income or the structures that bring you comfort, this is the time to let go of trying to control these changes. If this time has not created any changes for you, this is equally asking you to let go of trying to control these areas of your life.

La Luna is asking you to trust. Whatever and wherever you are energetically and emotionally in regards to your resources, trust that there is a grand clearing happening.

Whatever isn’t love is being cleared to create space for only love.

Whatever isn’t abundance is being cleared to create space for only abundance.

If you have fallen into fear or scarcity, trust that even if these feelings are intensified over this Full Moon, the light will come. The Sun will rise and with all of the new space beyond this grand clearing, will come greater abundance, greater comfort, greater access to outer resources and a greater connection with inner resources. Everything will realign into a space of love.

This is a time to let go of control, surrender, and trust.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Scorpio Symbol Girl and Her Moon


This Super Full Moon in your own sign may feel intense, but if anyone can move through intensity, it is you, powerful Scorpio. There is even more depth to you right now. Your intuition is even more clear, even more connected.

This is a good time to check in with yourself, have you been filling yourself up? Or have you been placing all your energy into others? Whatever your answer, take this time to focus on you. To remind yourself just how deeply you matter, how wildly capable and worthy you are. Let yourself truly see all that you are, a child of this Cosmos, a point of sole focus and love for the entire Universe.

You are moving into a significant space of transformation in your life, a surrender that your entire life has been training you for. Be gentle and loving with yourself and let your feeling self guide your actions. Let go of what you know and surrender into all you can be.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Sagittarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Life is coaxing you inward, Sagittarius. There is a quiet, hidden energy illuminating this Full Moon and it is asking you to dive deep into your Soul, deep into your subconscious, deep into your oneness with the Universe.

It is time to give attention to your inner journey and growth rather than your outer journey and growth. Consider your role in the collective, how you can contribute, make your impact, and how this all ties into your personal journey. Consider your role with yourself, how you can contribute, make your impact, and how this ties in with the collective awakening.

As the seeker of the zodiac, you will always feel aligned when discovering purpose, so this could be an incredibly transformative, growth filled and fulfilling Full Moon for you.

Don’t be resistant to go deeply within under La Lunas full power. She is watching over you, keeping you safe and secure as you dive into the depths of your Soul. Always ready to hold you if desired, always ready to take away heaviness, always ready to listen to your prayers of hope or even fear, always ready to move the entire Cosmos for you.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


You are our queen/king of material and career success, Capricorn. You are powerful. An inspiration.

Take this success that you are commanding and hold it up to La Luna, let her mirror back to you how this fits into the collective, how you are contributing, how you are giving back to the other Souls on this grand awakening and journey back home.

Now take this new awareness from La Luna and ask your Soul if it is aligned with your purpose in this lifetime. Are you creating the impact you desire to create? Are you living the life you truly, deeply, with all of your being, want to be living?

You are highly ambitious, and this ambition of yours will only be strengthened if it is aligned with a sense of contribution to the collective. Lean into the deep fulfilment of positive impact.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


La Luna is here to help you rediscover your power. She is shining a light on anything that has been dimming your light, and bringing you waves of visuals and knowings of just how infinitely powerful you are, Aquarius.

Accept this. Accept this new awareness and do something with it. Face, head on, all that has been dimming your light and keeping you small and let yourself release it. Let it crumble around you. Let it float back into the ether. Stand in your worth.

If you feel life has taken away your power with the space we are currently moving through, lean into what you can control while letting go of what is out of your control. And what you can control is how you show up each day. Take this time to establish a growth filled and supportive daily routine, looking especially at your work or role in the public.

Settle into yourself. Let change come. Let all that is no longer a vibrational match with you fall away. Things are transforming, especially around your career.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾


Pisces Symbol Girl and Her Moon


This Super Full Moon may bring a sense of completion for you dear Pisces, an awareness that you are moving into a new phase in your journey through life. You can feel it. Something is shifting. You are awakening. You are opening. Your intuition is strengthening. You are expanding.

La Luna is asking you to look at your personal beliefs and the lens in which you see the world through. Are they serving you? Do you want to bring it all into this new chapter? Or is it time to shift your perspective? La Luna will help you answer these questions. Do not doubt whatever flows into your awareness under this Full Moon.

This is a great time to lean into any new beliefs that have been waiting for you, any life truths that have been surfacing, be curious and let your mind expand.

Your connection with the Universe is strengthening and it is so beautiful. Your trust is strengthening. Lean into this trust while you let go of whatever no longer fits you. Lean into this trust while you step out of the box that you no longer fit into.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Full Moon Reading ☾



Want to work alongside La Luna each month?

Our beautiful Flow with the Moon members are aligning with this powerful energy through ritual, soul-work and spiritual practices, as they do each month.

They have access to exclusive monthly astrological, numerological & tarot guidance, Moon ritual, Soul-work and so much more.

At  $11.11, per month you can find out more about here!

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

One Response

  1. Thank you For the leo post. It definitely made sEnse and related to me; it’s also something I have been working on. Stressing off and on anout my current circumstance bc I am im a shelter and ready to gtf out of here. I am working and speaking into existence that My offspring and i will be in our Very own amd Much more happier space before this year is out!!!!

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