5 Major Aspects In Astrology

Astrology reminds us just how vast, layered, and multidimensional we each are—sometimes even contradictory.

Aspects bring all of these layers together. They link our seemingly separate selves, weaving together different energies and colours within us—some working in harmony, some not so much. These planetary relationships form the foundation of our personal astrology, shaping how we navigate the world and express ourselves.

What are Aspects?

In their most simplistic form, aspects are geometric angles between planets. They are the angular relationships between planets or points along the ecliptic or as captured in the chart.

Aspects show us how our planets are interacting with one other – how the different energies within ourselves are interacting together.

Different angles between planets represent a different energy flow: is there ease openness, collaboration and connection – or is there some tension and charge or opposing desires between these parts of us?

Aspects in the Birth Chart

In the chart, we can find aspects by calculating the angles. Or more simply, by observing the inner lines connecting planets to one another.

While each astrological calculator or platform differs in design, we will often find two coloured lines – blue and red. Each colour represents a different category of aspect: flowing or dynamic.

The blow chart is taken from Astro Seek.


An orb is the range of degrees within which an aspect between two planets (or points) is considered active or significant. It determines how tightly or loosely an aspect is formed. The tighter the aspect the more influential the aspect itself is, and therefore, the stronger the relationship between the planets.

Orb allowance differs astrologer to astrologer, however a general guideline is an 8° allowance for major aspects. Any aspect within 3° will always be a central theme of importance in someone’s life. Many astrologers will be more generous in aspects that include the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant.

If a chart has fewer aspects, wider orbs will be felt more strongly. If a chart has many tight aspects, those with wider orbs will be less felt by the individual. Any aspect within 3 degrees or less is a significant force in the chart.

Typical Orb Ranges:

  • Tighter Orbs (0°-3°): Very active and energetic. Central themes.
  • Medium Orbs (3°-5°): Active, simply not as strong.
  • Wider Orbs (6°-8°): May still function however with less intensity, unless reinforced by other factors.

Dynamic Aspects: Opposition & Square

“The greater the tension, the greater the potential. Great energy springs from a correspondingly great tension between opposites.” – Carl Jung

Dynamic aspects include the angles which hold a degree of tension or stress in the way that two or more planets are relating to one another.

Their tension demands that we look at these parts of ourselves/life and take action as a means of resolution.

Wherever we have dynamic aspects there is a profound amount of bound up energy. Having a mode of expression which is capable of channelling the intensity of dynamic aspects is not just beneficial, but we could even say, required.

Flowing Aspects: Trine & Sextile

Celestial bodies in a flowing aspect with one another are supportive and collaborative. They understand and lift each other up.

The flow of energy between these planets is stable, strong, reliable, consistent, innate, and harmonious. These aspects and the areas of self and life as represented by the planets can point to innate gifts and talents, as well as spaces of inner resource, pleasure and recharge.

We are often much less aware of our flowing aspects than our dynamic aspects, often seeing them when only when an external mirror is held up to them. However it is still through becoming aware of our flowing aspects that we can then begin to harness the beauty and potential available there – by consciously working with them.

Major Aspects in Astrology

Conjunction Aspect: When Two Become One

A conjunction is the partnership of two planets. It’s the merging of two life energies where the planets involved and all that they represent are permanently weaved together.

We cannot express one without expressing the other and there is no longer any separation between these two distinct energy forces. Instead, they become One – almost becoming a new planet entirely.

A conjunction is neither inherently dynamic or flowing, it simply is. How it is experienced is based very much on the planets involved as well as how this dynamic created fits into the rest of the chart.

To find a conjunction in the chart, simply locate any two planets sitting next to one another within an 8° orb.

The most influential conjunctions include any made with the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant. The tighter the orb, the stronger the merging.

A conjunction will always be a major point of focus in the chart, revealing a particularly prominent part of the individual’s energy, purpose, focus, and inner experience – depending on the zodiac sign and house they are aligned within.

Opposition Aspect: Integrating Polarities

An opposition is when two planets are opposite one another, or 180 degrees apart. In the birth chart, they are often shown with a central, long, and red line connecting two planets.

