Weekly Horoscope August 25 to 31 2024: Astrology Invitations

It’s a healing Venusian week with the addition of Mercury finishing it’s retrograde and bringing greater ease, flow, and openness in our minds, lives, and communication. Read on for this week’s planetary movements and your zodiacs horoscopes below.

Mercury Direct: August 28 2024

August 28 2024 brings the forward movement of Mercury after it’s almost -three-week backwards movement. In this time, Mercury began its retrograde in Virgo until slipping back into Leo, retracing the steps it had just taken and observing its experience from a new lens. This week, it’s retrograde comes to an end while still in Leo, where it will walk this path again for the third time.

As its Mercury retrograde ends movement begins, clarity, flow, ease and begins to move again in the realm of the mind. While in Leo it’s an opportunity to explore what has shifted within your mind, perspectives, and thoughts around confidence, self-expression, creativity, communication and self-identity.

After a retrograde, a planet has just re-emerged from its journey underground. It’s been gathering insights and re-writing stories. It’s been questioning old patterns and untangling narratives. After a retrograde, we are different.

Our invitation now is to allow ourselves to be different. To let go of the old identities. To let ourselves be surprised at what or who within us is emerging. To observe who we now are without the tight grip of those old patterns, previous stories, and tangled narratives. And to let it be fun, playful, exciting, and curious – as both Leo and Mercury so desire.

Venus Opposite Neptune: August 28 2024

Venus entered Virgo earlier in the month on August 4 2024 where she has been inviting beauty, healing, and wisdom into our days, reminding us of the sacred that lives deep within our humanness.

This week on August 28 2024, Venus begins a conversation with Neptune while it sits in Pisces. In an opposition aspect, each planet sits in a sign opposite to one another. What Astrology teaches us however, is that each opposition is actually a partnership. They are different sides of the same coin, both existing on one axis with a joint purpose.

Neptune in Astrology is our planet of transcendence, oneness, imagination and the space where all potential and creativity arises. It has been in Pisces since 2011, the sign that it rules.

While Venus in Virgo is bringing beauty and intimacy with the earth, our bodies, and the practical day-to-day living of being human, Neptune in Pisces reminds us that there is more than the physical. There is more than what we can see with our two eyes and feel with our hands. There is the energetic. The spiritual. The unseen. The divine.

This day reminds us that we are both. We are tangible and intangible. We are practical and we are imaginal. We are of the earth and we are made of stars. It’s a day to explore your relationship with both of these seemingly separate ‘realms’, and perhaps consider how they are actually one in the same.

To be human is to be physical and it is to be intangible. To be human is to tend to our day-to-day and it is to weave the sacred through all. It also asks the question – do you find comfort in one space more than the other? Do you see them as separate? And how do you relate to your role of bringing creativity and potentials (Pisces) into grounded action and manifestation (Virgo)?

Venus enters Libra: August 29 2024

The day after it’s connection with Neptune, Venus shifts into Libra on August 29, 2024 where it will remain until 23 September 2024.

In Astrology, Venus rules Libra. She is at home here. Her energy can shine, emanate, flow, offer, and heal. And we will feel that harmony. We will feel that openness and flow. For Venus lives within us all.

Venus in Astrology is love. She is the goddess of beauty, balance, harmony and pleasure. She is magnetic, so in tune with her worth that desires and opportunities flow to her. Libra, in a similar fashion, is our sign of beauty, partnership, harmony, balance and attraction.

While Venus is in Libra, there is beauty, joy, and healing to be found in our partnerships, friendships, and any kind of collaboration. Both of these archetypes bring us together with others because there is joy in communion, there is love in collaboration, there is a giant piece of the puzzle of what it means to be human within partnership. It’s a transit inviting healing and joy within seeking beauty – only to be reminded that it is all around us. It’s a time to sink into art, play with colour, harmonise our inner and outer environment, and fall in love with the beauty of others.

Venus trine Pluto: August 29 2024

A little after an hour of Venus’ entrance into Libra, it connects with Pluto in Aquarius in what is called a trine aspect – a flow, opening, and beautiful harmony of energy with each planet supporting one another.

While Venus is love and harmony and Pluto is depth and transformation, this collaboration of planets invites a beautiful intimacy, vulnerability, and truth with both ourselves and our chosen people. It invites deep healing within our heart space, a release of previous hurts and fears, and a reclamation of our own beauty, joy, love, and worthiness.

