Full Moon in Aquarius August 2024: Astrology & Horoscopes

It’s a lunation that asks; what does it mean to be free?

Aquarius is sharp intuition and downloads of knowing. An air sign, it reads Universal consciousness and aligns to vaster waves of evolution. It cracks open foundations, structures, and patterns, opening us to inspiration, freedom, and new consciousness streaming forth from within the cosmos.

Welcome to the Aquarius full Moon.

When is the Full Moon in Aquarius August 2024?

The 2024 Aquarius Full Moon meets us August 19 or 20 depending on your timezone.

  • Wellington: Tuesday August 20, 6:25am
  • Sydney: Tuesday August 20, 4:25am
  • Tokyo: Tuesday August 20, 3:25am
  • Singapore: Tuesday August 20, 2:25am
  • New Delhi: Monday August 19, 11:55pm
  • Dubai: Monday August 19, 10:25pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Monday August 19, 9:25pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Monday August 19, 8:25pm
  • London: Monday August 19, 7:25pm
  • New York/Toronto: Monday August 19, 2:25pm
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Monday August 19, 11:25pm

August Aquarius Full Moon Astrology

It’s a lunation of liberation, heightened intuition, inner knowing, cracking open, and stepping out of old structures. 

It’s a full Moon reminding us that we are each here to do things a new way, a different way, a direction that can only come from within – for together as we follow our own call of Soul, we are creating a new world.

This full Moon comes at a time where things are re-arranging. Energy is shifting. Patterns re-configuring. August is filled with this re-arranging – from Mercury Retrograde and Leo Season and new Moon, to Mars conjunct Uranus and Sun square Uranus.

Under this lunation, we stand between times. Old and New. This full Moon is the bridge connecting who we have been, with who we are becoming. With where we have been, and where we are going.

Yet it isn’t a right turn. No lunation is. We have been preparing for this shift with each step taken. We have been feeling the building, the gathering, the insights landing and calling getting louder. We have been feeling the call to step into our individuality, become more of ourselves, and cultivate greater trust in our truth and guidance. 

With the planet Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) highly active under this lunation, there is an opening, a heightened intuition, a doorway for what is streaming through the cosmos as guidance for each of us to land with greater presence. We are a vessel under this full Moon. And there are insights and revelations waiting to come into our awareness.

Both an Ending and Beginning

A full Moon is the final phase of the lunar cycle, the final moments on this path that she has been walking. She has been gathering insights, understandings, experiences, and wisdom. She has been building her world, structures, and self.

Yet here we arrive at the end of this path, at the end of her cycle, with the deep knowing that every ending is also a beginning.

This full Moon reminds us that we all have a spark of life within. A knowing. A direction. A creative impulse. Within the vast energy of this lunation, we are invited to tune into this spark and let it lead – letting all else fall away, and cultivating a new era of deep trust and faith in ourselves.

It’s a full Moon that reminds us that to be ourselves, is to be free. To follow our own path, is to be free.

Aquarius Full Moon Astrological Aspects

Planetary energies active alongside the Aquarius Full Moon:

  • Sun in Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius
  • Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (t-square)
  • Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (t-square)
  • Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Leo
  • Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
  • Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
  • Mars and Jupiter in Gemini square Venus in Virgo (t-square)
  • Mars and Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (t-square)

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual: Temple of Soul

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

In collaboration with the living breathing cosmos, this journey is a journey of remembering.

There is deep remembering happening both collectively, individually, and beyond, at this very moment. Awakening, activating, coming home to vaster aspects of ourselves.

Together in this Soul Journey we will plant seeds of remembering that will continue to root, sprout and bloom in perfect timing. The remembering that you are here to do things your way, a new way, a different way, a direction that can only come from within – for as you follow the call of Soul, you are creating a new world.

These planted seeds will be working with your intuition and inner knowing, making it clear – within your capacity – what you are ready to release, shift, open, create, let go of. They will heighten your voice of Soul and deepen your belonging to your humanity, this lifetime, and your home on the Earth.

And these planted seeds will continue to make your own medicine obvious to you over this coming time. So that you may embody it, become it, and offer it.

Available in the Flow with the Moon Membership, join us here.

August Aquarius Full Moon Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign

Watch below for your August Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Kapualani. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!

For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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