The invitations within oppositions is to find a way to use both sides of the polarity to gain an expanded and intimate relationship with whatever joint themes these two signs have with one another. For while each sign has an opposite sign, these ‘opposite signs’ are in reality, partners, with a joint exploration.

For example, both Taurus and Scorpio are here to explore security. While Taurus seeks to build security in the tangible, Scorpio seeks to build security within the intangible and emotional. For one sign to be fully explored and evolved, the other must be, too. Opposite signs are simply different sides of the same coin.

We often sway side to side of our oppositions throughout our life as a process of exploring these two sides of ourselves (as shown by each planet) and in that exploration, seek to understand how we can bridge the two and essentially, meet greater wholeness within ourselves.

On this journey of integration, we can often find ourselves unconsciously rejecting one side (planet) of an opposition in favour of the other, depending on which planet/area of experience we have greater comfort with, find more acceptable, or is in line with our perspectives of ourselves.

Any planet that has been unconsciously rejected within us will show up outside of us (be projected onto external realities, events, experiences, and people), as an opportunity to become aware of and integrate this aspect of ourselves.

This is why oppositions are often referred to as ‘relationship aspects’ as they are often highlighted within our interpersonal relationships, where another is embodying the side of our opposition we have not yet learned how to.

Trine Aspect: Unlimited Potential

A trine is found with planets that are 120 degrees apart, and are in the same zodiac element. In the birth chart, they are shown by a long blue line connecting two planets.

Trines offer an easeful flow of energy. They can represent innate talent and gifts, where we can find pleasure and recharge our energy.

While our trines and the energy flow involved are not always obvious to us (though they might be to others), it can often feel as if we need to awaken the energy of our trines to consciously and purposely channel this energy into something.

When we are consciously working with our trines and making the most of their energy, the potential is unlimited. This energy can then carry us further (potentially) than any other aspect.

If you have a trine in your chart, bring these two planets together in a room. How do they support one another? What is the highest possible potential of their collaboration? This potential is alive within you.

Square Aspect: Tension, Drive & Mastery

Squares are the aspects which provide the energy for us to achieve the seemingly impossible. Squares create will and strength of character and force us to grow. – Steven Forrest

Squares are planets 90 degrees in separation meeting in the same mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable), yet incompatible elements. Planets in Fire and Air zodiacs square planets in Earth and Water, and vice versa. In the birth chart, they are shown by a shorter red line connecting two planets.

As we meet the square we meet another one of our dynamic aspects. However unlike the opposition, we are usually very aware of both sides of our square – or both planets involved.

Inner tension arises from squares as the energy flow between the planets in question is in conflict. Each planet is placing the other under some kind of pressure or strain. This pressure provides an immense wellspring of energy, potential, drive, and will. Squares demand that we take concrete action to release, express and channel both planets energies.

The tension from a square pushes us to act—it demands resolution through conscious effort. People with many squares often develop resilience and strength, as they are always working through their lessons. The planets involved in a square show us energy that must be released, channelled through some kind of intentional and purposeful area of our lives. That vessel or mode of expression, will be different for everyone – whether through creative projects, work or career, long term goals (such as running a marathon or writing a book), or something else.

While squares can be challenging, they are profoundly creative when we choose to consciously work with them.

Sextile Aspect: Opportunity & Openness

Sextile planets are separated by 60 degrees from one another and are found within compatible elements. Water sextiles Earth. Fire sextiles Air. In the natal chart, we can identify sextiles by the short blue line connecting two planets.

The Sextile, like the trine, is flow and partnership, however there is more of liveliness. As the planets are in zodiacs of different elements, it offers greater stimulation. Each planet is exciting one another and with that excitement, they want to act, create, and move together.

The sextile aspects offers a beautiful openness to the new to each planet, whether openness to new people, ideas, attitudes, or change. It allows flexibility to the planets involved.

It brings a certain flexibility to the planets involved and where the trine might show innate talents, the sextile shows us areas of life that are exciting and fulfilling – and that when we follow – both of our planets (parts or layers) are on board, filling the experience with flow, openness, and joy.

