Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Ace of Cups Keywords

Fresh starts, fertility, pregnancy, beginnings, new relationship, new love, heart healing, love connection, celebration, joy, success, romance, self-love, suppressed/repressed feelings

Ace of Cups Numerology


Ace of Cups Astrology Zodiac

Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Ace of Cups Tarot Suit

Minor Arcana, Suit of Cups

Journal Prompts for Ace of Cups Tarot Card

– What new opportunities, experiences, etc am I ready, open and willing to receive?

– What can I do to refill/fill my own cup?

– What brings me joy?

Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Ace of Cups presents as a golden chalice, sitting in the right palm of a pale hand, extending from a cloud. There are five streams of cool, blue water flowing forth from the cup and into the pond/pool below. These streams represent the flow and empathic connection to the five senses of the body: touch, taste, smell, sight, sound (hearing). Lily pads and lotus blossoms decorate the crystal clear waters. A white dove is seen diving head first into the chalice. In its beak, it carries a round of sacramental (communion) bread. Droplets of water are seen sprinkled throughout like mist, descending through the air.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Ace of Cups Upright

Overall, the Ace of Cups appearing in a tarot reading is a very positive, healing and hopeful sign to receive in a reading. As is the case with all of the Aces, the Ace of Cups is a validation to your question with and signifies a “yes” answer. When the Ace of Cups appears it can also be a sign that you have managed to reach a state of personal fulfilment and are ready to enter into a new cycle from a clean slate.

This energy ushers in feelings of love, joy, fresh starts and new beginnings–regardless of the question/topic in concern. The Ace of Cups symbolizes new cycles highlighted with loving, heart-centered intentions, actions and desires. There is a strong likelihood that you will be receiving some form of an offer and/or opportunity that promises to be very emotionally fulfilling.

A new relationship, opportunity and/or experience (job, friendship, lifestyle shift, etc) is very likely to bring happiness and joy into your life. In addition, unless there are other surrounding cards indicating something to the contrary; you can rest assured that anyone making an offer to you at this time is coming from a place of pure heart intentions.

The Ace of Cups encourages you to approach your current situation from the heart first and foremost. Regardless of whether or not this involves a romantic relationship, friends, family, co-workers, a financial decision, etc; this card suggests that whatever you decide, make sure that you are moving forward with loving kindness and pure intentions. Additionally, if you are in a position of wondering how things will turn out – the Ace of Cups represents a sure sign of happiness and joy underway.

Purification is another big theme when it comes to the Ace of Cups – especially if you are in the position of actively entering into a new cycle. Regardless of your inquiry, the matter at hand is likely going to open the way for cleansing and clearing. Keep in mind, this key may also suggest that now is the perfect time to do a cleanse in and/or around any relevant areas or aspects of your life where you may be seeking new beginnings, renewal, healing, intuition, etc.

Fertility, pregnancy and the possibility of conceiving are also very strongly emphasized when the Ace of Cups appears. Whether this arrives as an indication of actually preparing for pregnancy; or as a sign of overflow, that you are birthing something new and deeply fulfilling, trust that seeing this card is a message from spirit that blessings are indeed underway.

Abundance and wealth may also be symbolic indicators when the upright Ace of Cups appears. If your inquiry involves money and/or if there are any concerns around being provided for, this energy ensures that you will have what you need and more.

Ace of Cups Reversed

When the Ace of Cups card appears in a reversed position, it could be a sign that disappointing news is underway. Whether this deals with love, relationship, work, family, money, etc–it is likely that the outcome will not be favorable. 

Additionally, the situation at hand may leave you feeling empty when all is said and done. That being said, the Ace of Cups reversed may also be an indication that now would also be a good time for you to metaphorically refill your cup.

Take a moment to meditate and consider whether or not the person, place and/or thing you are focusing on is really worth “pouring” yourself into. You may be (and/or you may have been) someone who tends to give more to others than you are given to in return. If so, the reversed Ace of Cups is guiding you to pull back and perhaps reevaluate your exchanges.

Seeing this energy in reverse may also be a sign encouraging you to focus on self-healing, self-care and self-love. Remember, before you try to support others, you must first support yourself. You cannot fill from an empty cup. Also, do not worry about appearing selfish or self-absorbed. The people who truly love and support you will understand. Those who truly love and respect you will encourage you to take care of yourself and will be there for you if and/or when you should need them.

With the reversed Ace of cups present, there may also be a need to sacrifice or give up something meaningful to you.

You may be experiencing some form of lack or loss in a situation where you may have been hoping for fulfillment. That being said, a potentially significant loss or losses of some kind (generally where matters of the heart are concerned) may show up when the Ace of Cups is reversed. 

Overall, this card is an indication that what you may have hoped for is likely to fail and/or not work out to your benefit. You might be left feeling disappointed and let down. Do your best to honor your emotions in a healthy, safe, self-loving way; no matter how difficult and/or intense what you are experiencing may feel.

With the energies of cleansing and purification being significant to the Ace of Cups; when in reverse, this card would encourage you to acknowledge and/or release your deeper, suppressed and/or repressed emotions. There could be an emotional block and/or core wound that is preventing you from moving forward as well.

You are also encouraged to mindfully and healthfully let go of anything/anyone no longer serving your highest, greatest good (harming none).


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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