Aquarius Full Moon + Ritual ♡ July 2021

Aquarius Full Moon + Ritual July 2021 Girl and Her Moon

It is Life reminding us that we are unique on purpose, that our essence when embraced and expressed fully, is what is the greatest gift to humanity.



Wellington: Saturday July 24 – 2.36 pm
Sydney: Saturday July 24 – 12.36 pm
New Delhi: Saturday July 24 – 8.06 am
Dubai: Saturday July 24 – 6.36 am
Moscow/Istanbul: Saturday July 24 – 5.36 am
Paris/Berlin: Saturday July 24 – 4.36 am
London: Saturday July 24 – 3.36 am
New York/Ottawa: Friday July 23 – 10.36 pm
Los Angeles: Friday July 23 – 7.36 pm


This Full Moon reminds us of our unique impact on the collective.

It is Life reminding us that we are unique on purpose, that our essence when embraced and expressed fully, is what is the greatest gift to humanity.

Aquarius is often a ‘step ahead’ into the future evolution of where the collective is heading. It is the seer of the zodiac, with visions of a future that others may not yet see. It finds paths where others walk straight past.

Known as the water bearer, it pours forth waters into humanity containing deep insight, creative intelligence, and opportunity for great evolution. It taps into unlimited reserves that come straight from the divine.

The energy of this Full Moon has that same seer quality.

Under this lunation, we each have access to the gift of ‘seeing’ into future potential. We have access to those unlimited reserves of the divine, to bring forward insight, creativity, insights, and evolution.

With the Sun currently in Leo, we are tapping into the importance of the self. Leo is the self; it is the centre of it all. We have both the energy of self, and oneness, at the front and centre of our awareness. We are reminded that while they may seem like opposites – one cannot exist without the other. We need both. All of you. On purpose. Your unique puzzle piece impacting and adding to the entire puzzle.

There are two additional energies that are highly impactful under this Full Moon.

Firstly, both the Moon, and the Sun, are sitting at 1° representing new beginning and change. And secondly, Pluto is sitting nice and close to the Moon, bringing its energy and presence in strength.

Under this Full Moon, change is inevitable.

Aquarius on its own brings about change, with the vision of our future path igniting that change. With freedom on its mind, it encourages us to break free from the patterns, structures, identities that aren’t supporting our highest growth. All that doesn’t encourage the full expression of who we are.

The presence of Pluto guides us deeper into that change, moving into the realm of total transformation – death and rebirth.

With Pluto emphasising endings, the Sun & Moon sitting at 1° looks to new beginnings. This Full Moon is both an ending and beginning. It is a total surrender into transformation. It is bright and potent illumination into what was previously unseen. It is glimpses into potential futures and who we are at our fullest, most aligned expression.

Step into the role of the seer.

Where are you ready to evolve?

What is the change you desire to see in the world, and how can you be it?

The Full moon brings light into the darkness – what is this light allowing you see?

There is incredible potential available under this Full Moon, and there is also an emphasis on your intention, your surrender, your devotion to your deepest growth and highest expression.

This is a collaborative Universe. It is your decision to either resist or allow. Ignore or engage.

This is the first of two Aquarius Full Moons – with the second next month. The experience, thoughts, and themes, that we each move through under this Full Moon will likely continue into next month, reaching a fuller culmination, a completed ending.



Aquarius Full Moon Ritual

Your Wealth Legacy and Future Self Activation

An incredible collaboration withWith Multi Dimensional Wealth & Business Mentor, Jenna Black. 

Under this Full Moon, this ritual is a Soul Activation.

Infused with wealth codes and the Aquarius nature of future potential. This Full Moon ritual will guide you into your highest abundance, and your Souls most expressed future.

This ritual is exclusive to the Flow with the Moon Membershipseen nowhere else. 

It is a deep Soul reminder and awakening:

You are the change. You are the impact. You are wealth embodied. The divine in expression. You are here to own all that you are. Bring about powerful shifts in the collective.

It is tapping into your mission, legacy. Your divine creativity and contribution.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership, by joining this month you will also receive instant access to intention work, a monthly tarot reading, and our New Moon Ritual – Inner Child Healing, and more, valuing over $600.

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual Girl and Her Moon


If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the Full Moon – Kapualani has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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