Alana Williamson Girl and Her Moon

Alana Williamson

Sacred Somatics Instructor

Hi, I’m Alana Williamson.

I lead powerful Women into sacred healing with deep somatic work.

For nearly a decade, I danced and choreographed professionally in New York City, notably standing as assistant choreographer for the 80th Annual Academy Awards, dancing for MTV’s “Search for the next Elle Woods”, dancing for two professional companies and twice serving as choreographer for New York Fashion Week.

While things looked glamorous and “picture perfect” from the outside, inside I was deeply unhappy. I had an eating disorder that was taking over my life. And the more external validation and achievements I acquired, the more pieces of myself I felt I was losing.

I returned to my roots in rural Pennsylvania to earn my Masters in Fine Arts in Dance at Temple University, eventually taking a role as director of a university dance program. I got treatment for my eating disorder and went through a huge process of healing and acceptance in what I truly wanted in my life, on my own terms.

Within a year, I gave birth to my first son. When I learned I was permitted to take only 5 weeks of maternity leave (or lose my job), it didn’t sit well with me. I found myself torn between what I thought was my dream job and my new role as “mama” that I now cherished more than anything. I knew something had to change and I was desperate to not miss any more moments with my sweet baby.

I found the courage to listen to my own intuition (which wasn’t easy by any means) and took a huge leap of faith in leaving my full time job to start my own business. I now have two sons that I am blessed to be home with and my second maternity leave was completely on my terms. Today, I am fortunate enough to bring all of my gifts and experiences to my work with other women ready to step into deep levels of healing and embody their next version and vision.

Whether it’s a trauma that needs healing or limiting belief that needs shifting, I usher through sacred space for powerful women to heal, rise and free themselves with The Somatic Movement Method, a process like none other to gently release trauma in the body. I believe wholeheartedly in this work to truly transform your life from the inside out and have witnessed its power firsthand on hundreds of souls that are drawn to this beautiful modality.

Healings / Workshops

Somatic Movement Girl and Her Moon

Somatic Movement Workshop

Alana Williamson