Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse January Girl and Her Moon

We’re focusing on emotional needs with will and intent to heal.

Depending on where you are in the world, the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will grace us with its presence on the 10th/11th January. This beautiful sight will be visible throughout Europe, Asia, and the Pacific and Atlantic Regions – so keep a look out!




On this day, our Moon is diving into her inner world with the guidance of the Lunar Eclipse, she is going within to gain a deeper understanding of her needs, to recharge her energy and to bring peace to her being – and she is asking us to do the same.

As well as this, she is encouraging us to share our deepest feelings with those we trust, to get vulnerable, and allow those around us to be vulnerable with us.

This Full Moon is taking place in the sign of her rulership, Cancer, so of course, we can expect power and intensity.




It’s incredible; you’ll find that some of the most important events in peoples lives generally occur around an eclipse – whether positive or negative. These events are usually the result of a seed planted or an intention made that has come back full circle to give back to you.

Basically, right now, you will be receiving what you have put out. You will reap what you have sewn. You will be aligned on your intended path.

Eclipses are like a restart button. In order for any electronic device to function properly and live long, it must be restarted every now and then, and we are no different! If you have ever seen an Eclipse, you will notice that the Sun and Moon disappear for a short time, meaning, our energy source disappears for a short time.

The Universe is resetting the energies of destiny.

Why destiny? Eclipses occur when the Moon touches one of the Moon’s Nodes, which in Astrology is used to determine our divine destiny.

This restart of energy is here to reorganise, divert and align you onto your unique path – no matter how far you have deviated.



The 5th house – our beautiful house of fun, love, creativity, your inner child. We have Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the Sun all gathered together celebrating the 5th house and all that it means in our life. We also have the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in axis to Capricorn in the 5th house!

To flow with this energy, look at how you can bring some FUN into your life.

But what is even more powerful about this is the 5 planets sitting in Capricorn – our zodiac of hard work and success. And then we have Uranus going direct on Jan 11th and the Saturn Pluto conjunction on Jan 12th (more info below) – basically; this is a powerful time to completely transform your life.




After our powerful Eclipse, January 12 brings us an incredibly important turning point for world history. Saturn will conjunct Pluto (they will meet in the same sign) – an aspect that only happens once every 35 years!

This event is giving us a clue into our near future – a future where leaders and authorities that abuse power will no longer have the stage. How the world has operated up until now will meet a big and intense change, and a new order will be established. Any situation or event that is outdated will be left behind as this powerful planetary meeting occurs.

Both social and individual transformation is happening. The Saturn Pluto conjunction is a time for endings, clearing, transformation, and a chance to rise from the ashes once more.







Powerful Aries; radical changes in the foundations of your life – such as the home, family & business -are waiting for you this Full Moon Eclipse.

The cycle of change relevant to your family and ancestors is waiting for you, and it is meeting you in divine timing. There is also a constructive influence for those in a relationship! Perhaps thoughts and decisions around marriage, children and business will occupy your mind.

This is a transformative period for you, Aries, and you may walk out of this powerful event with a completely different perspective on life.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Any decisions you make at this time will bring radical changes for you, Taurus. It’s time to have a deep look the direction you are walking and determine if you need to switch it up in anyway – especially in relation to your close circle, relatives, and your environment.

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking about travel or foreign matters, and if there has been any confusion relating to your work or spouse, don’t worry, this Lunar Eclipse will bring a final conclusion your way. You will know your next steps.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




It’s all about the money, Gemini! This Eclipse is focusing on your material and spiritual world and asking for emotional structuring. You’ll find luck in your business/career with increased intensity, but don’t depend on that luck – La Luna is asking you to sit down and do some financial planning, you will thank yourself later.

You might find new situations arise around joint income, inheritance, alimony etc. It can also be a time of new agreements, contracts or training.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




This is your eclipse, beautiful Cancer. You are coming to a significant stage of change in your life, particularly in relation to intimate relationships, family, the home and your emotional structures.

