Gemini Season 2024: Insights & Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

Welcome to Gemini Season. An invitation to play within the realm of our minds, open to curiosity, and follow new inspirations. It’s a season of communication, learning, movement, and adaptability.

It’s a season of connection – sharing words between one another, swapping stories and information, and allowing ourselves to be inspired, enlivened, and changed in the process.

Gemini Season is a breath fresh air – it clears what is stagnant, creates space within us, and moves freely and openly. It invites us to become our own breath of fresh air, too.

Gemini Season 2024 Dates: May 20 – June 20

Beginning May 20, 2024 until June 20, 2024, Gemini Season follows Taurus Season as the Sun shifts from one zodiac sign to the other.

* Depending on your timezone, Gemini Season may begin May 21 – June 21, 2024.

The Sun in Astrology is the centre of who we are. It is our light, our life force, our spirit, and our identity. As the Sun shifts in the cosmos, we shift with it.

What to expect during Gemini Season

After exploring the Taurean lands of stability, worthiness, slow movements and tangible pleasures over the last month – we now step into a new world of Gemini. We move from Earth to Air and with that, time seems to speed up. We move from Earth to Air and with that, we shift from the tangible to the intangible, from the body to the mind, from creating with our hands to creating with our thoughts. With the Sun in Gemini, we move from a fixed sign to a mutable sign and with that – we set the stage for a season of freedom, changeability, and adaptability call our name.

Taurus Season invited us to sink into ourselves, tending to our inner safety and belonging on the Earth. With this safety in place as Gemini Season begins, we open to freedom. With safety, we open to play. With safety, we open to curiosity and openness, exploration and connection.

The sign of the twins, Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication and the mind. This season, let fresh new air flow within your mind and body, within your connections, consciousness, beliefs, and throughout the structures of your life.

Create spaciousness in your identity, allowing yourself to surprise yourself. Allow for flexibility and openness, observing where the winds of change, inspiration, and curiosity guide you when you allow yourself to let go.

As the season starts, we are breathing new life into ourselves, and clearing out what may be stagnant, heavy, or expired within us in the process.

Jupiter in Gemini: May 25 2024 – June 9 2025

Gemini Season 2024 holds one of the biggest and most anticipated astrological events of 2024 – that of Jupiter in Gemini.

After a year in Taurus, and just after Gemini Season starts, Jupiter joins the Sun and enters Gemini on May 25 2024, where it will continue travelling and expanding through the air sign until June 9 2025.

The largest planet in our solar system, lucky Jupiter expands whatever it touches, bringing a beautiful trail of growth and opportunities. While in Gemini, a mutable air sign, it is a planetary chapter inviting us to expand our minds, open to new collaborations and connections, and embrace the child within each us – the one that is open, curious, excitable, and experimental.

It’s a year plus of healing our relationship with our own sense of adaptability – allowing ourselves to shift, pivot, open to new ways when we are guided to. It is a year plus of healing our relationship with learning and communicating, connecting and sharing.

And it invites us to become once again a student of life, opening the mind and inviting us to consider new ways of seeing things, understanding life and others, and making the space so that we may come to consider and perhaps even accept different opinions and ways of being in the world.

Gemini energy is the energy of variety. It reminds us that various viewpoints, perspectives, interests, personalities, ways of living, can all exist at once. While this transit touches each of us individually, on a collective level, we may just find that we are invited to come into a space where we can accept the variety living within this collective body. And perhaps, where we can even embrace it.

Gemini Season 2024 Important Astrological Dates

  • Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: May 23 2024
  • Full Moon in Sagittarius: May 23 2024
  • Venus enters Gemini: May 23 2024
  • Jupiter enters Gemini: May 25 2024
  • Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus: May 31 2024
  • Mercury enters Gemini: June 3 2024
  • Venus Cazimi: June 4 2024
  • New Moon in Gemini: June 6 2024
  • Mars enters Taurus: June 9 2924
  • Mercury Cazimi: June 14 2024
  • Mercury enters Cancer: June 17 2024
  • Venus enters Cancer: June 17 2024

Gemini Season 2024 Retrogrades:

  • Pluto Retrograde: May 2 – October 11 2024

Gemini Season Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign

As the Sun moves through Gemini, it simultaneously moves through the area of your astrology chart that Gemini lives, highlighting themes, invitations, and directions that are calling your name this season.

By looking to your rising sign, we can begin to understand these themes.

Aries Rising

What do you want living in your mind, Aries Rising? As if it were a room in your home – Gemini Season invites you to open the window and let in some fresh air. What is in this room, and how does it feel in here? What is taking up space that no longer belongs here, and what is ready for a refurbish?

Gemini Season is a refresh of the mind, an opening of the narratives and frameworks though which you move through the world. It is a season to play in the realm of curiosity, learning, and communication – letting yourself redesign the room of your mind in the process.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Taurus Rising

Worthiness. Inner value. Safety. Gemini Season is here to breathe new life into these spaces, reminding you of the healing and growth found in play and flexibility. Stability. Inner belonging. Finances. Let’s clear what is old. Let’s clear what is heavy. Where do you want to go in these spaces? How do you want to feel? What do you want to create?

