Weekly Horoscope July 28 – August 3 2024 Astrology Forecast

This week is an invitation of receptivity and reclaiming your wisdom. It is a week of healing and inner alchemy. And it is a week where change and freedom call our name through sharpened intuition and heightened inspiration.

Read on for your July 28 to August 3 2024 weekly horoscope.

Venus trine Chiron: July 30, 2024

Chiron has just begun the backwards spin of its retrograde while in Aries, bringing healing, wisdom, and a re-frame to our identity, autonomy, confidence, and relationship with action and desire.

This week while descending into our underworld for deep healing, Chiron receives support from Venus in Leo via a trine aspect on July 30, 2024.

Venus herself is healing. She is pleasure, joy, beauty, harmony and love. She is self-worth and deep ownership of herself. She is receptive, creative, abundant, and embodied.

Chiron too, is healing – a doorway for a higher and deeper perspective to be brought into our lives. Chiron invites our own medicine, wisdom, and inner alchemy to the surface so that we may begin tending to ourselves.

A trine aspect is two planets 120 degrees apart in our cosmos. It is an open flow of energy. It is harmony between two planets supporting one another.

On this day, there is healing and beauty flowing from the cosmos. On this day, there is an invitation to become Venus – receptive. Open to the medicine available all around us – in our breath, nature, our heart, the moment, a flower. On this day, there is an invitation to become Chiron while in retrograde – a doorway for new perspectives to find us, and a doorway for yourself as your own healer to emerge.

Venus square Uranus: August 2, 2024

As Venus continues to travel through the sign of Leo, where she entered on July 11 2024, she comes into contact with Uranus in Taurus via a square aspect on August 2, 2024.

Uranus in Astrology is sharp, quick, and cerebral. It is heightened intuition and flashes of inspiration. Uranus is liberation and freedom. Always looking ahead, it is here to crack open into evolution. Venus is love, worthiness, beauty, harmony and partnership.

Unlike the open flow of energy with our trine earlier in the week, squares create friction. Friction that generates energy and inspires creativity. As these two planetary bodies connect in our skies, they begin a conversation. Our inner Venus and Uranus begin a conversation.

Any square is an opportunity to be in conversation with ourselves. Where is our Uranian self feeling the need to break free, open wider, bring liberation? And what will this mean for our Venusian self desiring harmony, comfort, and pleasure?

There is a space where these two inner archetypes can meet, support one another, and begin dancing and moving in the same direction. A space of liberation into beauty, freedom held by balance, and action taken through deep embodiment of our own worth. On this day, open the dialogue. See what is there. Observe what is opening.

Your Weekly Forecast

It is a week to be in conversation with yourself – with all of your parts. We are all living, breathing, walking expressions of each of these celestial archetypes. Sometimes in total contradiction. Sometimes in a harmonious dance.

And as we sit within a moment in time of Chiron offering a reclamation of ourselves as our own authority – we have the opportunity to begin bringing all of ourselves into communion, flow, and collaboration.

Other planets in transit this week:

  • July 28 2024: Moon in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces
  • July 29 2024: Moon in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus
  • July 30 2024: Moon in Gemini Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
  • July 31 2024: Moon in Gemini Sextile Venus in Leo
  • July 31 2024: Moon Enters Cancer
  • August 1 2024: Moon in Cancer Sextile Mercury in Virgo
  • August 3 2024: Moon Enters Leo
  • August 3 2024: Moon in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Weekly Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign July 28 – August 3 2024

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for July 28–August 3, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week brings an opening, healing, and re-writing of your identity, creative expression, and deep inner worthiness, Aries Rising. As Chiron journeys deep within the core of who you are, welcome yourself deeper into your body where self-expression will be your doorway into transformation.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Uranus in your sign is inviting a cracking open, Taurus Rising. A shift in how you move through the world and your relationship with desire. And this week, it is your sense of deep belonging to yourself, your body, and to the sacred, that will support this opening.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Your voice is your medicine this week, Gemini Rising. Speak to yourself. Speak to your heart, life itself. It’s a week that opens a doorway directly into your intuition, imagination, and sacred evolution, where insights and guidance for your path will begin calling your name – the more you are in conversation with these insights, the more will be revealed.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week that reminds you of your inherent belonging, Cancer Rising. To yourself, your body, this life, and this humanity. The more you sink into yourself with this knowing and occupy more of your worthiness, the more your path, intuition, and desires will begin opening themselves to you.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

Become Venus this week, Leo Rising – that is your invitation. Become art, beauty, pleasure and abundance, and let it spill into your understanding of and relationship to life. Let it spill into your big dreams and the way you approach your goals. For there is healing in your faith and an opening in your legacy this week.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Your invitation is to be in conversation with life this week, Virgo Rising. With the way moments whisper with wisdom and guidance. And the way life guides through feeling and intuition. Lean back into the sacred, let it hold you, let it remind you of who you are. For much will shift within you as you do so.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

The deepest wisdom of your body is calling you this week, Libra Rising. Inviting intimacy, presence, and truth with all that lives within you. As you descend into yourself, there is a self-reclamation, healing, and opening of intuition, imagination, and guiding steps forward awaiting you.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

Bring love, beauty, and pleasure into your days and routines, your favourite people and your biggest dreams this week, Scorpio Rising. It’s a week bringing a reminder that your biggest dreams are reached through continued small steps, and that the people in your life are mirrors to support you in the building your life.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Breathe space into your days, Sagittarius Rising. Let new energy in. Welcome inspiration, imagination and intuition. Let something new in. This week invites you to open a conversation with higher wisdom and divine knowing, and let it move creative energy through you as you express yourself in art, play, movement, and idea building.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week invites more creative energy to move through you, Capricorn Rising. It reminds us that the more we follow our impulse, intuition, and imaginations in expression – the more we receive to continue expressing. This week, it is through bringing love into the deepest corners of ourselves that we allow more of this energy to find us.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

As we continue to move through seasons and cycles of transformation, things around us begin to change, too. Our relationships, our minds. The way we see the world and who we connect with. This week is a season of transformation from within, sparking shifts throughout the corners of your life, Aquarius Rising.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

Let your mind open, Pisces Rising. Let it roam free and let it expand – showing you the limits of your perception in the process – and walking right past them. It’s a week of intuition and higher guidance. And it’s a week of healing with our body and deepening into our belonging in this beautiful tangible life.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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