Weekly Astrology August 4 – 10 2024: Mercury Retrograde & More

As we continue to settle into August, this week meets us with vast movements in our cosmos. From the shift of Venus into Virgo, a Leo new Moon, and the beginning of our second Mercury Retrograde of the year.

New Moon in Leo: August 4, 2024

The same say that Venus moves into Virgo, we are gifted with a new Moon in Leo.

The Moon in Astrology is an energy that lives within all of us. It is the space within us that is our home. It is soft, nurturing, intuitive, and deeply personal. It is creative, imaginative, safe, and secure. It is our heart, body, and inner waters of emotion.

Leo is a sign of life, vitality, creation and expression. It is play, joy, and the unique spark that we each are. Under this lunation, the energy of Leo is speaking through the space of the Moon – through our hearts, bodies, and emotions. It is becoming our nurturing home within for the moment.

As the Moon begins a new cycle, we are invited into a sacred pause. We are invited within. We are invited to distil into our most pure essence, letting all else become quiet. Leo reminds us of our most basic, pure, and true essence – creation. It reminds us that we are manifest expressions of creation – that we are art, creating art through us as we live. It reminds us that this spark of creation, of life, of the sacred, moves through each of us uniquely. It reminds us that who we are is on purpose. Our joys are on purpose, our inspirations, desires, imaginations, likes and dislikes – is all on purpose. And when we remember this and tap into this pure essence of creation that lives within us all, we are guided, inspired, and led into our new beginning of this new Moon.

Venus enters Virgo: August 4, 2024

The same day of the New Moon, Venus shifts into Virgo where she will remain until August 29, 2024.

Venus in Astrology is our planet of love. In mythology, she is the goddess of beauty, harmony, balance and pleasure. Wherever Venus moves throughout the constellations, she brings this balance and harmony, beauty and pleasure, and expresses it through the energy of that sign.

Virgo, an earth zodiac sign, is deeply connected to our humanness. It is a sign that brings us deeper into our bodies and into greater intimacy with the earth. Also depicted as a goddess in traditional astrology, Virgo is health and healing, fertility and purity, earth wisdom and practical application of wisdom and intuition. Virgo is here to anchor is into this human life as an expression and experience of all that is sacred – rather than transcending the human to reach into the sacred.

As Venus shifts into Virgo this week her invitations are vast and rewarding. This transit is an invitation to return to the natural and life-giving seasons and cycles of our bodies. It is an invitation to move through our lives in a new way – enriching each day with beauty, habits, and movements that support us.

And in the same way, it is an invitation to tend to the habits and movements within our days that do hinder us. It’s an invitation to tend to our wellbeing, our health, and the foundational practices that nourish us – whether a new morning routine, life-giving foods, a yoga practice or daily meditation. And, it is an invitation to tend to any critical voice within, holding this voice with love and presence, observing what it really wants.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 5, 2024

Just hours after the moon begins again and Venus shifts signs, Mercury begins its backwards spin. It’s our second Mercury Retrograde of the year, beginning either August 4 or 5 2024 depending on your time zone.

Mercury will be retrograde for most of August, beginning first in Virgo yet re-entering Leo on August 14, 2024, until it begins moving forward again on August 28, 2024.

In mythology, Mercury is known as the messenger of the Gods, and whenever he begins his retrograde, we can trust that there is more waiting to be seen. In Astrology, this planet rules over the mind – both conscious and unconscious. It rules our communication, thinking, perspectives, learning, and gathering of information.

In ancient Astrology, when a planet was in retrograde it was believed to be travelling through the underworld. Outside of its usual way of thinking, moving, and perceiving, down there it could free itself and begin to see things in a new way, from different perspectives, and therefore – access immense wisdom, insights, and information previously unseen. As the planet finishes its backwards spin and re-enters ground-level, it brings with it all that it has gathered.

Virgo is a sign of self-refinement, devotion, practical application of higher energies, and the natural world. It is also a sign that supports us in tending to our day-to-day. The habits, our work, tending to the home, our bodies, and wellbeing. It is a sign that thrives when we strip things back and return to basics. What supports us, and what doesn’t?

Mercury in Retrograde invites into this stripping back. What within you, within your days, and within your life – feels like excess? What within your life is simply noise? What within your living feels messy, outside of your capacity, too much to be with, process, and receive nutrients from?

Stripping away excess and coming home to your foundations is where we access the treasures of Mercury’s underworld visit. Clearing, refining, cleansing – and being with what matters most in this season of your life.

Mercury conjunct Venus: August 7, 2024

As Mercury begins retracing its steps in Virgo, it meets Venus, newly in the Earth sign, on August 7, 2024. Any sign when retrograde is in a space of receptivity, rather than outward expression. And so as Mercury connects with Venus, it is receptive to her healing offerings of balance and harmony.

