Welcome to one of our biggest months in Astrology throughout 2025.
Throughout March we meet divine intervention, soulful realignment, deep inner reflection and quantum shifts. March is both dynamic and soft, transformative and reflective, emotional and fiery, loud and quiet. It is a month of creativity and inner journeying, soulful alignment and profound openings.
February 2025 Monthly Horoscope
March is a portal of transition – bridging us into the Astrological New Year, the Equinox, our first Eclipse Season of 2025, and the era-defining movement of Neptune into Aries. Yet in this opening and rebirth there is a deep and sacred inward pause calling our names, too, with both Mercury and Venus retracing their steps in a retrograde motion for all of March.
It’s a month of polarity, where parts of ourselves are ready to move forward, others are reviewing and reflecting, and others are moving through their own seasons of profound transformation.
Dancing across the threshold of ending and beginning, there is an emphasis on both our final sign of the zodiac (Pisces) and our first sign of the zodiac (Aries); We are both closing and opening, cycling through death and rebirth. We move through March standing upon the threshold of different seasons within us, different chapters of our lives and phases of ourselves.
Create the space for both endings and beginnings within your body – what is opening? And what is meeting its closure? And what isn’t quite clear in its direction just yet?
Your body is the portal for this threshold crossing, and it is through giving all directions within permission to move and evolve while continuing to offer ourselves safety and grounding that we can collaborate with the medicine and opportunity of this month.
With a cosmic emphasis on Pisces, we find surrender is the key. Lean back. Feel the Divine. Remember you don’t need to hold it all. As Eclipses take us into their arms, we find timelines closing and choice points arriving. Listen deeply. Trust in your deeper guidance. And as the Astrological New Year begins and we step into the flames of Aries Season; intuition, instinct, passion, and inspiration become our compass.
March brings a deep exploration of the Divinity within, action taking, desire, and surrender.Â
March 2025 Astrology Transits & Forecast
March 1: Venus Retrograde in Aries
Welcome to the Sacred descent of the Venusian Goddess. Travelling through the underworld and rebirthing herself from an evening to morning star. It’s 43 days of attuning to the inner, realigning to our deepest values, and reframing our understanding of and relationship with desire, beauty, worthiness, love, creativity, and divinity.
Beginning this year on March 1 until April 12 2025, Venus’ retrograde will cover two zodiac signs; beginning in Aries and finishing in Pisces.
While in the Aries, these first few weeks of Venus’ inward journey ask us to explore how we value ourselves. Not just intellectually – but how we embody that value – living and moving in a way that respects our own independence, life force, creativity, desires, intuition, courage, and truth. Aries is courageous, independent, and passionate. It moves based on its own instincts, leaping into action directed by its own desire nature. It is here to assert its energy into movement and creation, paving its own path and walking in a direction that is true to its heart.
Do we allow our inner flames of passion to guide as we claim our path, strength, and selfhood? Do we courageously take up space as we live and move in a way that respects our own knowing, desire, creativity, and life force? And do we feel worthy of our desires, courageous enough to act on our wants, safe enough to express our needs?
Confidence. Selfhood. Pleasure. Desire. Wholeness. Instinct. Independence. Creativity. Worthiness. Passion. Welcome Venus in and she will partner intimately with you to bring healing to these spaces within.
March 3: Mercury enters Aries
From March 3 – March 29, 2025 Mercury travels through the fires of Aries. While our planet of the mind, communication, learning and processing enters Aries it brings passion, speed, assertiveness, and courage to our mental realms and communication style. It ignites a fire in our expression and brings desire to the centre of our thinking.
Yet as Mercury enters Aries it does so in preparation for its upcoming retrograde.
So while Aries guides us to share, leap, and create before we think, and while Aries turns up our inner flames of enthusiasm and desire, inspiration and initiation – our upcoming retrograde invites us to bring more observation to the thoughts that occupy our mind at this time. For it is the very steps that we are walking now, the very ideas that we are opening to, desires that are calling our name, and words that we are expressing – that we will soon be retracing, reflecting on, and observing from a new vantage.
