Astrology Weekly Horoscope August 11-17 2024: Mars conjunct Jupiter

There is big energy on offer this week. Alive and stirring within our cosmos, alive and stirring within our bodies. From themes of expansion and desire, responsibility and boundaries, tension and excitement. It’s all alive. It’s all speaking to us. It’s all inviting us into something unique to who we are, and what life we are living.

As Mars and Jupiter come together in Gemini with one of our most anticipated cosmic events of the year, they simultaneously square Saturn in Pisces. And while all of this is happening, Mercury continues retracing its steps and retrogrades back into the fire sign of Leo.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini: August 14

Astrology began through observation of the night sky. While it can feel largely symbolic in our internet-based understanding of cosmic movement – this week is a beautiful opportunity to come back to its beginnings in and forever connection to nature.

This week invites us to look up into the skies. For as we do, we will be greeted with two celestial bodies dancing closer and closer – coming into an exact conjunction (meeting) on August 14, 2024. These bodies are Mars and Jupiter in the sign of Gemini, and their meeting is filled with energy, inspiration, motivation, desire, and insight.

Mars in Astrology is our planet of motivation. It is like a motor of passion, building within us until we can’t help but take a step forward, and a step after that, claiming and creating our desires and ideas in this world. Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion and higher wisdom. Its frequency is that of abundance, growth, hope, universal knowing, vaster truths, and joy. And – neither planet is subtle in their presence, both filled with high energy and activation.

As they come together on August 14, 2024, it activates passion within us, awakens hope and inspiration, and invites us to look forward with curiosity and excitement. Happening in the air sign of Gemini, its energy is being filtered through the mind – or more so, inviting our mind into expansion to meet all that is on offer.

This day, notice what arises in you. What desires are speaking to you on this day (plus the days leading up to, and after)? What has been occupying your mind? What feels expansive and freeing? Filled with passion and energy? What do you want to speak about, write about, share or think about? And what movement/action does your body want to take in response?

Mars and Jupiter square Saturn

As the two planetary bodies of Mars and Jupiter come together within Gemini, they simultaneously enter into a conversation with Saturn Retrograde in Pisces – what is called a square in Astrology, which is simply a 90 degree angle.

Saturn is a planet that represents everything tangible held within time and space. It’s concerned with this physical world and our role in it. Its domain is that of legacy, boundaries, commitment, ambition, tangible building, and discipline.

As Mars and Jupiter ignite passion, ideas, inspiration and growth – Saturn is here to ground this energy into something real. It is here to do something with it. To build it into something tangible, lasting, and deeply fulfilling.

This week, allow both spaces to arise within you. The freedom, expansion, and excitement of a new idea, a passion, a desire. And allow Saturn to hold you in practicality and commitment, what would this look like in your tangible life? What discipline, boundaries, or commitment would this way of being or vision require from you? Saturn’s energy is maturity and self-responsibility. How are these themes calling you this week?

This square is also a major transit of 2024, with the exact dates of Mars square Saturn being 16 August, 2024, and Jupiter square Saturn from August 17 – 24, 2024. However this energy is active all week, and much of August.

Mercury Retrograde enters Leo: August 14, 2024

Mercury has been in his apparent retrograde motion since August 5, 2024, beginning in the grounded earth sign of Virgo. As the planet continues taking its backwards steps, this week on August 14, 2024 it steps back into the realm of Leo.

As Mercury re-enters Leo, its retrograde becomes more about the self. It is more personal here. This transit invites a review of who we know ourselves to be. Our self-concept, beliefs about who we are, what we can do, what we are worthy of, and more. How accurately can you see yourself? Your worth? Your medicine? Your unique energy, frequency, and impact on those around you? Your heart, and all that lives in it?

When Mercury is in retrograde, it is an opportunity for us to step back, take a wider lens and observe what is present while being outside of their structures. As if we can zoom out and see what narratives are living within us, whilst seeing from outside of them. It’s a retrograde of perspective. And as Mercury travels through Leo, it is a beautiful opportunity to observe the narratives that we are living through. The narratives that we are expressing, seeing, moving, hiding, moving and identifying ourselves through. The ones that tell us ‘who we are’, where we are safe, or not, to share ourselves, what we are worthy and capable of, and what love and joy look like. We’re gathering insights, and we’re re-writing our script.

Weekly Horoscope: August 11 – 17

As Mars and Jupiter come together this week, they do so in Gemini – the sign ruled by Mercury, currently in its retrograde.