On this day, invite Venus into your mind. Welcome harmony as medicine to begin rearranging your mind and all that lives within it. Welcome love as medicine to move through the voices of your mind, your self-talk, memories, and perspectives. Welcome the Earth as medicine to remind you the validity in your current season – whether it’s an inward time of reflection or outer expression, a space of slow movement or vast transition – acceptance will begin to reveal the offerings of this season.

Your Weekly Forecast: August 4 – 10, 2024

It’s a week of stripping back and returning to your voice. Of clearing the excess and remembering your truth. And it is a week of tuning into the rhythm of your body and sinking into your current season.

As the new Moon begins, observe what feels alive within you. There is a spark of creation living within. What does it feel like? What brings it excitement and meaning? What is it saying?

As Mercury Retrograde begins, and joins Venus in her journey through Virgo, create the space to clear whatever you may believe Mercury retrograde needs to mean – so that you may hear what it is truly bringing you.

And allow your inner Virgo to speak. What is noise that you don’t need? What is in your life that is heavy, too much, or simply, not supportive – that can be let go of? If it can’t be let go of, what small shifts can be made to support you in this area of your life? What habits, shifts in perspectives, or practices can support you while it this space is necessary?

Like all Astrology, the movements of this week invite a reconnection to what lives within. And it is through creating space and trust in your inner dialogue that we land deeper in this life with more joy and fulfilment.

Weekly Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign August 4-10 2024

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for August 4 to 10, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

Your creativity, joy, and vitality is greatly served by the way you move through your days, Virgo Rising. Your wellbeing, health, habits and rhythms deeply influence the spark of life that lives within you. This week begins a shift in the way you tend to yourself day in day out, reminding you that the way you live desires to be a love letter to yourself.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week’s new Moon invites you home, Taurus Rising. To your joy, playfulness, and deepest truth. A visit that will continue to offer sustenance and healing for many weeks to come. As Mercury begins its retrograde, you are invited to explore, review, and openly question who you are here to be, what truly matters to you, and what brings you joy.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week initiates a deep dive into your inner world, Gemini Rising. Just as Mercury begins travelling through the underworld, it brings an invitation to revisit and reorganise memories, perspectives, truths and beliefs that were put in place during your formative years. With who you now are, all that you have experienced, and the wisdom you have gained – what lives within you that could benefit from this vaster perspective?

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week of the mind, Cancer Rising. And it’s a week of tending to your security, safety, and deep belonging. As Mercury begins it’s retrograde, you are invited to enter into the world that is your mind. What lives in here? What do you want to live in here? As if a garden, we are tending, weeding, and planting.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

As the Moon begins a new cycle in your sign, may you observe the beginning opening within you, too. What is inspiring, joyful, and true in this moment? This week invites you to continue connecting to this spark, while tending to anything alive within you that doubts your worthiness, ability, and safety in the fullest living of you.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week is one of receptivity and surrender, Virgo Rising. It invites you to step back, connect within, and listen. It is a week of trust. Trust in your timing, your current season, and the wisdom of your body. It is a week, and beyond, asking you to create space for the rearranging of who you are to begin taking place.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week invites reflection and healing within your connection to all that lives beyond time and space, Libra Rising. What is sacred? What is God? What is your lived connection with this space and what does it mean to you? And, what does it mean to be a part of this world, just as much as we are a here in the physical?

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

What is your vaster vision, Scorpio Rising? Your compass, north node, direction, truth? Connect to this guiding force within and hold it close. For this week invites a rearranging, shifting, and rewriting of your place in this vaster world so that you may come into deeper truth and relationship with it.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Your compass is recalibrating, Sagittarius Rising. This week begins a season of integration. For you have been building, growing, and living. Who you are has been opening and changing. Here, we are creating space for integration, receiving the nutrients of our living, and letting it shift our direction to greater alignment, truth, and fulfilment.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week invites you deep into yourself, Capricorn Rising. Into your underworld, depths, and truths only available to your own heart. It begins a season of re-writing your connection to life, what it all means to you, and your place in the world. And it invites a dialogue to begin outside of your existing perspectives and beliefs – a dialogue with the moment, knowing, and life itself.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

This week holds deep desires for you, Aquarius Rising. Desires for you to reclaim all that has been hidden, shamed, or unaccepted within you. Desires for you to remember your strength, trust, and freedom – and to bring them next to your fears. And desires for you to remember your ability to hold yourself through healing, transformation, and a rebirth of yourself.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

It’s a week that invites more joy, creativity, and love into your days, Pisces Rising. And in that, bring more openness, vulnerability, and connection into your heart, and into your relationships with your favourite people. Tending to your needs and wellbeing allows you to love deeper and receive more love. Tending to your wellbeing is a gift to those around you.

Other planets in transit this week:

  • August 5 2024: Moon enters Virgo
  • August 6 2024: Moon in Virgo square Mars in Gemini
  • August 7 2024: Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • August 8 2024: Lions Gate Portal
  • August 8 2024: Moon enters Libra
  • August 8 2024: Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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