Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

Judgement Keywords

Revival, renewal, second chances, resurrection, reincarnation, awakening, transformation, transition, stagnant, judgemental

Judgement Numerology


Judgement Astrology Zodiac

None, Libra, Scorpio

Judgement Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Judgement Tarot Card

– Are my goals, choices, actions and intentions in alignment with the Highest Greatest Good (harming none)?

– What can I do to be more self-aware/responsible for the impact that I have on others?

– How can I be authentic and true to myself/my goals while respecting others?

Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

An archangel hovers from above in billowing grey clouds, sounding the trumpet of Judgment. A white flag with a red cross (also known as St. George’s flag) waves from the sacred instrument. Its song appears to be resurrecting the nude, grey figures below from their stony tombs/graves, emerging from the ocean, symbolizing the eternal and inevitable return to the divine. The recently deceased are awakening from their graves as they stand with arms extended, gazing at the larger-than-life archangel in the sky. The grey tones and snow-capped mountain appearing in the background, indicate a wintry scene. The golden color of the archangel’s hair, the trumpet and the woman’s hair all symbolize the life force powers of revival and renewal flowing to/through them, from the divine.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Judgement Upright

Just as the name implies, in many ways when this archetype appears, rest assured it is Judgement time. What is done has been done and the domino effect plays out. One way or another, the current situation is one that likely will have a lasting impression and/or influence. With that in mind, do your best to make sure that what you are doing and where you are heading is in alignment with your highest good, harming none. 

The Judgement card appearing in a tarot reading is a strong sign that anything you may have once thought was impossible and/or lost, may yet be realized, found, renewed, restored, revived and/or brought back to life again in some way, shape or form. This energy is also an indication that divine intervention is at hand; so any trials and/or tribulations that may have fallen upon you are soon to be overcome. 

The upright Judgement card can also be a sign that something substantial and/or meaningful that you may have thought was finished or complete is being given a second chance. You may need to make changes, work at things, push through and/or lean on your faith a little, but you are more than ready and capable this time around. Embrace this energy as an opportunity to not only try again, but to really see things from a higher, more evolved perspective.

You have reached a certain level of enlightenment and are making your way from the darkness, into the light. Whatever the case may be, you are symbolically emerging from a state of uncertainty and not knowing; and heading into a more self-aware, well-informed state of truth and clarity. Use this awareness to your advantage and realize that even though you may need to make adjustments, etc, once you do, it will have a lasting effect.

This major arcana card can also serve as a reminder that you are realizing and/or are ready to realize that your actions and efforts make a difference. What you are doing influences and affects the people and places around you. Take a moment to reflect upon why you are doing what you’re doing and do your best to proceed from a space of integrity, peace and clarity.

In stepping back and taking a moment to reflect and reevaluate, starting from within, you may end up seeing things from a whole new perspective. Remember, at the end of the day, you cannot control what anyone else says and/or does; you can only control what you say and/or do. By taking responsibility for yourself, your words and your actions; you allow the Universe and your higher self a space to intervene. This card suggests core karmic lessons and soul truths can be learned and with that, your divine path becomes clearer.

You are a living representation of your ancestry – both those who have come before you, as well as those who are and will be following. On a much deeper level, Judgement reminds you that who you are and what you do in this lifetime is linked to the divine. More than anything, let this encourage you to make healthy, positive, soul-aligned decisions.

Judgement Reversed

When the Judgement card shows up in reverse, it can be signify that you may not have learned from previous errors and/or mistakes. This could be a good time to step back and recognize if and/or where you might be repeating old, outdated, toxic, etc patterns. It is not necessarily easy to see yourself so clearly and unfiltered. In this case, Judgement reversed is showing you that you may know the truth but you might not be ready or willing to admit it.

Keep in mind, while change can be scary, lingering in discontent and/or being inauthentic will not do you or anyone else any good either. Ask yourself whether or not you have been avoiding change, progress and/or growth–if so, why?

If you’re seeing this major arcana tarot card reversed, the Universe is calling you to take a look at your shadow elements. By addressing whatever is hiding beneath the surface, you will be better able to turn things around. Also, remember not to be too hard on yourself while you’re at it. When Judgement is reversed, it can also be an indication that you are judging yourself and/or another too harshly and/or unfairly. For example, if you feel as though you missed out on a unique opportunity, try not to punish yourself and/or stay stuck in self-judgement–at least not for too long. 

It is possible that there is an opportunity for you to advance yourself on some level, but for whatever reason, you could be failing to take the next step. Judgement reversed might be appearing to let you know that fear(s), doubt(s), lack of self-worth, etc may be hindering you from moving forward at this time. If this rings true, remember, you are only sabotaging yourself. Realize that in the end, failing to take the next step may only cause you to miss out on a chance to experience a potential breakthrough.

Reversed judgement may also be indicating that now might not be the best time for you to proceed, step out, reveal yourself, share your plans, etc. Any breakthroughs or second chances that you may be hoping for may not come into fruition or work out as intended–at least not without some form of core growth and/or change first. If this resonates, you are being advised to take a deeper look at the details, as there may be something that was missed or lost in translation.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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