Finding Warmth in The Gemini Full Moon This December 2019

Gemini Full Moon Girl and Her Moon

It’s our last Full Moon of the year, of the decade, (crazy, huh?!) so there is no better time than now to slow down, check in with your Soul, your emotions and have a look at how you truly feel about the life you have created for yourself this year.

December 11th/12th, we greet the cold moon this winter season. For many, this time of year is a festive, cheerful period of our lives full of friends and family. Others may struggle with the all-too-common symptoms of seasonal depression, stress, and feeling overworked. If this is you, as much as you can, take this Full Moon as an opportunity to slow down, breathe and connect with yourself for just a moment.

No matter where your head is this December, the Gemini Full Moon is coming, and it holds lots of promise within it’s brilliant light! This is our final full moon of the year, so you are walking into your last opportunity to accept the gifts from the universe and nourish your soul with the blessings that Gemini and it’s energy has to bestow onto you.


Full Moon Times & Dates:

For your local time, click here!

Sydney – AEST 12 December 4.12 pm
London – GMT 12 December 5.12 pm
New York – EST 12 December 12.12 am
Los Angeles – PST 11 December 9.12 pm



Your Message From The Cosmos

Something remarkable is happening in our skies around the same time as the wonderful rise of the Gemini full moon! Both Saturn and Venus will be coming close together, visible even from the Earth, into an illusion of a warm, winter kiss between the two of them. This close proximity shows us that our love lives, represented by Venus, will be greatly influenced by Saturn’s energy, which includes a strong focus on limitations, boundaries, and our ability to be responsible and self-disciplined.

The best way to deal with this infusion of Venus and Saturn in our lives is by being objective in these areas, and not jumping to conclusions or overreacting. Waiting until the end of the month before making big decisions relating to our love lives would be wise, once the planets have stabilized and some separation has been introduced.



The Importance Of Mercury During The Gemini Full Moon

Like all air signs, Gemini is a very social energy, and it tends to be a member of the Zodiac with the best control over communication. Those with strong Gemini influences in their chart are great with words, public speaking, charming natures, and persuasive tendencies.

Even if you do not have much Gemini in your chart, the Full Moon will bring focus, as well as a gift, to your ability to communicate. The planet that is sovereign over communication is Mercury; as you read about your sun sign, you should also look into what is predicted for your Mercury placement, as well. This can provide valuable insight into your experiences this month.



Letting go and flowing into the New Year

Naturally, there is a lot of talk about the New Year, the new decade ahead, and the fact that, yes, this is the last Full Moon of the decade – and if this has had you feeling a tad anxious, know that you are not alone.

This Full Moon has come just in time for you to deeply connect with your inner peace. This Full Moon is your opportunity to understand and move through any anxieties that have been building up. It is your opportunity to surrender to the Divine and release any of that unnecessary heaviness that you have been bearing, not just this month, or year, but the entire past decade.


Ask yourself:

  • What thoughts/beliefs/patterns are causing tension in me right now?
  • What habits/patterns of behaviour am I ready to release this Full Moon/2019?
  • What pain have I been holding onto this month/year/decade that I am ready to release this Full Moon/2019?
  • Who am I ready to be?

Let the Moon take any heaviness, pain, anxieties and heartache that you have held over this last decade so you can step into the new year light and free.



How To Manifest Your Inner Glow For Each Sign

There is so much going on, both in the sky and in our souls! With so much to remember and attend to during the Holidays, it’s easy for us to feel burnt out or overshadowed. Don’t let the winter chill infiltrate your inner beauty. You still shine brightly within, and your warmth is valuable, especially under the light of the upcoming cold moon!

For a deep, personalised look into how this Full Moon is working with your individual energy, you can get your Full Moon Reading here! This beautiful reading is here for you to take full advantage of the Moons energy and influence on your life, allowing you to manifest and release in tune with the powerful cosmic Moon energies.


Aries Girl and Her Moon

Aries ♈︎

Aries, you rarely have a problem with shining your inner light! This will be a good month for you, especially as the Full Moon takes its place in the sky. Attention will naturally gravitate to you during this moon phase, so maintain your confidence levels and stay strong. Your biggest adversary in December will be that conflict between Venus and Saturn, so take any love life complications with a grain of salt and try your best not to overact. The future is where your focus should be, at least for now!