While Mercury continues to invite us to step out of our usual ways of thinking, our normal perspectives and ways of seeing, Mars and Jupiter are inviting our mind into a new place. Both planets are concerned with the future, with potential, possibility, growth, and change.

It is this combination of celestial bodies both in retrograde and forward movement, that allows a deep shift in our mental state, beliefs, perception, and outlook. The kind of shift that changes us and the way that we live.

And as Saturn enters the conversation, he brings with him the seeds of desire to build a new way with this shift. To change our lives with this shift. To create something tangible and lasting in our lives in reflection of it. And to solidify it into this grounded, physical, human life of ours.

Weekly Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for August 11 to 17, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week brings an opening and shifting of your mind, thoughts, voice, and communication, Aries Rising. There is vast energy moving through this space, calling you into a new way of thinking, and a new relationship with sharing your message. As Mercury retrogrades in Leo, it invites a restructuring of your relationship with creative expression, being seen, and the joy of being you.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

It’s time to embody a new level of your innate value and worthiness, Taurus Rising. To let this week remind you of your value – that even if questioned, doubted, or unseen by another – exists in fullness and truth. And it invites you to open to how you will move through the world differently as you live from this worthiness.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As Mars and Jupiter come together in your sign, it’s a complete shift in who you are in this world, Gemini – one that will continue to unfold and take place for months to come. This week, create space to observe what is shifting within you. Ask yourself how you can support what is falling away to do so, and what is coming in to do so.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

The sacred is calling your name, Cancer Rising. Can you feel its invitation? The way it desires to hold you, guide you, reveal insights and wisdom to you? This week is like a door opening into the vaster realms of the unseen world. It is a week to connect through meditation, journalling, prayer, dreams, and silence. If the divine were speaking directly to you, what is it saying?

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury begins its retrograde through your sign, allow yourself to take a step back. It’s a time of unbecoming, unravelling, and reorganising of who we are that we can’t force or control – yet it is one that is natural to our being when we allow. This week also invites an expansion into future potentials of yourself – as if peeking through the cosmos into the future. What do you see? What is calling you?

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

There has been an opening and shifting in your career and long-term visions calling your name for months now, Virgo Rising, and this week only heightens and concentrates this. As you have been looking ahead, what do you see? What impact do you desire to make, what legacy do you desire to leave?

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

Life is speaking directly to you this week, Libra Rising. Inviting you to clear and open your mind, tune in and step into the conversation. It’s a week that invites a cracking open of perspectives that are too small for you, and an opening into new ways of seeing this vast existence that is calling your name.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

There is an incredible strength within you, Scorpio Rising. A depth, determination, and regenerative force that is like home to you. This week invites you there. Into a cracking open – only to discover more and more within – so that you may rearrange and reorient your long term visions for yourself, your impact, and your legacy.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week inviting shifts, openings, inspiration, and change within yourself, and how you relate to others, and this vaster life, Sagittarius Rising. It’s a week of opening to different ways of being, belief systems, perspectives and truths, people and views, and the way that within us all, live entirely different worlds.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Who are you, Capricorn Rising? What in your life do you love and treasure, and what in your life is simply extra? It’s a clarifying and transformative week, clearing out and focusing in on what matters. As the Sun and Mercury continue to move through Leo, there is deep transformation happening beneath the surface.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

It’s a week filled with creative energy, Aquarius Rising. Creative energy that wants to come alive within you, move through you, and express into the world with your unique frequency. It’s a week that invites expression – whether though your voice, poetry, painting, playing, cooking or something else, let this energy move through you, bringing you to life in the process.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

You’re building yourself anew, Pisces Rising. Tending to your inner safety, foundations, belonging, and sense of home within yourself. This week invites a transforming of patterns – the ones etched into the body from childhood and generations passed. And it creates the space for a reclamation of your authority, body, inner child, emotional world, and psyche.

Other planets in transit and aspect this week:

  • August 11 2024: Moon in Scorpio Sextile Venus in Virgo
  • August 12 2024: Moon in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
  • August 13 2024: Moon Enters Sagittarius
  • August 13 2024: Moon in Sagittarius Sextile Pluto in Aquarius
  • August 15 2024: Moon in Sagittarius Trine Mercury in Leo
  • August 15 2024: Moon Enters Capricorn
  • AUGUST 17 2024: Moon Enters Aquarius
  • August 17 2024: Moon in Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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