January 2025 Astrology: Depth, Empowerment & Opening

There is a quiet depth to January – something beautiful, subtle and transformative dancing beneath its surface.

With our feet planted on the Earth and our senses attuned to the tangible, there is simultaneously a pull into the undercurrents of our emotions, into the deep sensing of our Souls, and into the sacred corners of our bodies as we look ahead to this new chapter and this new year.

January 2025 Monthly Horoscope

January desires nourishment for each of us inviting us to gently arrive in this new year free from any pace, expectation, pressure, or associated meaning with this first month of the year that simply doesn’t belong here.

We are invited to take our time. To feel the subtle shift in our bodies. To observe the moments in between each breath and feel the Earth beneath our feet.

It is also a space to come into deeper connection with our emotions. With the waters stirring from within our bodies asking to be honoured, felt, and expressed. Offering deep insights and guidance in the process.

While the Sun shining in Capricorn invites us to consider the devotions on our hearts and the visions we hold for this new year, it has us considering and observing, planning and building both in the seen and unseen, tangible and intangible, logical and emotional.

A nourishing shift of the year comes as the North Node enters Pisces inviting us into the Sacred and healing waters of the Divine – a shift taking us throughout the entire year into the next. And as Mars continues its retrograde it brings us into a Cancer full Moon asking us to tune into the deepest needs of our hearts.

As the Sun enters Aquarius, energy begins to swirl and each moment takes on a new frequency, speed, and direction. We meet both our highest visions and deepest transformations, a liberating and inspiring Aquarius New Moon and the forward movement of Uranus after its four months of retrograde. As we step into Aquarius we are guided to look ahead and expand our visioning of possibility and desire for this new year.

January starts quietly. 2025 begins slowly. It brings us in and down so that we may plant our roots in the Earth beneath us – so that we may create a steady, lasting, and nourishing foundation for this new year.

It brings with the reminder that there is nothing we are missing out on. There is nothing we must rush into. There is nothing we must ‘do’ to officially arrive in this new year.

Paradoxically, we may just find that this deep presence in the moment and in our bodies is where we are met with the whispers and inspirations that this year is ready to bring us – especially as we step into the realm of Aquarius in the latter half of the month.

January 2025 Astrology Transits

Venus in Pisces: January 2 – February 4, 2025

Venus is our planet of love, beauty, and harmony. She is magnetism, abundance, self-worth, and pleasure. As Venus enters Pisces she offers imagination, intuition, creativity, and compassion. She becomes a doorway for each of us to revel in the Sacred, and to remember the Divine alive within ourselves and one another.

Mars opposite Pluto: January 3, 2025

An energy that has been alive since October 2024, Mars and Pluto have been dancing in our skies bringing transformation and liberation, depth and intimacy – and will meet their second opposition this month.

Bringing us down into the depths of our bodies, emotions, and underworld, these two planets open a doorway for unconscious and unprocessed material to rise into our consciousness, and to meet profound transformation in the process. It is a day that asks for space. Space to feel and honour the energy and emotions moving through our bodies. Space to receive the information, wisdom, and insights travelling through these energies and emotions. And space to express them.

The medicine on offer with this continued dance is that of empowerment. As we bring what is unknown within is into our awareness its hold loosens and its power over us lessens. As we join the dance, we meet transmutation, self-reclamation, and inner freedom.

Mars Retrograde in Cancer: January 6 – February 23, 2025

Mars has been retrograde since December 6, 2024, beginning in the fires of Leo. This month it will step back into Cancer, shifting its focus and bringing new invitations to the surface. Together we are exploring the value we place on our own energy, our deepest needs, our emotions, and our most truthful desires. Mars Retrograde in Cancer brings us deep into our emotional body – swimming through what has gone unfelt, what has gone unloved, and what has gone unexpressed, waiting for a safe and loving channel to be transmuted.

We are reviewing the way we take action and move through the world, bringing our movements into greater alignment with our emotional needs.

Are we honoring our emotional needs, or are we placing them to the side? Are we taking actions, saying yes, or over-exerting ourselves from a deeper need to feel safe, loved, honored – from fear, unworthiness, or self-abandonment?

This phase of Mars’ retrograde invites us to review our relationship with emotion, expression, anger, drive, and how we learned to assert ourselves or not, express our emotions or not. We must all learn how to advocate for ourselves, honour our needs, and assert our preferences. We must all learn to create a world that we feel safe in, secure in, and strong in. This retrograde brings deeper self awareness in these spaces.

Mercury in Capricorn: January 8 – 27 January, 2025

As Mercury joins the Sun and travels through the grounded and devoted builder of the Zodiac, we are invited to think practically, bring our long-term visions in front of us, and begin planning for this year ahead. This is a beautiful time to consider goals and desires for your 2025.

North Node in Pisces: January 11, 2025 – August 16, 2026

An exciting and influential shift of the month and year, this month brings the movement of the Lunar Nodes for the next 18 months. As the North Node in Pisces brings deep healing in surrender, creativity, compassion, and connection to the Sacred, the South Node invites healing through a release. A release of control, perfectionism, and self-judgement. This transit supports us to heal and release patterns of shame, close-mindedness, and any spaces within that feel as if we are never enough, are inherently broken, or disconnected from the Sacred. Pisces reminds us that we are enough, we are sacred, we are love – just as we are, wherever we are.

Read more about the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo here.

