Libra New Moon September 2022: Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes āŠ¹

Libra New Moon September 2022 Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes Girl and Her Moon

Libra New Moon Zodiac Tarot Readings by Dilosh! Tarot picks up on energy and translates it into clear and tangible guidance, whilst also working with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides to bring you the exact message you need in this moment. If you would like to go deeper with this beautiful lunar Energy, we […]

~ Equinox Prayer for the Earth ~

Equinox Prayer for the Earth Girl and Her Moon

Earth, I witness your medicine. I witness your ancient and evolutionary wisdom, and your deep reserves of Love. A Being Love. A pure Love. A state of Love. A healing Love. An All That Is Love. āŠ¹ I witness the infinite expressions of the divine through you. Your softness in the wind that gently takes […]