Manifesting with the Moon Phases: Our Natural State

Manifest with the Moon Phases Girl and Her Moon

Life is always flowing us in a certain direction, one that is so unique for our Souls. In the direction, and through the cycles of what it means to be human. Through the seasons, through the Moon and Sun cycles, and as females, our own internal cycles.

By aligning with this flow, life itself begins to flow.

While flow doesn’t necessarily mean easy, or a free ride -it does expand our life in greatness, love, connection, opportunity, and power. It takes away the resistance.

Our deepest passions and yearnings are known by the Universe.

Often the Universe is more aware of our deepest passions than we are, just as our Souls are. This is because the Universe, just as our Souls, does not see limitations as we have been taught to.

Aligning with this Universal flow is aligning with your inner, deepest yearnings and passions – whether we are aware of those passions or not.

Aligning with this Universal flow allows the space and the feeling of safety to bit by bit unfold all that we are. To step into ourselves. To connect with the cosmos within.

Connecting and aligning with la luna reconnects us with the divine.

It connects us with the divine surrounding us in the cosmos, and the divine within our Souls.

Connecting with La Luna is a real remedy for our Souls. We live in a world that has moved away from connection with nature, and this simple acknowledgement of connection is the beginning of that deep reconnection to life itself.

Connecting with the Moon can also be used as a ‘cosmic timer/planner’ to remind you of where you are in your cycle ,to bring you back into alignment no matter how far you have strayed throughout the month.

Learning to trust the process; as la luna does

Even to La Luna, manifestation is a process. You’ve likely noticed that your desired manifestations don’t always arrive overnight; that they often take time and inspired action; asking you to trust the timing of life.

Tuning into the phases of the moon provides a framework to move through over and over again, reminding you to trust the natural timing and cycles of life. Empowering you to find peace and understanding in the unfolding of our lives.



Moon Phases Girl and Her Moon




A new cycle of life is being birthed! Aligning with this energy brings a quiet, instinctual time.

It’s a time connect with and listen with complete trust to your intuition. When you do, you will allow the subtle messages from within to come to the surface in the form of realisations.

La Luna and the Universe are flowing new ideas and visualisations of your limitless future into your subconscious. Essentially, the New Moon is here to remind us to lean into our desires and bring them further into clarity once a month.

At this phase of her cycle, La Luna is wanting us to expand what we believe is possible. And this is important; for something to manifest in our lives, we must, deep within us, believe that it is possible. Use this time to create space for total faith and trust in the Universe.

Let La Luna guide you into your Soul, the place within that holds no limitations.



MEDITATE: Deepen your connection to the New Moon energy.

OPEN YOUR CHANNEL: Create a white stream of connection flowing from the cosmos into your crown chakra.

DREAM: Let yourself daydream with no limitations.

INTENTIONS: Set your intentions. Visualise your intentions. Feel into your intentions.

BRAINSTORM: Brainstorm new ideas and encourage creative thinking.

CREATE: Write, draw, create. Bring your intentions into the physical through your creativity.

PLAN: Plan and structure parts of your life that may feel messy.

ASK: Ask the Universe for guidance.

JOURNAL: Connect with your intuition through journaling.

GRATITUDE: Sit in gratitude for all that you have and all that is on its way to you.





Just as La Luna is moving from being invisible into her full power; so are your dreams.

This is the time to allow your dreams to blossom and flourish. To sit in trust and to anchor into your intentions. Take time to put into action your New Moon intentions. Take your steps. Initiate action on your projects.

Keep faith and have courage.



REFLECT: Reflect on all that has amazed you in your life. All that has strengthened your trust in the Universe and your manifestation power.

NEW MOON INTENTIONS: Return to your New Moon Intentions and lean into the energy of your manifestations.

VISUALISE: See and feel into all that you are bringing into your life

AFFIRM: Speak affirmations that are in support of your intentions





We’re half-way to the Full Moon, so use the energy boost that starts to occur during this phase and direct it into your intention.

This is a time to really lean into the confidence within you. Whether you feel it or not; it is within you. This is a time to face any challenges that have arisen and if necessary, adjust your plans accordingly.



LEAN INTO THE WHY: Remind yourself why you are manifesting what you are.

JOURNAL: What do your intentions mean to you? Why do you deserve your intentions? How good will it feel once they are here?

TAKE ACTION: Put in the work. Show the Universe that you are serious about what you seek.





It’s time for stamina. La Luna is almost full, don’t give up, and don’t allow fear to get in your way. Spend some time filling yourself up so that you can bring your full self into your intentions.

This is also a great time to look at any lessons life has brought you since the New Moon and bring them into your plans. If this requires some changes – this is the perfect time to

make those changes. This is also a great time to get back into any habits or routines  that you have let slip.

What is most important right now is patience and perseverance. Tap into the energy and excitement that you brought into the setting of your intentions and bring it into this last stretch.



FILL YOURSELF UP: Self-care, alignment, time with your Soul

GET EXCITED: Bring excitement into your being and let it energise this last stretch before the Full Moon

REVIEW & REFINE: What have you learned since the New Moon? Does this fit into your intentions? Make any changes necessary





La Luna is in her peak power and flowing her full manifestation power through our beings.

We are highly connected to La Luna at this point, so this can be a time of great spiritual breakthroughs, heightened emotions and peak creativity. The Full Moon accentuates what we have been working on and how we have been showing up during the waxing phase (first half of the cycle) and will bring to light what has been hidden underneath the surface.

