Weekly Horoscope: October 6 – 12 2024 Astrology

As one planet begins its backwards movement, another’s comes to an end. This week welcomes Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, and the ending of Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn.

It’s a week of deep transition, letting go, and introspection. It’s a week of realignment and inner questioning, completion and new awareness.

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini: October 9 2024

Welcome to our annual Jupiter Retrograde, where our planet of abundance, growth, and expansion begins its seemingly backwards movement in our skies. Jupiter Retrograde begins this week on October 9, 2024, where it will continue until February 4, 2025, while in the air sign of Gemini.

As a planet shifts into a retrograde motion, its energy moves from outward and expressive to inward and reflective. Instead of expressing through us into this tangible world, it concentrates on what lives within us – our narratives, our emotions, our perspectives and our underworld. This time of introspection invites review, inner listening, and realignment.

Jupiter has been in Gemini since May of this year, and as it turns backwards in this same sign, we are revisiting this path we have just been walking upon. We are reviewing the last five months reflecting on all that we had been gathering and experiencing while Jupiter moved forward through Gemini.

We are reflecting on our relationship with our minds and all that lives within it. How do our thoughts impact us? How do our thoughts create, or shape, our lives? We are looking over all that we have taken in and learned – the information, ideas, perspectives, narratives – and we are questioning them. What do we want living in our minds? What lens do we desire to see the world through? With all this new information and perspectives that Gemini brought us, what is true to us?

These next four months of Jupiter Retrograde is a beautiful time to open the mind and explore our own understanding of truth and wisdom, and our relationship with our minds. It is a time to be in conversation with our inner knowing and voice, and to create the space to realign our vision of the future.

Read more about Jupiter Retrograde here.

Pluto Direct in Capricorn: October 11 2024

We have been in a space of deep transition both collectively and individually since March of 2023, dancing between two major eras. The movement of Pluto in our skies always brings with it major change, spending between 11 and 30 years in each zodiac sign.

This week, we meet our final stage of the dance, our last chapter in this transitory space. Pluto finishes its retrograde on October 11, 2024, and begins travelling through its last moments in Capricorn for over 230 years, entering Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will remain until 2043.

Pluto is our planet of transformation, death and rebirth. It is empowerment, the unconscious, the knowing deep within our bodies. It represents the unseen, the mystery, and the hidden – both within and without. As this planet finishes its retrograde and begins moving forward once again, it moves from inward to outward, where we are invited to begin taking action, creating change, and realigning ourselves and our lives based on the deep introspection, transformation, and revelations made throughout its backwards movement over the last five months.

This month-and-a-bit between now and November 19 holds the space for major release. We are closing doors and finalising chapters. We are meeting completions and letting go of identities. We are shedding skin and saying goodbye to a version of ourselves we have been living within since 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn.

Your Weekly Horoscope October 6-12 2024

As one retrograde ends and another begins, both of these energies bring us into a deep reflection and realignment. This week, invite space for conversation – with your mind, heart, intuition, unconscious.

For as Jupiter begins its backwards spin, a new review is taking place – one that desires a deeper understanding of your truth, perspectives, and relationship with your mind.

And as Pluto begins moving forward once again, we are re-meeting ourselves after walking through deep inner transformation and transition. As this transformation of ourselves now comes to the surface, it is ready to be realised. It is ready to become who we are in the world, rather than kept inwardly just for us.

Allow yourself space and flexibility within your sense of identity, your understanding of yourself and the world, and what you desire. The more flexibility we allow, the more we can surprise ourselves. For there is more of us we are ready to meet. More of us we are ready to embody. More of us we are ready to bring into our lives and create with.

Zodiac Sign Weekly Forecast

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign for your horoscope forecast, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope for the week, forecast for October 6 to 12, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week invites both inner reflection and outward change. Inner reflection of all that lives within your mind, Aries Rising. The beliefs, ideas, perspectives. It asks you to explore what your truth it, what life means to you, what your mind means to you. And it brings change and transformation in your career, long term visions, and desires.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

What does safety feel like in your body, Taurus Rising? What about worthiness, value, and truth? How have your beliefs changed, and how can you honour those beliefs in your outer life? Embodying them, living by them, creating from them? Realignment is awaiting you, and this week is just the beginning.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As Jupiter begins its retrograde in your sign, Gemini Rising, it brings with it an invitation to slow down. To observe how silence feels. To reflect and review instead of learn and bring in. For this week holds deep inner transformation, a renewed intuition, and opportunities for empowerment. If only you create the space for it all.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

What is the Sacred, Cancer Rising? What is the Divine? What is that all encompassing energy from which we are all a part? Instead of gathering new information and ideas, this week invites you to reflect, listening inwardly for your own answers. And it brings transformation in how you relate, collaborate, connect and come into partnership with others.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

There is something ready for change in your life, Leo Rising – and this week sparks it into motion. The way you live within your days and the relationship held with your body. The routines that support you and the way you relate to community. Your sense of belonging in this collective body and your ideas of the future.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

You are here to create, Virgo Rising. With your joy, heart, passion, and creativity. There are visions you are here to build. With consistency, commitment, and practical movement. This week highlights these truths. It brings a review to your long-term plans – where do you want to go? And it invites you to reclaim your self-expression – what lives within that is ready to come outwards into the world?

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

Safety, belonging, truth, roots. Transformation has been moving through the very core of who you are since 2008, and this week initiates the final moments of this transformation while initiating a review of your meaning and understanding of life itself, and your place within it. Bring flexibility to your understanding of who you are and your vaster beliefs.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

How do you feel within intimacy, vulnerability, and the unknown, Scorpio Rising? For this week initiates a review of these spaces inviting a deep surrender into your own knowing and intuition, while bringing forth an entirely new world within your mind – shifting your beliefs, ideas, and perspectives – realigning and preparing for a new chapter ahead.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

How has your relationship with your body changed these last few months, Scorpio Rising? With the way safety, worthiness and value feel? What about finances, resources, and inner and outer security? This week brings endings to the transformation taking place within these spaces, while inviting reflection on how you relate to and come together with others.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

There are chapters of who you are coming to an end, Capricorn Rising. Who you believe yourself to be, how you move through the world, and the access you have to your own depths. All of this has been moving through immense transformation and will soon meet a new way of being. This week, invite release, endings, and letting go.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

Journey within, Aquarius Rising, and you will discover creation itself, life itself, swimming within your mind, body, and heart. This week invites a reflection of your creative expression, joy, and how this all connects with the Sacred itself. A new chapter is beginning soon, when Pluto enters your sign. Until then, allow things to come to a close, allow versions of yourself to release.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

This week invites deep inner reflection, Pisces Rising. A review of your mind and all that lives within it – the narratives, ideas, and perspectives that were never yours, taken on during your formative years. And it invites a new way of relating to community, the collective body from which we are all a part and deeply belong to.

More Astrological Events This Week

  • October 6, 2024: Mercury in Libra Square Mars in Cancer
  • October 6, 2024: Moon Enters Sagittarius
  • October 7, 2024: Moon in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces
  • October 8, 2024: Venus in Scorpio Trine Mars in Cancer
  • October 8, 2024: Mercury in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini
  • October 9, 2024: Moon Enters Capricorn
  • October 10, 2024: Moon in Capricorn Sextile Venus in Scorpio
  • October 11, 2024: Moon Enters Aquarius
  • October 12, 2024: Moon in Aquarius Trine Sun in Libra
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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