March 13: Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Eclipses are portals. They dance between the known and unknown, weaving in new potentials while closing old cycles. They speak to purpose, a divine realignment, and soulful evolution. They thin the veil, heighten the voice of intuition, and ask us to listen.
This months Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a space of release; of patterns unravelling and narratives falling away. It is a release of rigidity and expired guidance systems. Of mental noise and narrow perspectives. It is a lunation inviting us to create enough safety, acceptance, and trust in bodies that we can release control, that we can unclench our hands, that we can trust in the unknown.
Sitting within the unfolding of a much larger chapter, from January 2025 to July 2026 as the North Node moves through Pisces and the South Node through Virgo, we are on a path of healing our relationship with control and trust, and separation/disconnect from the sacred as we remember the inextricable sameness of body and divine. And in this, we are creating a new sense of safety within our tangible bodies as we allow in greater support from the Sacred.
Depending on your timezone, the Lunar Eclipse may meet us March 14, 2025. Read more about this lunation here.
March 15: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Mercury joins Venus in the underworld of Aries bringing review to our minds, passions, desires and communication. Aries is bold, assertive, driven and self-oriented. As Mercury brings review and reflection to the Aries within us all, we are exploring our inner narratives when it comes to desire, passion, and trust in our own instincts. We are reviewing the worthiness we feel to create a life of our own dreams and we are reflecting on the trust we hold in our own intuition, knowing, and instincts.
Placing a cosmic ‘hold’ on our communication, this sacred pause is a time to explore your relationship with communication.
Can you confidently express your needs, wants, and desires? Can you maintain your own narratives even in the presence of other perspectives, ideas, and energies? And can you communicate from a space of self-authority, honouring the impact within your voice?
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, however just like Venus, will come to a close in Pisces.
March 20: Spring Equinox
As light meets dark and day meets night, the Equinox is a day of balance. It is a sacred pause before we birth ourselves into a new season and direction. On this day, invite yourself too, to come into a sacred pause as you honour each direction within you. For as Aries Season and the Astrological New Year begins, we are beginning again, we are rebirthing ourselves, and we are meeting a new expression of who we are here to be.
Join us live as we gather under the Equinox and Astrological New Year to create the space to attune to our own rebirth taking place. We will create the safety to move through our own sacred transition. And we will resource ourselves with the vast support on offer – the beauty, guidance, inspiration, rememberings, and love of this sacred portal that is the March Equinox.
March 20: Aries Season & Astrological New Year
It’s a new beginning. It’s a fresh new chapter. It is inspiration. Motivation. New life. It is fire and it is passion. It is a rebirth. As the Sun crosses the threshold from Pisces into Aries, the Earth meets the Spring Equinox, and the Astrological New Year begins. Welcome to a new season of you. Welcome to Aries Season.
Aries is the inner flame that burns within us all giving us direction, connecting us to desire, drive, and movement. Aries Season ensures that we stand as ourselves for ourselves and that we take the risk, face the fears, and muster the courage to live our life with as much truth, passion, creativity, presence, and adventure as possible.
While we still have two planets in their retrograde, as we step into Aries Season we are invited to find a balance between passion, initiation, and beginning – with intention, review, and release. This is a space for intentional soul-led choices, and a trust that more of the story will unfold. What we receive now in terms of guidance, ideas, and inspiration are asking that we approach them with reverence, respect, and consideration – as opposed to impulse.
What must you release in order to meet this new you emerging? What must transform within you to meet this new season you are birthing?Â
March 27: Venus Retrograde enters Pisces
Pisces is divinity and surrender, sensitivity and intuition. It is our spiritual practice and the way we feel the Sacred within our own lives and selves. Venus descending through Piscean waters invites a release of past hurts, patterns, and emotions relating to everything Venusian – worthiness, love, relationships, pleasure, and beauty.
