Astrology Weekly Horoscope October 20 – 26 2024

Marking the beginning of Scorpio Season and a conversation between the Sun and Pluto, this week we are plunging into the depths of ourselves, sharpening our intuition, and bringing focus and determination to our days.

Sun square Pluto: October 22, 2024

October 22, 2024 welcomes a conversation between the Sun and Pluto in our skies in the form of a square, or a 90° angle.

The Sun in Astrology represents our consciousness. It is our awareness, spirit, sense of self and the will to be who we are. Pluto on the other hand represents our unconscious.

Also known as Hades in mythology, this planet is the guardian of the underworld. A planet not of the mind, rather an energy that can only be felt, experienced, surrendered to.

As the Sun and Pluto come into a partnership on this day, as do our own conscious and unconscious. This transit in our skies peels back layers and invites vulnerability with all that lives within us – known and unknown, loved and unloved, integrated and living within the shadows. It welcomes us down into our depths so that we may shine a light on what we are ready to know, love, and welcome into our sun self – into our personality and conscious selfhood. And it brings transformation, for this planet of death and rebirth touching on our sense of self is the death and rebirth of who we are, only bringing us closer to our truth with each touch.

Scorpio Season: October 22, 2024

Following the Sun’s square with Pluto, just a few hours later on October 22, 2024, the Sun shifts into the watery depths of Scorpio where it will remain until November 21, 2024.

In Astrology, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. They hold a similar essence, purpose, and invitation. Here we find ourselves continuing the thread that Pluto began, with an entire month to visit our own underworld, traverse our inner waters, and move through our own rebirth. It is a season of depth and determination, passion and intuition, focus and renewal. It is a season of communing with our unconscious – as if a pathway has opened between conscious and unconscious – streaming with information, insights, and transformative revelations.

This season heightens our intuitive knowing, welcoming us deeper into the unseen aspects of life – reading the frequencies and flows of energy that live behind the words, behind what we can see, behind the logical mind. It strips away the layers so that we may reach truth, reminding us of our own strength to traverse the mysteries of life.

A fixed sign in Astrology, as the Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, it welcomes a determination and laser focus. A moment that ignites tenacity within us all, this is a season to observe what it is you truly desire – and commit to it – so much so that it transforms you in the process.

Read more about Scorpio Season here.

Your Weekly Horoscope 20 to 26 October 2024

Neither Scorpio or Pluto are subtle in their invitations, essence, or felt experience. They represent the cyclic nature of life and the death that allows for a rebirth. They stir emotions from deep within our bodies, often from spaces within us less known. They heighten our intuition, our senses, our engagement with the unseen world, the esoteric, the energetic. And they take us beneath the surface, peeling away anything that keeps us from truthful vulnerability, intimacy, and depth.

This week welcomes us deeper into the unseen aspects of life. It welcomes empowerment, honesty, and determination with the path that calls our name. It invites intimacy with our chosen people and a greater trust in our own intuition and senses.

And it invites each of us to be real – with ourselves, life, and others. Here we are stripping away anything that we have been hiding from or behind. Surrender to the process, and you will be taken into profound rebirth and empowerment, meeting more and more of yourself in the process.

Zodiac Sign Weekly Forecast

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign for your horoscope forecast, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope for the week, forecast for October 20 to 26, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

While the beginning of Scorpio initiates depth, intimacy, and transformation for you Aries Rising, this week also brings a focus to your sense of purpose, direction, and fulfilment. Where do you want to go, Aries Rising? And what must transform within you so that you may say yes to that calling?

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Perspectives shape how we move through the world, Taurus Rising. Our beliefs colour experience of this life. This week initiates intimacy and depth with both yourself and your chosen people, and it invites a transformation of your perspectives and beliefs, peeling back what is not true so that you may reach the centre of what is.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week welcomes you deep into the fires of your own rebirth where you will be offered new inspiration, creativity, and visioning, Gemini Rising – while asking for greater purpose and intention in your daily movements, habits, and rituals. Continued, intentional, and consistent steps will gift you the transformation and empowerment that you have been waiting for.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Create and you will find empowerment. Express what lives within you and it will transform you. Commune deeply, lovingly, and intimately with the alive, vibrant, and entire world living inside of you and you will meet such joy, fulfilment, and connection, Cancer Rising. This week brings transformation through creativity, expression, intimacy, and love.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

As our minds change, so does everything around us, Leo Rising. And this week initiates a transformation within your mind, your beliefs, perspectives, and inner narratives. And it invites greater honesty with yourself, your memories, fears, patterns, and inner world. With vulnerability, acceptance, patience and love, this week brings an opportunity to connect with yourself on a deeper level than perhaps ever before.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Body, mind, and soul all work together, Virgo Rising. Coexisting within us and creating the experience of being who we are. This week, invite a new level of safety, trust and security within your body. Allow your mind to unravel, deepen, question, and see things a new way. And, connect to Soul and how it desires to move and express through you.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

As your season comes to a close, allow a moment of reverence for who you have become this last month, Libra Rising. Celebrate your deepened strength, sense of self, wider capacity for life and love. For this week invites a deeper embodiment of this new you. An anchoring of who you are into your body, letting yourself really arrive.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

Welcome to your season, Scorpio Rising. This week brings a continued transformation of your mind, beliefs, and perspectives, while also initiating a chapter of rebirth and empowerment, inner strength and intimacy. Explore what the last month has reminded or taught you, and allow its wisdom to inform this new chapter of self.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

You belong, Sagittarius Rising. To yourself, to your body, the Earth, your chosen people, and to life itself, to the Sacred. This week wants to remind you of this, asking you to breathe out and lean back, feeling the support and love from the Divine in each moment. This week, unclench your hands, rest in silence, and allow the ever-present love into your being.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week brings the continued transformation of who you are in this world, Capricorn Rising, closing off old chapters and ways of being. It also brings invites you to look ahead, dream ahead, welcome your future self into your space to communion and connect. For as you allow these callings to reach you, they will transform you.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

Life is speaking to you this week, Aquarius Rising. Allow yourself to listen. Create the space for silence and connection, conversation and questioning. For there is guidance, wisdom, and truth floating through the ethers waiting for you to tune in. And as Scorpio Season begins, let your greatest visions and dreams both empower and transform you.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

Life desires you to open wider, Pisces Rising. To strip away any layers keeping you from deep intimacy with yourself and all of existence. To soften your heart and welcome the Sacred in. This week brings transformation to your beliefs, perspectives, sense of community and belonging, and your relationship with life itself.

More Astrological Events This Week

  • October 20, 2024: Moon in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
  • October 21, 2024: Moon in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces
  • October 21, 2024: Moon Enters Cancer
  • October 22, 2024: Mercury in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
  • October 23, 2024: Moon in Cancer Conjunct Mars in Cancer
  • October 24, 2024: Mars in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus
  • October 24, 2024: Moon Enters Leo
  • October 25, 2024: Moon in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • October 26, 2024: Moon Enters Virgo
  • October 26, 2024: Moon in Virgo Sextile Sun in Scorpio

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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