Libra New Moon October 2021 + Ritual! ♡

Libra New Moon October 2021 Ritual Girl and Her Moon

October is an energetically rich month, this New Moon brings a moment of beauty for us to take a step back and let the peace flow in



  • Wellington: Wednesday October 6 – 11.05 pm
  • Sydney: Wednesday October 6 – 10.05 pm
  • Tokyo: Wednesday October 6 – 8.05 pm
  • New Delhi: Wednesday October 6 – 4.35 pm
  • Dubai: Wednesday October 6 – 3.05 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Wednesday October 6 – 2.05 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Wednesday October 6 – 1.05 pm
  • London: Wednesday October 6 – 12.05 pm
  • New York/Toronto: Wednesday October 6 – 7.05 am
  • Los Angeles: Wednesday October 6 – 4.05 am


This New Moon holds an abundance of Libra energy.

Not only do we have the New Moon and the Sun in this sign of beauty and balance, but we also have Mars in Libra bringing us passion, and Mercury (retrograde) in Libra bringing us mental reflection.

Known as a stellium, this cluster of planets in the one sign is here to shine a light on a specific area in our lives – in this case, whatever house Libra sits in within your chart.

These past few weeks we have been feeling the energy building, and this month brings an abundance of change, movement, and intensity. Amongst all of this busyness and movement however, this New Moon feels like a special pause.

A moment of beauty for us to take a step back and let the peace flow in. We have been moving through such powerful transformation – honour that. Honour how far you have come and grown.

Libra is a cardinal sign, which holds the energy of new beginnings, new directions, taking action, and leadership. It’s an energy that brings clarity to where it wants to go and without much hesitation, it starts moving in that direction.

Also an Air sign, this allows for that movement and transition with greater ease – just as the wind can instantly and ease-fully shift gears, as can our Air signs. The air element also represent our mind and our thoughts. With Mercury present this focus on the mind is strengthened. Having it in retrograde under this New Moon, the opportunity to step back and assess on our lives is encouraged.

Where there may not be a whole lot of clarity instantly, this is a time to simply observe your mind. Observe any thoughts that come up that question your current reality. Observe any thoughts that question the current structures in your life. It doesn’t mean we need to jump into instant action – rather we are allowing our minds to be open to new possibility, knowing that awareness must come before any action. And so, let thoughts flow through your mind without attachment.

Let yourself question your life, your path, what you desire for yourself. Let yourself ponder other paths that may feel good. Let yourself explore possibilities.

The change that this New Moon sparks may not be obvious in the moment, rather it is a change and newness that is beginning beneath the surface, working away as sit in reflection. Once Mercury moves direct, we can expect things to feel as if they are moving again, the change that was sparked can now begin to show.

With Mars upping the passion and belief in self with this lunation, this is a beautiful opportunity to begin this new cycle with confidence in the power that resides within. There has been a cosmic ushering of Life mirroring us to see the strength, and the creative power that we each hold, and this New Moon is asking us to not just witness it… but live it.

With this moment under the New Moon, with this moment on pause and reflect, with this moment to feel your abundant divinity, how do you wish your life to look?

If anyone knows creativity, beauty, and design – it’s Libra. Visually design and map out all that you wish for your infinite future. Close your eyes and see the expansive opportunity in front of you, the never-ending opportunity.

Balance is a key energy under this Lunation, and this entire season. Libra is balance, it is the scales. It is fairness and it is connection. It is partnership and it is equality. It speaks to the intricate weaving of ourselves within the larger world, the relationship with me and all that is.

It reminds us that Life is a balancing act of give and take in every aspect of what it means to be human.

In our relationships, our effort, in our energy and our thoughts. Are you giving more than you are receiving? Are you allowing yourself to be nourished as much as you nourish others? Are there areas of your life that are asking for more attention? Can you breathe deeper into harmony?




Libra New Moon Ritual:

Energy Healing for Intention & Alignment

Created specifically for this Libra New Moon, this ritual, soul experience, meditation and energy healing session is created by Girl and Her Moon’s reader, healer, and guide, Kapualani.

Filled with focus, intention and alignment, this ritual is peeling back the layers to what this, and all, New Moons are all about – looking at where you are in your life, and getting clear on where you want to go. 

It is a sacred moment of coming home to yourself, while at the same time zooming out to a greater, wider, and higher perspective.

Paired with a powerful additional pick a card reading, Kapualani, as always, has infused this 40~ minute pre-recorded video with high healing energy.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership, available instantly with life-long access to move through in your own safe space and aligned time.

Move through this ritual as many times as you desire, whenever your heart is calling you for wider expansion, higher energy, and integration of deep wisdom.

Join us under this New Moon to embody the beautiful energy of this beautiful lunation. The recording will be available instantly upon signing up, in which you will also receive access to Octobers exclusive Tarot Reading, Soul & Intention Setting and the Aries Full Moon Ritual: Release, Restore & Reclaim.

Find out more about the Flow with the Moon Membership here. 🖤


Libra New Moon Ritual October 2021 Girl and Her Moon


If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the New Moon – Dilosh has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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