Let yourself flow with this change, let go of what you know so you can transform into a total new way of being.

You may face big decisions around building a family, your place in your family, your home, work or marriage. Anything that comes your way is here to strengthen your emotions and transform you into all that you can be.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




La Luna is sitting in your 12th house Leo, where she can reach into the depths of your subconscious. There can be increased emotion, greater thoughts around life and death and a focus on your mental and spiritual health.

Allow yourself to dive deep into your inner world while in a safe emotional space – you will find that your inner world is holding some healing answers and directions for you to follow.

Don’t put yourself under any pressure Leo, take a break, connect with yourself, love yourself. Take a breath. And maybe don’t make any big, grand and impulsive purchases.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little sensitive, Virgo. La Luna is shining a light shining on your social groups and friendships – take a look at who you are surrounding yourself with, this is the time to shed anything/one that is no longer in alignment with your Soul and make room for the beautiful souls that are waiting for you.

Again, relating to your social groups and friendships; something that has been hidden will be revealed, and there will be many fateful occurrences meeting you.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Important steps around your career, family, love and children are waiting for you Libra. Your need to feel safe and your sense of belonging are important to you now and will dictate the big decisions around family and work that are around the corner.

The foundation of your entire life can change over this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse process can mean a whole new way of being for you – moving you deeper into your career, family and love advancements.

There is also potential for big financial and spiritual increases!

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




There’s a lot going on for you, Scorpio. There are important steps awaiting you relating to family, there’s a focus on education, your greater beliefs and journeys, and there are powerful professional transits going on.

You will feel a shift in your perspective and beliefs on life as well as a strong desire to travel as much as you can! Perhaps even relocation is on the agenda?

Double check any business agreements. Focus on your family. Let yourself feel your emotions – this will allow you to grow and expand with the powerful Moon.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Connect with La Luna this Eclipse and allow your entire being to be filled with gratitude for all that you have.

You are moving through fundamental changes – things simply won’t feel the same after this powerful event. There are steps to be taken relating to your family income, and your material and spiritual values are due for renewal. Spend some time with your Soul and you will realise what is needing re-alignment.

It’s a good time to improve your finances.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Your relationships are in the spotlight, Capricorn, and you can expect nothing but intensity!

Some of you will be taking a big step into marriage, while some of you will be in the process of ending one – La Luna is re-aligning the relationships in your life.

But it’s not just love partnerships – there may even be a business partnership waiting for you in the wings as you take steps to structure your finances.

Take some time to address your emotional needs in depth, there are changes coming.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




Your physical and mental health are waiting for you to give them some attention, Aquarius. It’s time to look at your daily routine, spiritual beliefs and family environment – especially relating to how they is effecting your physical and mental health. If there are any changes to be made, you can make them in flow and ease with the Moon, or have life make them for you later.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾




The overall focus of this powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer is on the home and family. And for you, it is no different.

New situations around love or children are right around the corner, Pisces! Perhaps a new love interest? Or big steps around your (current or future) children?

A dreamy eclipse energy is waiting for you, beautiful Pisces. It’s a great time to be social and soak in the beautiful energy of friendship.

Find out more with your personalised Full Moon Reading ☾



P.S Have you seen our Flow with the Moon Membership?

Our beautiful members are aligning with this powerful energy through ritual, soul-work and spiritual practices.

They have access to exclusive monthly astrological, numerological & tarot guidance, Moon ritual, and Soul-work.

But it doesn’t stop there. At just $11.11, it’s worth reading more about it here!


Dilosh has been working in the Spiritual world for over 25 years through various modes such as Tarot, Energy Healing, Numerology, Astrology, and Art.

Her passion and path in this life is to enlighten and heal Souls from all walks of life, to help make your journey smoother and filled with even more joy, magic, and growth.

Work with Dilosh with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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