Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse March 2025 Astrology

Since 2023 we have been meeting Eclipses in the fires of Aries. Step by step, lunation by lunation, opening to courage and passion, igniting intuition and initiation, and building confidence in our own leadership, inner knowing, and direction.

March 2025 brings our final Eclipse of this thread, our final Eclipse in Aries for the next 8 years. The final step – yet a new beginning.

The Aries within us all has been building and growing, birthing and rebirthing, inviting us to take up more space within our lives and channel more of our energy into ourselves.

As we stand at the threshold of this Eclipse with all that we have gained, grown, and learned from these past two years, we step into an entirely new chapter – of ourselves, and of life itself.

Welcome to the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Where intuition heightens and destiny calls. Where the voice of Soul turns up, passion sparks, and divinity moves freely through us. And where we are invited to begin again, rebirthing ourselves guided by a deep internal knowing. 

When is the Aries Solar Eclipse March 2025?

The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse meets us 29 March, 2025.

  • Wellington: Saturday March 29, 11:57pm
  • Sydney: Saturday March 29, 9:57pm
  • Tokyo: Saturday March 29, 7:57pm
  • Singapore: Saturday March 29, 6:57pm
  • New Delhi: Saturday March 29, 4:27pm
  • Dubai: Saturday March 29, 2:57pm
  • Istanbul: Saturday March 29, 1:57pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Saturday March 29, 11:57am
  • London: Saturday March 29, 10:57am
  • New York/Toronto: Saturday March 29, 6:57am
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Saturday March 29, 3:57am

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

Generally, Eclipses meet us four times a year and act as profound catalysts and openings upon our paths. They interrupt patterns and open choice points. They collapse time and bring future potentials into the now.

And they speak to an inner sense of purpose and direction, fulfilment and destiny, drawing out what was always living within us so that we may move with it, create with it, live with it. They invite us to feel, listen, and trust the inner call moving through out bodies desiring to be expressed through us.

Within the arms of this partial solar Eclipse are the Sun, Moon and Mercury Retrograde in Aries, while a continued presence of Pisces weaves its magic through the ethers with Venus Retrograde, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node all channelling its essence.

As we dance between the first and last zodiacs we are dancing upon the threshold of birth, initiation, and beginning. The presence of Pisces brings a deep remembering of our oneness with the Sacred – our belonging to the whole – and a beautiful release as it sensitises our intuition through our emotions and imagination.

The spark of Aries however invites singularity – we are still one with the All, yet we are here to express our singular spark of divinity into the world, to move in our own way and initiate our own story. Aries is the fire burning within us all, reminding us that we must live in our own way, move in our own way, and forge our own path. 

This threshold of Pisces and Aries reminds us that there is a Sacred impulse, a Divine essence within us all. And within that impulse and essence is direction. This Eclipse connects us with that inner direction. 

With one of our biggest astrological events of the year happening the next day also dancing across this threshold, as Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025, we are creating an entirely new reality and it is Aries that we are creating with. 

Read more about Neptune in Aries 2025 – 2039 here.

Solar Eclipse Spiritual Meaning

After this month’s closure and release with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, Solar Eclipses birth chapters that last for years to come. They offer awareness that guides us for years to come. They open potentials that we continue creating with for years to come. 

While the strong initiatory energy of Aries desires to leap into action, Mercury and Venus both in retrograde invite greater presence, patience, and review before action taking. This Eclipse is a space to tune in, listen, and feel into the divine impulse within. To receive your own wisdom and bask in your own inspirations – trusting that more of the story will soon unfold.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries Planetary & Astrological Influences

  • Sun conjunct Moon in Aries
  • Sun and Moon in Aries conjunct North Node in Pisces
  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries conjunct Venus Retrograde in Pisces
  • Venus Retrograde conjunct Neptune in Pisces
  • Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
  • Saturn in Pisces conjunct North Node in Pisces

New Moon in Aries Ritual

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual: Divine Threshold

An Energy Healing, Meditative practice, and Journaling session.

Existence itself is cyclic. The Earth cycles through a profound birth and blooming every year. New life literally born through her. While on the other side of the Earth, parts of her move into their final moments, trees begin releasing, leaves start dropping.

Every single month the Moon empties herself completely bare, surrendering into total emptiness. She was once full, shining brightly and expressing widely. From this emptiness she begins again. From this nothingness she rebirths herself.

Stars birthed from the death of a supernova, which themselves become the building blocks for the next generation of stars and planets after their death. Planets cycle through our cosmos, moving into a new phase of their being every day.

Life is birth. Life is death. Life is cyclic. Life moves. It separates and then comes back together. It inhales and then exhales.

And you are no different.

As we return to the Sea of Oneness in this ritual, letting the Sacred remind us of our belonging with and as Divinity – we simultaneously birth ourselves from these waters as the singular expression of the All that we are.

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 2025 Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

Watch below for your New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Dilosh. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!

For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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