This is a space to welcome forgiveness into your heart – for yourself, for others, for experiences and even, for Life, God, Divinity itself. To welcome compassion into ourselves, and to see others through its lens. And it invites us to remember, not just with our minds but with our whole being, that we are our own spark of the Sacred.
From this remembering any question of worthiness automatically becomes irrelevant. As we bring healing to our connection with the Sacred aspects of Life, whatever that may mean to you, we bring healing to our own sense of value – the value that cannot be based on or diminished by anything external.
March 29: Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse
Since 2023 we have been meeting Eclipses in the fires of Aries. Step by step, lunation by lunation, opening to courage and passion, igniting intuition and initiation, and building confidence in our own leadership, inner knowing, and direction. March 2025 brings our final Eclipse of this thread, our final Eclipse in Aries for the next 8 years.
Eclipses interrupt patterns and open choice points. They collapse time and bring future potentials into the now. And they speak to an inner sense of purpose and direction, fulfilment and destiny, drawing out what was always living within us so that we may move with it, create with it, live with it.
Solar Eclipses birth chapters that last for years to come. They offer awareness that guides us for years to come. They open potentials that we continue creating with for years to come.
While the strong initiatory energy of a Solar Eclipse in Aries desires to leap into action, Mercury and Venus both in retrograde invite greater presence, patience, and review before action taking. This Eclipse is a space to tune in, listen, and feel. To receive your own wisdom and bask in your own inspirations – trusting that more of the story will soon unfold and all that is calling your name now is preparing for profound depth and blessings that are upon your path.
More coming on the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries soon.
March 29: Neptune enters Aries
Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 with March being the first time in 14 years that this mystical planet is exploring in a new sign. Entering Aries on March 29, 2025 where it will remain until October 22, 2025 – Neptune in Aries is a profound energetic shift both collectively and individually.
Neptune is our planet of spirituality, compassion, and intuition. It is where we fall back into the arms of the All and it is our doorway into the mystical, the sacred, and the unseen, the imaginal, the magical.
In Neptune, there is no self. We’re not separate from the All, we’re not separate from anything. In Aries, we are a defined self with our own path, intention, desires, directions and passions.
As Neptune enters Aries it invites us to remember the spark of the Divine within our own selfhood. It’s a space to weave imagination into action, to materialise the intangible, and to feel the expression of the divine moving through us and from there, to deepen our attunement to and understanding of where it wants to go and what it wants to do.
And It offers an influx of creativity, personal passion, and the play and action of bringing vision into form. What does your Spirit want? What does your Soul want? We’re linking up soul with desire, spirit with instinctual guidance and inspiration.
More coming soon on Neptune in Aries from 2025 – 2038.
March 30: Mercury Retrograde enters Pisces
A few days after Venus retrograde shifts her focus into Pisces, so does Mercury. Mercury Retrograde steps back into Pisces on March 30, 2025 where it will continue its backwards spin until April 7, 2025. Mercury will remain in Pisces in a direction motion until April 16, 2025.
Mercury Retrograding through the imaginal realms of Pisces invites us to explore how we value and use our own imagination, inspiration, and intuition. It softens our minds and brinds a deeply introspective and reflective energy. We are observing our inner narratives of trust and surrender.
Do we really allow ourselves to be held and guided by energies beyond us? Do we trust in the unfolding of our lives, or do we feel the need to control – as if everything is based on our own shoulders?
We are re-writing our relationship with Divinity, God, Source energy – and through the softening and blurring energy that both Pisces and Retrogrades bring, this is a beautiful time to find ourselves anew through getting lost in moments of Sacred. Whether through meditation, imagination, feeling, or praying.
Rather than clear thinking, structured planning, or detail-oriented communication – this is a time for reflection and daydreaming, visualisation and imagination. Our minds will be much less linear, objective and concise during this time – and more based on feeling.
March 2025 Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign
Join us for March monthly horoscopes and zodiac sign tarot readings, astrological horoscopes, astrology classes, new and full moon rituals, and a library of sacred teachings, practices, workshops and more in the Flow with the Moon Membership.
View all included and upcoming offerings inside of the membership here.