Our Soul’s journey may fluctuate and take a more circuitous route for the next month, as four of the major planets gently glide into retrograde.

This shift in energy might appear as a delay from the perspective of linear motion, but slowing down and retracing our steps, along with the planets’ retrogrades, will allow us to heal, feel, and process recent events.

Each planets’ retrograde is an opportunity for lessons that will ensure we are in alignment with our highest good as we move forward once again later in the year.



Venus Retrograde in Gemini

May 13th – June 25th

Venus Retrograde happens every 18 months and lasts for 40 days, opening a portal to limitless divine self-love and compassion.

During this time, we will be called to look at our core beliefs about relationships, money, and our physical well-being. The lessons we learn during this time are intended to ensure we are living in accordance with our most sacred values.

Since Venus is in Gemini, a major lesson will be to see how being inconsistent with our words and actions leads to problems. The effect of saying one thing but doing another causes our Spirit to feel out of sync, and Venus knows it is important to not move forward with an imbalance like this. The disharmony we experience during this time can be unsettling and calls us to pause, reflect, and reaffirm what it is we truly believe in. From this centred perspective, we can then align our actions to match what we truly desire, and then move forward with self-assurance.

We will also be learning lessons about the importance of flexibility in our approach to health, money, and love. In order to break out of feeling ‘stuck’, we must surrender to adaptability, new perspectives, and fresh ideas.

Open communication will liberate our Spirit as we find the words to clearly acknowledge what is no longer working and brainstorm Soulful ways to express and share our new values. Heart to heart conversations will be able to re-balance relationships and help them to grow into a new form that is fit for the future.



Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn

May 14th – September 13th

Jupiter Retrograde happens every 9 months, a cycle that prompts us to continually experience a renewal of philosophical and spiritual beliefs.

When Jupiter is in forward motion, we tend to feel expansive and motivated to reach out towards our goals optimistically. There is motivation to achieve grandiose plans and good fortune along the way that lets us know we are on the right path in achieving what we set out to do.

When Jupiter is in Retrograde, the blessings of the planet remain, but we are asked to apply this same sense of enthusiasm towards our inner world to facilitate personal growth. During this cycle, we will experience revelatory Spiritual insight by taking the time to explore our hopes, dreams, and wishes. Your inner world is primed for expansion and you will feel the call to pursue study that calls to you on a deep level.

The lesson of Jupiter Retrograde is to find your own inner compass to guide you along your path. Your personal truth is unique, and it is related to your destiny to make an impact in the world. Surrendering to new ways of thinking, study that expands your consciousness, and personal philosophies that feel true to you will magnify your Spiritual fulfillment. Old beliefs will naturally fall away as you embrace your faith and make the choice to grown beyond former limits.




Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn

May 11th – September 29th

Saturn, the great taskmaster planet, goes retrograde every 12 months in order to ensure we are building strong foundations for our personal lives and taking proper responsibility for our future. Both forward and retrograde motion may feel a bit heavy with the planet Saturn, which does not let us cut any corners in our life and wants us to take the slow and steady route to self-mastery, but the focus inward at this time is a wonderful opportunity to take stock of our personal resources.

During this time of reflection, Saturn asks us to reflect on long-term goals, responsibilities, and commitments. We must acknowledge that our time, energy, and resources are limited, and from this understanding ensure we are putting our focus in the right places for our Soul’s purpose. We are faced with the lesson of establishing proper boundaries for self-care and the need to limit ourselves at times in order to move forward.

As we surrender to listening to our Inner Voice for guidance, we will begin to see clearly what needs to be done.

We have a moment to pause and assess our trajectory and correct anything we may have previously overlooked in haste. We also have the chance to be diligent in our responsibilities, creating a sense of integrity in our work. When we surrender to what must be done in order to reach our long-term goals, we are gifting our Future Self with support and security.



Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

April 25th – October 4th

Pluto, like Saturn, stations retrograde once a year, and this year Pluto is especially connected to Saturn because Pluto is returning to point of the conjunction with Saturn that happened back in January.

The meeting of these two powerful planets began a collective ripple of change that rapidly changed the world. On both a collective and personal level, 2020 has been filled with unexpected twists and turns, forcing us to look deeper into what’s going on beyond the surface.

Pluto gifts us with the ability to penetrate to the heart of matters and fortifies us with the courage to take the plunge into the scary unknown. This energy can feel chaotic and destructive, especially when removing blocks and barriers to our own Soul growth. The retrograde time of Pluto allows us to integrate the major changes that have taken place and begin to piece things back together in a new way.

The main lesson of Pluto Retrograde is resilience. We are finally able to catch our breath from the impact of the blow from Pluto’s transit. Deep revelations can be integrated when we surrender to our Soul’s call for restructuring in our most vulnerable and tender places. We’ve made it through the destruction and we now can liberate ourselves to call forth a spring of creativity as we rise from the ashes.



The impact of these retrogrades coinciding is not to be underestimated. We are being shaken to our very core, on both a collective and personal level.

The planets in this cosmic alignment are calling us reaffirm our worthiness, commit to our deepest values, expand ourselves through personal growth, access our long-term goals, and trust that we have the inner strength to make it through with grace.

If you are feeling called to explore this retrograde energy more deeply, we are have created a beautiful offering specific for these Retrogrades: May & June Retrograde Reading.

This reading will provide spiritual nourishment and guidance during this potent time. Rest assured you have the Spiritual strength to make the most of this time – come the fall, you’ll be fully aligned and ready for the next step forward.

Monthly Energetics Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

One Response

  1. What a wonderful and informative article!! So much eNergy In the air right now… this helps make sense of some of it!! ?

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