Full Moon in Aries October 2024: Empowerment & Transformation

Sometimes guidance from both above and within meet us softly, whispering in the winds as it flows through us. Other times, it’s as if we have stepped into flames, unable to look away, unable to move away. Clear as day. Palpable in its presence.

This lunation is the latter. For the sign of Aries holds presence, strength, power, it’s energy anything but subtle.

This Moon in her fullness directs movement of our emotional body. Bringing deep emotional tides from both our conscious and unconscious to the shore for us to meet, listen, and feel. She then pulls them back, revealing what lives beneath them – a mirror of our depths.

She creates waves within us. Asking us to express. Move. Express. Move. Asking us to listen, feel, honour what is swirling within us. To give it all a voice. A channel. A release.

With this lunar movement she reveals what lives within us, conscious and unconscious, felt and unfelt, desired and undesired, loved and unloved. Within this lunar movement we are offered the sacred fires of deep healing, release, empowerment, and transformation.

Welcome to the Aries Super Full Moon.

When is the Full Moon in Aries October 2024?

The Aries Full Moon meets us October 17 or 18, depending on your timezone.

  • Wellington: Friday 18 October, 12:26am
  • Sydney: Thursday 17 October, 10:26pm
  • Tokyo: Thursday 17 October, 8:26pm
  • Singapore: Thursday 17 October, 7:26pm
  • New Delhi: Thursday 17 October, 4:56pm
  • Dubai: Thursday 17 October, 3:26pm
  • Istanbul: Thursday 17 October, 2:26pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Thursday 17 October, 1:26pm
  • London: Thursday 17 October, 12:26pm
  • New York/Toronto: Thursday 17 October, 7:26am
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Thursday 17 October, 11:26am\

Aries Full Moon Astrology

The moment the Moon reaches her fullness in the fires of Aries, she does so right next to Chiron, while in collaboration with Mars, Pluto, and the Sun.

If we were to close our eyes and feel the cosmic bodies calling to us – we would feel Chiron offering us medicine and healing through the very doorway that are our hurts, fears, and wounds.

We would feel Mars deep in our emotional body, moving what has become stagnant, igniting what has gone unfelt, revealing knowing, passion, and insight in the process.

We would feel Pluto in the depths of our being, calling us inward and downward, asking that we venture into those depths only to meet our own fires of transformation, regeneration, and transmutation.

We would meet the Sun, the core of our being, reminding us that no matter the release, the transformation, the shedding that this lunation brings – the truth of who we are will always remain.

And we would meet Aries, the first of the zodiac. An empowered readiness to move, change, dare, say yes to ourselves, say yes to a new chapter.

Six months ago under an activating Aries Solar Eclipse, we walked through a doorway entering a new realm of healing with Chiron. We met our fears, hurts, patterns and pains living deep within our bodies, hearts, and minds.

Six months later, we meet another doorway – the exit of this chapter, the final moments in this space. Under this lunation we stand at this same doorway. Entirely different, yet somehow only more of ourselves.

We stand here ready to let go. For we have been journeying with these fears and hurts and they have transformed us. We stand here ready for empowerment. We stand here in awe of our own self-reclamation, ready to celebrate ourselves in a new way. We stand here knowing that we deserve healing, beauty, joy, and love.

This lunation is the final release of this chapter. It’s the end of the story. And it the beginning of something else.

As you allow the Moon to shift the tides alive within you, letting yourself feel, express, move, release – we are reminded that the key to this next chapter – whatever it might bring – is us. So we become the key, we open the door, and we say goodbye to this season of our lives, boldly declaring that we are ready for what is next.

Full Moon in Aries Astrological Aspects

  • Sun in Libra opposite Moon in Aries
  • Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Sun opposite Chiron in Aries
  • Sun and Moon square mars in Cancer
  • Sun and Moon square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Sun trine Jupiter in Gemini
  • Moon sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Aries Full Moon Ritual

Aries Full Moon Workshop: Somatic Expression

Build emotional resilience and change your relationship with difficult or uncomfortable emotions through emotional embodiment and somatic expression. Incorporates elements from Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET).

Together in this workshop with Somatic Life Coach Madelyn Louipenn we will explore somatic tracking – opening our capacity to observe and attune to current and/or unprocessed material present in the body to then begin a dialogue with it. And we will engage, move, and transform this energy/emotion through expressive writing and somatic (body) emotional expression techniques and exercises.

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Full Moon October 2024 Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

Watch below for your Aries Full Moon Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Kapualani. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!

For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.

YouTube video
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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