August 2024 Horoscopes & Astrology

August is its own energy. Its own world. It’s a month that has much to share. Insights, guidance, wisdom, and rememberings unique to each of us.

Yet what this month is offering cannot be seen from our usual vantage.

It is an invitation to step out of the known path, the usual structures, ideas, perspectives, and frameworks – so that we may enter this different energy, this different world.

In this new space, we are invited to see things a new way, bring flexibility and re-framing to our perspectives, and to open our mind to new channels of communication from Life.


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August 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview

It’s a month offering such riches from this new world – that when we do return to our known space, it simply won’t be the same – as we are not the same.

August is liberation, freedom, and the magnification of our own essence. There is something divine at the core of this month mirroring our need to be and express who we are. An invitation to step outside of collective consensus and outside noise to re-discover ourselves more than ever before.

It’s a month of liberation from all living within dimming our spark, and from all that holds us in silence, hiding, dimming, and disconnect.

August reminds us that the most sacred thing you can be – is you.

The most sacred thing you can do is come home to yourself, so that you may remember yourself, so that you may be yourself.

August Astrology Forecast and Transits

Beginning in Leo Season, we are reconnecting with our own creative spark and honouring our selfhood, with the Leo New Moon and Lions Gate Portal powerful initiations into more of ourselves.

As Mercury begins its retrograde, we are deep in retrograde season – where the norm gets flipped on its head, and we are invited into a different way. The Sun squaring Uranus and the Aquarius full Moon bring liberation and breaking open, while the beginning of Virgo Season guides us into the medicine of the Earth, self-refinement, and sacred devotion.

Our most impactful astrological transits of August 2024:

Venus in Virgo: August 4

Venus is love. She is beauty, harmony, balance and pleasure. Wherever she travels, she brings this energy with her, imbuing it through the sign.

Virgo is an earth sign relating to our wellbeing, body, service, and habits. Virgo reconnects us to the natural world, and how our bodies themselves are nature. Our rhythm is nature. Our seasons are one with the seasons of nature.

Venus is a beautiful opportunity to pour love into ourselves. It is a beautiful opportunity to remember ourselves as medicine, and the Earth too. It is an opportunity to tend to ourselves in a new way each day – moving in a way that supports us rather than hinders us. Weeding out habits that hurt us. Weaving in habits that feed into our wellbeing. And it is an opportunity to soften the the critical self talk within us all – holding and healing this voice with beauty and love.

Leo New Moon: August 4

Throughout Leo season we have been, and are continuing to, learn the language of our own spark of life – letting it become the guide it was always here to be. And the invitation of this new Moon is the remembering of this spark. Its invitation is creation. To remember yourself as creation. To remember that life moves through you uniquely. To remember that who you are is on purpose.

It reminds us that way life moves through you is on purpose. The spark that you are is on purpose. And true liberation is found in not only accepting this truth, but in loving, embodying, and expressing your spark.

This new Moon, may you let this remembering rise from within you, imbuing you, guiding you, informing your new beginning as you step across the threshold into the rebirth that a new Moon is.

May you revel in the beauty of your energy, and observe how it wants to move, express, create. Observe what brings it to life and what makes it dim, where it opens and where it closes.

Read more on the New Moon in Leo here.

Mercury Retrograde: August 5 – August 28, 2024

Mercury will be in Retrograde for the most of August, largely flavouring the month.

Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on August 5, 2024, re-enter Leo on August 14, 2024, and station direct on August 28, 2024.

In mythology, Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods. Travelling between gods and realms, he would receive information and relay information. He was also the only god that would willingly leave Olympus (the heavens) to travel into the mortal realm, and even Hades (the underworld) – threading these worlds together, weaving information, perspectives and messages between them.

In astrology, we can liken Olympus with higher consciousness, the mortal realm with everyday consciousness, and the Hades with the unconscious. In ancient Astrology, it was believed that when a planet was in retrograde, it was entering into the underworld. Gathering information, insights and perspectives that couldn’t be seen from everyday, or higher, consciousness. It was going into its coocoon – reflecting, traversing, observing, entering into a different realm of itself.