Gemini Season is a door opening you into those desires. An invitation to embrace openness, adaptability and flexibility, explore how and where security and safety is still available from within, even as we shift and change with the tides.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Gemini Rising

It’s your Season, Gemini Rising. A new chapter of your life and an invitation to create space, openness, and flexibility into the structures of your identity. An invitation to allow yourself to surprise yourself, for you are not who you once were. And an invitation to breathe fresh new life into who you believe you are – allowing it to shift how you move through the world, what you desire, and the live you are creating.

Gemini Season is the space for you to pour your energy, attention, and curiosity toward yourself, celebrating who you have been, opening to who you are becoming.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Cancer Rising

It is through introspection, reflection, and quiet moments that the space for new life is created, Cancer Rising. Meeting you in preparation for your own rebirth next season, Gemini Season arrives with the invitation to clear what you will not be taking with you into your new beginning on the horizon. The narratives, the beliefs, the memories in your body, and the ways of being that you no longer want to carry. The many selves that we honour and love, for they allowed us to arrive as we are, where we are, who we are.

Gemini Season is healing medicine – inviting curiosity, openness, acceptance, release, and self-love as we reflect on where we have been, and create space for where we are going – whether we know where that is yet, or not.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Leo Rising

Isn’t it beautiful, Leo Rising, how diverse, varied, and colourful this collective body of humanity is? Isn’t it beautiful, how we all have a place, a colour, a path to walk, a self to express, within this collective body of humanity?

Gemini Season invites this truth to inspire you, to open you, to remind you of your own belonging both in who you are and amongst every other human in this world. It invites you to celebrate your own uniqueness, and to curiously explore the uniqueness of others – letting their perspectives, experiences, paths and colours add to yours, expand yours, and bring you deeper into your sense of belonging amongst the collective, and amongst your community.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Virgo Rising

Building a vision requires commitment, consistency, and staying power, Virgo Rising. Yet Gemini Season reminds us that it also requires adaptability and flexibility. It also requires openness to the vision shifting and changing, allowing the thread of curiosity to guide and inspire us as we continue to build.

This season breathes new life into your long-term visions, your legacy, your work, your impact. It invites movement and openings, new ideas and potential directions. It invites curiosity and playfulness, collaboration and sharing – so that you may open to what is possible, adapt where necessary, see things from a new vantage, and reignite excitement.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Libra Rising

Gemini Season is an expansion of the mind, Libra Rising. It invites flexibility, curiosity, and openness in your beliefs and perspectives – creating a doorway for you to travel beyond the bounds of how you see the world, opening to all that lives beyond those borders. It invites wisdom through conversation, teachings, new life experiences, to reach into you, shifting and opening you in the process. And it’s a season to occupy the spaces of both student and teacher within yourself – tapping into your own wisdom and learning from it as you do so.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Scorpio Rising

In mythology, Gemini’s ruler Mercury was the only God who would willingly travel both up to the heavens and down into the underworld – gathering information and relaying it between the two, acting as a messenger. And it is this season that Gemini and Mercury invite you down into your underworld, Scorpio Rising, so that you may untangle, refresh, clear, and breathe new life into these corners of you.

This season invites a curious exploration of what lives within your unconscious, so that it may be brought to the light of consciousness to be reframed, opened to a new way of seeing, and updated. A beautiful time for journaling, talk therapy, dream analysis, and anything else that strengthens the bridge between conscious and unconscious – moving energy and emotion between the two.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Sagittarius Rising

There are profound gifts in communication, in words, in sharing yourself and allowing others to do the same. It opens connection, it creates a thread between the worlds within us and the worlds within them. It allows us to be seen. It allows us to see others. It brings us together.

Gemini Season invites us to connect with others, curiously exploring the threads that bring us together through our words and listening. It invites an openness to the way others see the world, allowing it to shift and add to our own perspectives and beliefs. And it invites collaboration – the magic of bringing together more than one perspective, allowing curiosity to inspire and guide where we go together.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Capricorn Rising

Gemini Season invites fresh new life into your days, Capricorn Rising. Releasing the movements and habits that no longer support you. Implementing the ones that do. And exploring new rituals that bring you wellbeing.

It invites flexibility in the ways in which you go about your day, creating space for more joy, play, and curiosity. It reminds us that our lives are made up of each day. How do you want to decorate your days? For how you live your days is how you live your life.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Aquarius Rising

It’s a season to tend to your joy, Aquarius Rising. As if this were your only task, as if this were the centre of your season. Your joy, creativity, your art and your play. It’s a season that reminds us that play lightens. Laugher moves energy. Creativity enlivens us. Excitement sparks new life. Joy heals. Openness lets life’s wonder in. As you lean into these spaces, there is something waiting within you to open wider to this life, to yourself, your heart, your meaning and fulfilment in this world.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Pisces Rising

What does your atmosphere feel like, Pisces Rising? The energy of you. The emotions of you. The world of you. This season invites an exploration into yourself, the experiences that have made you you, and your home within yourself. It invites a clearing and cleansing breath of curiosity to sweep through your psyche – all that lives within it that is true to who you are, and what lives within it learned from others. It invites time and energy in your own sacred space – energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically. And it invites belonging – to yourself, your home, your people, your life.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology ReadingTarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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