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Aries Girl and Her Moon

Taurus ♉︎

Your energy is where all your warmth will come from, Taurus. During the holidays, family and connection are at their most influence in our lives, and these are areas you put a lot of value into. Keep this upbeat attitude going strong, and you will become the reason for many smiling, happy faces this moon phase. Your ideas, hopes, wishes, and dreams will be stronger on your mind as well, due to the sparkling Venus overtaking Saturn during the Full Moon’s rise.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Gemini Girl and Her Moon

Gemini ♊︎

With the energy of the moon dedicated to Gemini as the holidays approach, you are feeling the pressure of it all intimately. This is both a source of your energy, but also a cause of stress. Your duality is right on brand for you, Gemini. To stabilize yourself and find foundation, turn to the people in your life that support your ideas and encourage the right connections. Communication is your strong suit, especially now, so don’t spare any words you feel need to be said.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Cancer Girl and Her Moon

Cancer ♋︎

The beauty of your beliefs and relationships are finally starting to come into synchronization. This is the time of the year that Cancer gets an opportunity to shine; their nurturing nature and care for family taking precedence in this giving season. Be careful that you do not become too comfortable in your home. Saturn’s kiss to Venus may keep you feeling limited when it comes to making new friends and connections, but go beyond this comfort zone and see what the Gemini promise of new beginnings holds for you.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Leo Girl and Her Moon

Leo ♌︎

Being the brightest star is your life motto, Leo, so you are feeling quite at home with this Moon cycle. To get the most out of the Gemini energy, take time to focus on the inner circle of people in your life. Though your out-going nature is appreciated, it’s important to reconsider and reconnect with the people in your life who truly hold you down and support you. Saturn is encouraging limitations in your love life, so use this chance to focus on your significant other or whomever has your affections. Make this a private, personal time for family and close friends and deepen those bonds before returning to your social self.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Virgo Girl and Her Moon

Virgo ♍︎

Your diplomacy in relationships will be encouraged by Gemini’s power with Mercury. Fortune has turned to your favor, so now is the time to act. While your focus is inwards right now due to the December holidays, you will also see encouragement in your career and professional life. Fun, romance, and making art will be your brightest highlights in your life right now, and as you push your drive in your career, you will see the fruits of your labors bloom. Mercury will be your source of confidence, so don’t doubt yourself so much this moon phase. Live life with your head held high!

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Libra Girl and Her Moon

Libra ♎︎

You will feel very connected to your ascendant sign this moon phase, Libra. Though you are very social by nature, Saturn’s shine in your life may bring up insecurities. Don’t forget that Mercury is in harmony with Gemini energy, though, so your gift of communication and your unique way with words and justice will be your strongest attribute right now. Your warmth will be deep in your comfort zone, so allow yourself plenty of time to unwind and curl up with hot drinks and festive movies to relax and take much needed you-time.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Scorpio Girl and Her Moon

Scorpio ♏︎

For you, Scorpio, this season will ignite a very intense sense of service. You will be drawn to assisting others, spending time with loved ones, and giving back to your community or passionate subjects. This is partially due to Venus and Saturn’s embrace, bringing your passionate nature to full shine. It’s here that others will be drawn to the way you glow from within, and your generosity will be an influence during this moon phase. Gemini energy will open up doors for you to grow your social circles and find a sense of purpose in everyday life you’re always a little bored with.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Sagittarius Girl and Her Moon

Sagittarius ♐︎

Spirituality will be at the forefront of your attention this Moon phase. Your Sagittarius placements within your natal chart will be where you start to glow, with Saturn and Venus encouraging you to be very honest and true to yourself. In your 10th house, power is resonating due to Mercury’s sovereign in our social lives, so your professional connections will be looking to you for responsibility. Accepting your new, advanced sense of self that Gemini will lend you can be done by trusting your psyche and ultimately embracing the experiences offered to you this month.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Girl and Her Moon

Capricorn ♑︎

You will get the most out of the holidays by enjoying the temporary break it provides in your life. As someone naturally focused on their work and success, you need this chance to take a breather. You will find your strength and warmth within areas of the heart this moon cycle, Capricorn, so indulge in your desires for now. Get to the heart of your moon sign and truest feelings, and broaden your insight when it comes to your dreams. Gemini is an imaginative energy with lots of hope, so tap into that and dream big. Maybe a Christmas wish will come true!

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Aquarius Girl and Her Moon

Aquarius ♒︎

You’re all about the good times! You feel very free and open to the universe with the Gemini energy manifesting in you, so the day-to-day reality of life has been pushed back behind the hope for a brighter future. If you feel like anything is possible, it’s because it is! Venus is overtaking Saturn’s habit of providing us with self-imposed limitations, so whatever has been holding you back is shaded by the love you have for your friends and ideas. Bring them in on what you’re looking forward to, and spend your energy on making memories.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾


Pisces Girl and Her Moon

Pisces ♓︎

Even with the help from the airy Gemini Full Moon, emotions are heavy this season. With Mercury encouraging us to leave the security of our home base, experiencing a disconnection from yourself and the holiday season is understandable. Your source of inner light will come from achieving a balance between the demands you feel placed on you and your desire to enjoy the seasonal cheer. Think less about what you did in the past, and work more on opening yourself up to new traditions, friends, and opportunities. You will find warmth in the new memories made this year, even in the midst of your emotional overdrive.

Find out more with a personalised 40 minute New Moon Reading ☾

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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