The Empress Tarot Card Meaning
The Empress Keywords Abundance, wealth, prosperity, goddess/sacred feminine, motherhood, mother nature, creation, leisure, luxury, compassion, nurturing, The Empress Numerology 3 The Empress Astrology Zodiac Taurus The Empress Tarot Suit Major Arcana Journal Prompts for The Empress – Am I paying attention to and continuing to nurture/develop/grow my creative projects/ideas/potential? – Am I recognizing and utilizing […]
New Moon in Virgo September 2024: Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign
Welcome to the Virgo New Moon. An invitation to touch in, plant down, refine, anchor, and return to the Earth and your body as your medicine. A lunation holding the space as you connect with your essence beneath it all – and begin cleansing away anything within your consciousness, unconscious, body, aura, and life, that is […]