While in Virgo, Mercury Retrograde reminds us that there is more to see. Virgo is a sign devoted to refinement, truth of self, and wholeness. Like a sculptor it carves and chisels, removing the excess or the unaligned stone to reach a final piece or art. The Virgo within us all holds a similar role. It is the refinement of self, and the dedication to clarifying and filtering who we are so that we may become more of our truth. 

Mercury Retrograde asks – what lives within us that… isn’t us? It asks – what lives in my mind that isn’t me? It asks for discernment as we traverse our own inner and underworld, clearly observing what we desire to live within us, and what we desire to let go of. It is the reflection of patterns, thought forms, habits, perspectives, and the way we live our days and tend to our wellbeing. It is the review of the way we desire to be of service – our role as a vessel in allowing higher healing energies to move through us into the world. And it is a rearranging and reviewing of practical details of our lives. 

Read more about Mercury Retrograde in 2024 here.

Lions Gate Portal: August 8

The Lions Gate Portal is a day of ancient tradition, cosmic alignment, astrology, and numerology. As the Sun in Leo aligns with the brightest star in our skies, Sirius, we are also held within the numerology of 8 – a meeting point of spirit and matter, a number of manifestation and divine creation in the tangible.

This day has been celebrated as a portal of life force, fertility, abundance, and vitality for centuries. It is a beautiful day to connect with the Sun and welcome a greater connection with our vaster selves. And it is a beautiful day to bring the alive energy of our desires into our bodies, so that we may feel them, awaken with them, and begin the process of weaving them into our lived reality.

You can read more about the Lions Gate Portal here, or join us for our Lions Gate Channelling Workshop here.

Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini: August 14

It’s an alive, dynamic, and major transit of the year. Mars and Jupiter come together (conjunct) on August 14, 2024 in the  mind-oriented sign of Gemini. 

Mars is fire, heat, passion and action. It is desire and the need to assert ourselves in our lives and move towards our desires. Jupiter is expansion. It is growth, abundance, joy and wisdom. While in Gemini it is vast intellect and the growth of our minds capacity, learning, communicating, and processing. It is also the expansion of our sight, perspectives, and access to higher wisdom through the channel of the mind. You can learn more about Jupiter in Gemini and what it means in your chart here.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury – this connection cannot be looked past during this transit. 

While it’s ruling planet Mercury spins backwards observing different perspectives and truths, a major influx of energy moves through another channel our minds, through Gemini. Mercury Retrograde has us stepping out of the usual way of thinking and seeing, and in that, opens us to different perspectives and frameworks to look through. While we are in this alternate way of seeing and thinking, Mars conjunct Jupiter is a day to observe inspirations, desires, ideas, and the topics and thoughts occupying the mind. For there is information here, a guiding thread here. There is something we are opening to here, something calling our names for forward movement.

Both Mars and Jupiter are signs that desire to move forward. And while this may not be the exact moment that we do begin taking action towards forward movement – it is a day that seeds are planted for our futures. Where passion, desire, and motivation (Mars) – meet expansion, wisdom, growth and possibility (Jupiter) –  within our minds (Gemini).

Mercury Retrograde in Leo: August 14

As Mercury continues through it’s backwards spin, it re-enters the fiery, creative, and expressive sign of Leo. This is where Mercury Retrograde becomes more geared towards the Self. The Self as creation. The Self as art. The Self as worthy of love, and a channel for love. The Self as alive, living on purpose, in authenticity, and the full expression of all that is real within us.

Leo is here to express into the world a beautiful and bold stamp of who it is inside of itself. It is here to self-validate, create, play, and radiate, offering warmth to the world through simply being who it is. We are alive in this energy throughout August, for we are in Leo Season. As Mercury Retrograde journeys through Leo, it does so for empowerment. So that we may heal and reclaim the narratives held around our self-expression. So that we may re-write the stories of what it means to be seen, to take up space, and where we need to pour validation and love into ourselves. 

Read more about Mercury Retrograde in 2024 here.

Sun Square Uranus: August 19

Uranus in Astrology is a bolt of inspiration, insight, knowing and truth. It is a sign of liberation, freedom, the future, and vast potentials. The Sun in Astrology is the core of who we are, it is our life force, truth, and who we are here to be in this world.

As the Sun and Uranus form a square on this day there is an awareness of who we currently are, and who we are feeling the pull to become. Squares can bring tension – for they desire our attention, our intention, our energy. They desire we look at them, and work with them. This tension is simply an abundance of energy, that when we work with, can open much for us.