Stellium Aspect: A Focal Point

While not generally considered a major astrological aspect, the stellium is a beautiful (and easy!) way to identify major themes and focus areas of life and self in a natal chart.

A stellium is three or more planets together either in a zodiac sign or astrological house. 

Any sign or house they are in shows us a focal point in the chart, and therefore in the individuals inner and outer reality. We can often feel ‘lopsided’ in the zodiac or house as shown by our stellium, or at least – others might notice this within us.

Planets do not need to be conjunct to be in a stellium, however it they are, we know that they are inherently intertwined in their expression.

A stellium is neither inherently dynamic or flowing, it simply brings an immense presence of the zodiac involved as it becomes channelled through three or more different cosmic bodied – and is often one of the most prominent energies in a chart. How it is experienced is based very much on the planets involved as well as how this dynamic created fits into the rest of the chart.

Astrological Aspects: A Cheat Sheet


  • Two planets within 8° of one another
  • Planets blend and become one


  • 180° separation
  • Long red central line
  • Planets in opposite signs
  • Seeking to balance polarities within self


  • 90° separation
  • Shorter red line
  • Same mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable)
  • Different & incompatible elements
  • Fire & Air square Earth & Water (& vice versa)
  • Tension offering drive, determination & mastery


  • 120° separation
  • Shown by long blue line
  • Planets are in the same element
  • Innate talents & gifts: unlimited potential when consciously worked with


  • 120° separation
  • Shown by short blue line
  • Planets are in different yet compatible elements
  • Fire sextiles Air. Earth sextiles Water
  • Openness, partnership, and stimulation of each planet involved


  • Three or more planets in a sign or house
  • Central focus area of chart

Planetary Key Words

  • Sun: Self, Vitality, Confidence, Purpose, Individuality, Expression
  • Moon: Inner Nature, Emotions, Needs, Intuition, Receptivity
  • Mercury: Mind, Communication, Learning, Processing, Messenger
  • Venus: Beauty, Harmony, Peace, Worth, Pleasure, Love
  • Mars: Action, Motivation, Passion, Assertion, Willpower
  • Jupiter: Wisdom, Seeker, Growth, Expansion, Hope, Aspiration
  • Saturn: Self-Mastery, Legacy, Boundaries, Maturity, Discipline
  • Uranus: Liberation, Future, Change, Higher Mind, Innovation
  • Neptune: Imagination, Divinity, Healing, Fantasy, Dreaming, Oneness
  • Pluto: Transformation, Empowerment, Depth, Unseen, Regeneration

Astrological Houses Key Words

  • 1st House: Identity, Personality, Outer Expression of Self
  • 2nd House: Finances, Self-worth, Possessions, Safety
  • 3rd House: The Mind, Communication, Learning
  • 4th House: Family, Home, Emotional Security, Needs, Inner Child
  • 5th House: Creativity, Self-Expression, Romance, Children
  • 6th House: Health, Service, Routines, Rituals, Day-to-Day
  • 7th House: Partnership, Collaborations, Relationships, The Other
  • 8th House: Transformation, Intimacy, Psyche, Shared Resources
  • 9th House: Wisdom, Philosophy, Meaning, Faith
  • 10th House: Legacy, Influence, Career, Public Life
  • 11th House: Community, Hopes, Evolution, Social Causes
  • 12th House: Unconscious, Spirituality, All that Exists Beyond Time/Space

Planetary Aspects

Aspects weave together the story of your birth chart. Dynamic aspects challenge us to grow, while flowing aspects offer ease and support.

Understanding your aspects helps you work with your strengths and navigate your challenges consciously. Astrology is an ongoing dialogue between your cosmic blueprint and your lived experiences—the more awareness you bring to your aspects, the more empowered you become.

Take time to reflect on your aspects, observe how they show up in your life, and remember: no aspect is purely good or bad. Each one offers its own lessons, power, and potential.

When bringing your aspects together, first ask yourself:

What are the highest potentials of these two (or more) planets coming together? What do they have in common? Where do they clash? What might their partnership feel like within my own being?

And then bring the nature of the aspect into the mix. Are these two planets collaborating harmoniously, or do they bring tension and potential? How might this feel within my own being? What might its invitation and potential be?

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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