It’s the kind of day that reminds us that life moves through an open heart. To fully live, is to keep our hearts open.

Weekly Horoscope August 25 – 31 

Embrace harmony. Let energy flow. Be open to surprising yourself. Look for beauty, and be reminded that it is everywhere. While Mercury finishing it’s retrograde is an excitement earlier in the week, it is largely a Venusian-ruled week.

And so, how does Venus live in you? What is beauty to you? How does the truth of your worthiness live in your body, and how does harmony feel in your mind? It’s an invitation to tend to ourselves just as the goddess recommends – with deep knowing of what we are worth, with deep knowing of our beauty, with the joy of love and magnetism, and the pleasure of creation and creativity.

Zodiac Sign Horoscopes

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for 25 to 31 August 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week of renewed creativity, self-expression, joy and play. And it’s a week of partnership and collaboration. Let yourself open to creativity in a new way, for there is more of you available since Mercury Retrograde. And, observe the balance between self and other, and how collaboration isn’t about losing yourself – rather bringing all of you to the connection as they do the same.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

There is a beautiful offering of flow in your emotional world, your day-to-day tending and practical movements, and your long-term dreams and visions this week, Taurus Rising. Tune within and observe the emotional growth at your core, while grounding yourself into the habits that both support and nourish you, and bring you closer to your big dreams.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Let your mind take a deep breathe out, Gemini Rising. Let it begin breathing with the earth, swaying with the tree’s, remembering calm silence. For this week brings greater ease and flow to this space, while Venus invites joy, play, and creative self-expression. Let this week bring you home through calm moments, laughter, and creativity.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

What would it feel like to arrive in a space where there is nothing in your mind, body, and beyond with any doubt of your inherent worthiness, beauty, and belonging, Cancer Rising? For this week desires to take you there through a renewed mindset and perspective of yourself, and by treating yourself with deep love and respect – just as Venus would.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

Mercury is no longer retrograde in your sign, Leo Rising. A deep breathe out, and a renewal of your spark. It’s a week to observe yourself in new ways. To let old identities drop and observe who you are behind them. And to let your mind begin to update, attune to beauty, and adjust your perspectives to seek joy.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

We are newly in your season, Virgo Rising, and this week beings a beautiful healing energy down into your body for you to begin revelling in your inherent value. It’s a week of reconnecting with the sacred and threading it through the physical. And it’s a week of exploring your desires when it comes to resources and security.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

You are here to create, Libra Rising. To add beauty into the world through both expression and the embodiment and emanation of your own beauty. This week highlights this. And it highlights your relationship with balance and harmony, and how you bring that to everyone around you, offering peace and healing to those open and receptive to it.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

Your dreams and visions have been rearranging, Scorpio Rising, with more clarity desiring to find its way to you. Look ahead and begin observing the visions that appear, and the desires that bloom from your heart. This brings a reminder that you are not alone in the creation of your life, rather you are a part of a divine intelligence that can support you in each moment.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week that invites you to open your heart again to hope, Sagittarius Rising. To blessings, beauty, desire, and miracles. To your future, and the richness that awaits you. And it’s a week that brings you deeper into conversation with life, sharing wisdom and insights of vaster perspectives that are here to rearrange and widen your beliefs.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Mercury has been travelling backwards through your underworld, Capricorn Rising, re-arranging and bringing deep transformation. This week, the fruits, blessings, and healing of this journey begin to become available for integration, while Venus is here to add magnetism, beauty, pleasure, and opportunity to your big dreams and career visions.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

It’s a week opening the door to greater ease, openness, and flow in communication and partnership, Aquarius Rising, and you may just find healing and opportunity in these spaces. And it’s a week of renewed faith, an invitation to observe the divine intelligence in all things, opening and expanding you in the process.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

Bring greater flow into your days, Pisces Rising. Fill them with more beauty and nourishment, enriching habits and movements that bring you closer to yourself and begin anchoring your desires into this tangible world. For these movements will support the deep healing, transformation, and intimacy that Venus is bringing while travelling through your depths.

Other planets in transit and aspect this week:

  • August 25 2024: Moon in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus
  • August 25 2024: Moon Enters Gemini
  • August 27 2024: Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus
  • August 28 2024: Moon Enters Cancer
  • August 30 2024: Moon Enters Leo
  • August 30 2024: Moon in Leo Sextile Venus in Libra
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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