Cancer Full Moon: January 13, 2025

Our first lunation of the year arrives with honest and intimate insights and guidance coming from deep within our bodies and emotions. It is a full Moon swimming in the waters of emotion, asking for presence, and asking for expression.

It’s a full Moon asking that we honour our emotional knowing, our deepest needs, and the sacredness of our own energy. It is a full Moon asking that we create space to feel, listen, and receive the wisdom travelling through our emotional body, through our feeling nature. It is a full Moon asking that we create a channel to express all that has gone unfelt or kept beneath the surface. And it is a full Moon asking that we become the healing, medicine, love, presence, and nurturing that we are craving – for ourselves, and with ourselves.

Read your Full Moon in Cancer Insights and Horoscopes here.

Sun opposite Mars: January 15, 2025

Mars Retrograde is a central theme of January. It invites us to slow down and reconsider how we express our energy, honour our life force, and allow emotion to move through us. It invites us to review our own boundaries – what we say yes to, and where we place our needs on our own scale of importance.

As the Sun in Capricorn comes into an opposition with Mars Retrograde in Cancer, this exploration heightens, coming into greater focus. While Capricorn desires to plan and build, asking for devotion and consistency, Mars Retrograde is ensuring this planning and building is done in a way that honours our energy, desires, and needs. This is a beautiful day to explore if and how we overextend ourselves, to close doors on spaces and places that are draining our energy, and to intentionally focus our energy on a direction that is true to us for this year ahead.

Aquarius Season: January 19, 2025

As the Sun shifts from Capricorn and into Aquarius where it will remain until February 18, 2025 – the pace of January begins to change. Aquarius is a sign that takes us beyond the individual self and into a higher consciousness. It is the water bearer, pouring forth libations for the collective. Yet according to mythology, it is not just water it is pouring – it is new consciousness. This new consciousness takes us beyond what we know, what we see, and into the realm of what is coming in next. And it invites us to fine tune our awareness to new waves of evolution – where it’s all about innovation, revolution, and free-thinking humanitarian progression.

As Aquarius Season begins, it is is a beautiful time to tune into your own understanding of a higher consciousness – your own vaster knowing, cosmic guidance, and potentials waiting for you – becoming that vessel for new energy to stream forth through the mind and into your visioning for this year ahead and beyond.

Sun conjunct Pluto: January 21, 2025

With the recent movement of Pluto into Aquarius where it will remain for the next two decades, whenever a planet enters the realm of Aquarius it simultaneously meets/conjuncts Pluto. And while Aquarius opens our minds to higher consciousness and new frequencies, Pluto brings us down into our own underworld, swimming in depth, emotion, and sacred transformation.

The purpose of any Pluto transit or aspect is that of empowerment. As the light of the Sun and the light of our awareness are brought into the underworld of our psyche, it allows for awareness. Awareness of patterns, emotions, fears and more that have held a power of us, unconsciously directing our lives. And it is from this space of awareness that we can bring healing, presence, and transmutation to these spaces, consciously choose again, and take our power back.

Mercury in Aquarius: January 29 – February 14, 2025

As Mercury joins the Sun and enters Aquarius we are invited to mentally approach things from an entirely new vantage point and unique and out of the box perspectives. This pairing in our cosmos opens our minds to become a receiver – much like a radio – to new ideas, truths, perspectives, and information awaiting our awareness. It is where we are attuning to the new, becoming somewhat of a bridge for the future to come into the present.

As Mercury enters Aquarius it will conjunct Pluto, bringing the conscious and unconscious mind together, bringing insights and messages from a deeper aspect of our awareness.

Aquarius New Moon: January 29, 2025

Our first new Moon of the year inspires new ideas and expands our visioning. It invites us to step out of the box and open ourselves to vaster possibility. And it heightens intuition, imagination, and a sense of purpose as we continue to settle into this new year.

The energy of January continues to open wider as we reach our second lunation of the year, and inspires us to plant new seeds of desire and play with creative visioning and ideas.

Read your New Moon in Aquarius Insights and Horoscopes here.

Uranus Direct: January 30, 2025

After a four-month retrograde, Uranus stations direct this month opening the cosmic doors and ushering in more energy, direction, and intuitive knowing for our path ahead. Our planet of change, revolution, evolution, and innovation, Uranus opens and changes whatever it touches. It breaks down structures so that new possibilities can be planted, and it moves with the intention of liberation, freedom and personal and collective growth for us all.

As Uranus stations direct it continues to travel through Taurus before entering Gemini for the first time in over 76 years in July of 2025. While in Taurus, it is highlighting a beautiful paradox – the more we are in our bodies and rooted in the tangible, the more we have access to the intangible – the higher consciousness, sharp intuition, and heightened awareness of Uranus. Uranus in Taurus has been, and will continue, breaking open our relationship with security, finances, liberation, individuality, belonging, and freedom. It is bringing in a new way to relate to the earth and to the wisdom of our bodies. And it is working with us to expand our comfort zones, increasing our capacity for more of who we are to be grounded into our lives.

January Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign

Join us for January monthly horoscopes and zodiac sign tarot readings, astrological horoscopes, astrology classes, new and full moon rituals, and a library of sacred teachings, practices, workshops and more in the Flow with the Moon Membership. View all included and upcoming offerings inside of the membership here.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

One Response

  1. Hello I am 53 getting divorced it is scary but I found new love with a Pisces match 20th and I feel tremendous power within is there something special happening in 2025.

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