She is bringing us emotional revelations as an opportunity to release all that is holding us back from our full power, and our manifestations in progress.

This is why the full moon is such a powerful time for inner work – for turning within, shifting perspectives, healing and shedding the past. La Luna is shining her light on the deepest darkest parts of ourselves that we usually can’t see. Spend this time noticing with trust and safety within your heart, the emotions that are surfacing. Whatever comes up is asking to be released.

Release all that is heavy and let La Luna carry it. And then fill that space with gratitude, love and light.

This is the culmination of the outward-energy action-oriented waxing phase of the lunar cycle. After this, we move into an in-ward focused reflective phase of the waning moon until we reach a new cycle (new moon).



MOON BATH: Sit outside and let the Moons light shine upon your skin.  Let her energy nourish your being and energise your Soul.

ALLOW: Allow the emotions that are wanting to make themselves seen and felt.

RELEASE: Feel and release. Say a prayer of release. Lay it all out for La Luna to carry.

FORGIVE: Forgive and release yourself from the situation and any heaviness involved.

EXPRESS YOURSELF: Get creative in whatever way your Soul is asking you to. There is a beautiful expressive energy flowing through the cosmos; harnessing this into your creativity will deeply align you with life’s flow.

GRATITUDE: Sit in gratitude for all that you have and all that is to come





We’re now officially in the ‘waning’ phase, where now, the moon will appear to grow smaller every night until it disappears at the time of theNew Moon.

Life is now asking us to take a deep breath.

Take the time to release any hype that may have come up over the Full Moon, and to breathe into a quiet pause within the moment and within our body. This is the time in La Luna’s phases that life really wants us to flow, to accept exactly where we are with absolute gratitude and trust.

You have been building upon your deep wisdom over the past few weeks, take some time to reflect on what you have experienced and learned, and if you find value in what comes up, don’t hesitate to share your wisdom with the world. If this wisdom can provide valuable in the manifestation of your intentions, take the time to integrate your newfound self into your manifestations.

But mostly – let yourself relax.

Relaxing is this phases manifestation exercise.

You have been putting the effort in, placing your energy outward into creating your beautiful life, and now it is time to turn inward and fill up your inner well. Remember, this time is just as effective in manifestation as the rest. Your connection with yourself is the foundation of all intentional creation.




Relaxing is this phases manifestation exercise.





We are half-way between the Full Moon and beginning a new cycle with the New Moon around the corner.

This is a time to really tune into the inner guidance that is within us all. A time to seek answers. A time to tune into the voice of our hearts to understand our next steps.

During this time, even more than ever our emotions hold important messages about where we need to let go, where we need to make changes, where we need to push forward, and where we truly desire to move towards.

This is also a powerful time to break any habits that you inherently know are not in the good of your highest growth. Decide if you want to take this energy with you into the new cycle coming up, or if you are ready to leave it behind. Whatever you release now is making space for the new, making space for the good, the love, the growth.



MEDITATE: Quiet your mind to hear your guidance

CONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL: Tune into your inner guidance

JOURNAL: Let words flow. You may just find everything you were looking for

COMMIT TO YOUR GROWTH: Honestly face any habits that are not serving you (if you are ready) and commit to leave them behind in this cycle






Our last space before entering a new cycle and a new way of being.

Look back over the past few weeks – back to your New Moon Intentions, and just sit in gratitude and awe over just how much you have grown since then, how much you have learned, adjusted, allowed, flowed.

If you find yourself in a space of feeling like you haven’t done or been enough over this time, place your hand on your heart and let your Soul tell you just how proud of you it is. This wise part of you knows how much you have grown.

Again, the Universe is asking you to surrender to its flow. We are moving into a powerful new cycle with a fresh new beginning, and by surrendering to the higher power and magic of the Universe you are allowing a release, a clearing, a making space for the new.

Energetically we are healing in preparation for the new cycle.

Let yourself get inspired. Dream. Plan. Dream. Dream. Dream. See yourself as all that you are. An infinite being. One with the Universe.



INTENTIONAL SURRENDER: Chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ from your heart. It is Sanskrit for ‘I offer a surrender to that power of dissolving so that something new can arise’

DREAM & INSPIRE: Daydream. Let your heart show you all that is possible. Inspire yourself.

CLEAR YOUR ENERGY & SPACE: Energetically and physically clear your energy and space. Yoga, breathwork, sage, de-cluttering, re-decorating.

SPIRITUALITY: Engage in ritual, tarot, go on Soul journeys through guided meditation, visit the Akashic Records, dive into past lives and whatever else excites your Soul.




Want to flow with the Moon?

Flow with the Moon Membership: Monthly Soul Work & Cosmic Guidance


Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon


Our Flow with the Moon Membership is home to over 1500 women from across the globe who are aware of, and deeply nurturing, their magic.

They’re doing so by aligning with the cosmos, by connecting to the Moon cycles, and by bringing their Soul into their everyday.

Each month you will receive your online interactive guide with an overview of the month’s energy astrologically, numerologically, and through a powerful collective Tarot Reading.

With monthly planning, alignment tools, new and full moon guidance, you also receive 1-2 powerful Soul Journeys each month to open to the energy of the cosmos.

With a New and Full Moon Ritual every month, we also hold the space for magical collaborations with other Soul Leaders to bring expertise, diversity and exploration.

Collaborations such as Breathwork sessions, EFT, energy healing, sound healing, abundance alignment, and so much more.

Find out more here!

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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