Cancer New Moon June 2022: Ritual + Horoscopes

Cancer New Moon June 2022 Ritual Horoscopes Girl and Her Moon

Cancer New Moon Times & Dates

  • Wellington: Wednesday June 29 – 2.52 pm
  • Sydney: Wednesday June 29 – 12.52 pm
  • Tokyo: Wednesday June 29 – 11.52 am
  • Singapore: Wednesday June 29 – 10.52 am
  • New Delhi: Wednesday June 29 – 8.22 am
  • Dubai: Wednesday June 29 – 6.52 am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Wednesday June 29 – 5.52 am
  • Paris/Berlin: Wednesday June 29 – 4.52 am
  • London: Wednesday June 29 – 3.52 am
  • New York/Toronto: Tuesday June 28 – 10.52 pm
  • Los Angeles: Tuesday June 28 – 7.52 pm


Key themes:

Healing, emotion, initiation, seeds, security, foundation, spirituality

Cancer element:


Ruling planet:


Cancer is water and initiation.

It is our seas and our origins.

It is our roots and our emotions.

It is both our inner child and our mother self.

It is both the human need for nurturing and the very source and embodiment of nurturing.

Cancer initiates us into feeling, exploring all that we have left unfelt. Going all the way down into the roots of self, the core of self, the beginning of self, and it holds us from there. It holds us while we meet ourselves at the very core of who we are, holding, healing, loving, nurturing, witnessing – allowing every layer that stems from that centre to heal. It holds us and gives us permission to feel our deepest needs, the needs we don’t notice on a daily basis, the needs our inner child has been yearning for, the needs that sit within the depths of our Soul. Cancer holds us here and asks us to get to know these needs. To befriend these needs.

Cancer itself is ruled by the Moon, and so when the Moon sits in this intuitive, nurturing and tender sign, she is at home, safe, secure, and able to shine in all her intuitive and mysterious magic – just as we can when our hearts are safe.

New Moons are the beginning of a new cycle. Here, there is a stillness and quietness. An emptiness that asks us to begin again, to leap into the mystery, to say yes to ourselves.

Junes Cancer new Moon is a new beginning through deep nurturing. It is initiation through healing. Movement through emotion. Growth through nourishing our inner child. Forward movement through feeding our past.

On the same day our mystical and dreamy planet Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces, another water sign holding the essence of healing. A transit that allows us to connect inward. Exploring subconscious patterning and exploring insecurities so that we may nurture the source from which they were born, so that we may heal the roots of them through love, so that we may witness their higher truth through first witnessing their illusion.

There is an invitation under this new Moon to build a new sense of healing, nurturing, comfort and stability within our bodies. It supports us to begin again in a new way, a new way where we are secure in venturing through and using the strength in our emotion as powerful seeds for our next chapter. It asks us to get in touch with the needs and desires that we perhaps weren’t acutely aware of, the ones deep within. And to plant, create, initiate, love, begin, live from there.

It’s a lunation that guides us through emotion and intuition over logic and planning. A cosmic invitation to lean into the spiritual and emotional practices that nurture you.

Speak to your inner child, write love letters to the Moon. Let the Earth hold you with safety. Ask your intuition questions as the Universe speaks to you through synchronicities. And under this new Moon, speak your desires into the ethers while reminding yourself of your deep worthiness to live these dreams.



Cancer New Moon Ritual – Inner Sanctuary 

An energy ritual, meditation and soul journey in collaboration with the Moon.

Available instantly inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership!

Join us for:

⊹ Astrology Teachings and Wisdom

⊹ Intuitive Lunar Eclipse Explorations

⊹ Meditations and Energy Rituals

⊹ Movement, breath, and journalling

⊹ Guidance to tune into your own connection with these cosmic energies

⊹ Safe and loving space to share and connect

New Moon Ritual & ongoing lunar love available for all Flow with the Moon Members, join us here.🖤

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Cancer New Moon Ritual June 2022 Girl and Her Moon


⊹ Cancer New Moon Horoscopes ⊹

Cancer New Moon June 2022: Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes ⊹


All my love, and so much more

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

One Response

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these insights. This is such a beautiful energy that brings about so many deep emotions. It is time we honour our truths, the only way “out” is through.

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