On this day, seeds are being planted. Energies are being offered. We are opening to who we are becoming, with the guiding, liberating, and highly intuitive guidance of Uranus.

Aquarius Full Moon: August 19

As the Sun is still squaring Uranus, we meet this months full Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, they hold a similar essence. Aquarius is sharp intuition and downloads of knowing. It reads Universal consciousness and aligns to vaster waves of evolution. It cracks open foundations, structures, and patterns and opens us to inspiration, freedom, and new consciousness streaming forth from within the cosmos.

It’s a full Moon of liberation, inner knowing, cracking open, and stepping out of old structures.

It’s a full Moon reminding us that we are each here to do things a new way, a different way, a direction that can only come from within – for together as we follow the call of Soul, we are creating a new world.

More on the Full Moon in Aquarius coming soon.

Virgo Season: August 22

Virgo Season begins 23 August and continues into 22 September, and it is throughout these weeks that we are invited to step into the essence of this archetype, to feel it in our bodies, to commune with its wisdom, and to observe the world and the self through its lens.

After journeying through the outward and magnanimous expression of Leo Season, we quieten, turn inward, touch down, and arrive at Virgo. Here we are fine tuning the self. Stripping away what does not belong to us and with that, reaching into the truth of who we are underneath it all.

While in Virgo Season, we are invited into this self-refinement. We are invited to cleanse our bodies and purify our lives, to bring order to what feels messy and surrender where we can’t. To take what feels big and break it down into small steps and little wins, and to concentrate on those steps, on how they compound, on how we evolve through and with them. We are invited to clear away all the noise, the extra, the outside, all that is not ours. To explore who emerges as we do so, to re-meet who awaits us underneath it all. We are invited to bring order and purpose to all that sits around and within us. And to bring all that we have been learning and experiencing this year and beyond, and integrate it into one well-functioning whole within ourselves.

Virgo Season horoscopes coming soon.

Venus in Libra: August 29

The sign of Libra in Astrology is ruled by Venus. And so as our planet of beauty and harmony moves through this air sign, it is at home. By now, Mercury is no longer in retrograde and things feel as if they are opening up once again, clarifying, and moving forward.

Venus in Libra brings deep harmony after a big and dynamic month. It invites us to heal with beauty. Find peace within ourselves. And create a sense of balance in our inner and outer worlds.

August Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

For August monthly horoscopes and zodiac sign tarot readings, astrology horoscopes, astrology classes, new and full moon rituals, and a library of sacred teachings, practices, workshops and more – join us for August and beyond in the Flow with the Moon Membership. View all included and upcoming offerings inside of the membership here.

Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

August in the Flow with the Moon Membership

August Astrology Class: Emitting you: Teachings of Leo and the Sun

Leo New Moon Workshop: The Liberated Creator

Lions Gate Workshop: Conduit: A Channelling Workshop

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual: Temple of Soul

Bonus Energy Practice: Being Seen

August 2024 Astrology: All Transits

  • August 2, 2024: Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
  • August 4, 2024: Venus Enters Virgo
  • August 4, 2024: New Moon in Leo
  • August 5, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
  • August 7, 2024: Sun in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • August 7, 2024: Mercury in Virgo Conjunct Venus in Virgo
  • August 14, 2024: Mars in Gemini Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
  • August 14, 2024: Mercury Retorgrade enters Leo
  • August 16, 2024: Mars in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
  • August 18, 2024: Mercury in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
  • August 18, 2024: Sun in Leo Conjunct Mercury in Leo (Mercury Cazimi)
  • August 19, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
  • August 19, 2024: Venus in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini
  • August 19, 2024: Venus in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces
  • August 19, 2024: Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
  • August 19, 2024: Aquarius Full Moon
  • August 22, 2024: Sun Enters Virgo
  • August 22, 2024: Venus in Virgo Square Mars in Gemini
  • August 24, 2024: Mercury in Leo Sextile Mars in Gemini
  • August 27, 2024: Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus
  • August 28, 2024: Mercury Direct in Leo
  • August 28, 2024: Venus in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces
  • August 29, 2024: Venus Enters Libra
  • August 29, 2024: Venus in Libra Trine Pluto in Aquarius
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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