Welcome to a new astrological era. Welcome to Neptune in Aries.
Since 2011, Neptune has been floating, dreaming, and softly dancing through the imaginal realms of Pisces. It was 14 years of mysticism and surrender, fluidity and sensitivity. It was a collective chapter of deepened spirituality, the exploration of illusion and escapism, boundarylessness, fantasy, and meaning seeking.
As Neptune rebirths itself anew in the fires of Aries it begins a new 165-year astrological cycle and brings with it a radical shift.
Neptune in Pisces taught us to dream, Neptune in Aries now asks – what will we do with those dreams?
2025 Astrology: Birthing a New World
2025 is a year of profound astrological shift with much opening and closing – essentially preparing us for an entirely new paradigm following 2025. This major shift is marked by all outer planets exploring new signs.
While Pluto settles into its two-decade journey through Aquarius, Uranus enters Gemini for the first time in 76 years, Saturn enters Pisces for the first time in 30 years, and Jupiter travels through Cancer where it hasn’t been since 2014. Among these notable shifts is one of our slowest moving and era-defining planets, Neptune, which will enter Aries this year and remain there for the next 14 years.
Learn more about the astrology of 2025 with our yearly workshop here.
Paired with their slow movements and annual retrogrades, when the outer planets enter a new sign, they often only make it one or two steps forward before turning around and retrograding back into their previous sign – which is precisely what Neptune is doing.
When is Neptune in Aries?
Neptune will enter Aries for the first time in over 150 years on March 30, 2025. It will remain in Aries until October 22, 2025, when it retrogrades back into Pisces.
After its final visit in Pisces where it will not be for another 165 years, Neptune again enters Aries on January 26, 2026, where it will remain until March 2039.
A world between worlds, what is opening this year with the transit of Neptune in Aries acts as a peek behind the curtain for all that is streaming forth in coming decades as Neptune continues through this fiery sign.
Neptune in Astrology
Neptune in Astrology is dreams and fantasy, imagination and divinity, spirituality and inspiration. It is also illusions and ideals, transcendence and escapism, dissolution and sensitivity.
It is our receptive state as we become vessels for higher ideals, inspiration, and sacred knowing. It is the space where we remember ourselves as one with all – each person and flower, star and tree – with existence itself, blurring the boundaries between self and other, self and all. It is where imagination and potential reach out to us in the dream realm. And it is a mirror reflecting unconscious projections, fantasies, and desires – projecting them front and centre so that we may begin to know what lives within us.
Wherever Neptune moves it brings a softening, blurring, and acute sensitivity to illusion. This blurring of boundaries and external reality comes with a higher purpose – to awaken us to a deeper reality beyond form.
Often associated with illusion and dissolution, this confusion only meets us to remind us that this outer reality of tangible form is not ultimate reality. It blurs the external so that we may turn towards the internal – and remember what is real.
Neptune in Aries in 2025 – 2039
The threshold connecting Pisces, our final zodiac, and Aries, our first zodiac, is the threshold of life itself. While Pisces is where we merge back into the Oneness of Life and dissolve any sense of separate self, the sign of Aries is where we birth our singular selves into the world. It is our first experience as a distinct, separate self, alive in the world of matter.
Our first experience as a single spark of the All – when we are in the land of Aries we are still deeply connected to the Sacred as an energy alive within us. Aries is desire and inspiration, courage and creativity. It is alive, passionate, and raw – here to live fully, live boldly, live with truth. Guided by deep embodied instinct and knowing –that instinct and knowing is our own expression of the Divine still alive within us, guiding us in each moment.
As Neptune enters Aries it will be a monumental shift for each of us, both individually and collectively. The pace of life, inner and outer, will radically change with the influence of this fire sign.
Our channels of inspiration, understanding of reality, structures of self-identity, and relationship with action and divinity will all undergo a deep transformation. Instinct and intuition will heighten and passionately ignite action and movement within us all.
Courage will call our name as aspirations, ambition, visioning, desire and creativity turns up. And we will be exploring identity through creativity, finding selfhood mutable and fluid – yet individual spark, instinct, and knowing louder than ever.
While Aries represents selfhood and identity, as Neptune enters this new era, we will each be invited to both look at and beyond the structures that make up our own self-identity.
Neptune invites us to question the truth of those structures, reminding us that while these definitions may feel solid and real, backed by evidence of past experience and solid thought patterns – in truth our essence, energy, possibility, life force, magic, truth, imagination, and expression all dance far beyond any definitions that we or others have placed on ourselves.
Through creativity and imagination, we will be guided to bring an openness, fluidity and movement to our sense of self, remembering ourselves as sacred and infinite, birthed from the All yet profoundly singular and unique.
While Neptune in Pisces invited us to lose ourselves in the Sacred, Aries demands we find, reinvent, rebirth, and create ourselves through the Sacred.
While reinventing selfhood and identity, we are also bringing questioning to our narratives of reality itself – to possibility, desire, capability, and what is ‘realistic’.
For Neptune is mysticism, visions, and otherworldly inspiration. In Aries this energy becomes palpable, dynamic, and electrifying.
We become the visionary here to bring formlessness into form, imagination into reality, desire and impulse into creation through action. We are being invited to see beyond the illusion of conditioned perspectives of what is possible, realistic, and fact – and instead learn to trust, more than ever – in that sacred impulse directing us from within, that vision passionately calling our name, that possibility bringing excitement to our entire bodies asking to be manifest through us.
This is the time to let that spark lead. To let it take up more space and place more trust in it. To welcome it as an authority and reliable compass and in the process, rewrite our understanding of reality and possibility.
An entirely new way of living, we might stumble. We might make wrong moves or meet illusions from within. We are learning how to walk again – guided this time from within. And we are learning how our inner compass guides – how it speaks, when it says yes and when it says wait. Yet it is through continuing to take action that we will learn how to walk in this new world. It is through jumping in, making mistakes, pivoting, receiving feedback, trying – that we will learn to master this new way of living.
This time heightens and expands personal aspirations, desire, and passion. It sensitises us to the inspiration that is ours to follow and the dreams that are calling our name. And it invites to become pioneers of those dreams.
If the planetary partnership of Neptune and Aries in our skies inspires anything – it is bold action in service to our dreams.
It is the healing of our relationship with desire itself, and an invitation to remember desire as sacred. It is to live fully – pursue your passions and paint the most beautiful, inspiring, and invigorating piece of art through your very living.