Weekly Horoscope September 1 – 7 2024: Astrology for your Sign

Welcome to September. A new week, a new month. This week, Uranus begins its five-month retrograde while Pluto shifts back into Capricorn. As the Moon begins again in Virgo – Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Neptune dance within our skies bringing opportunities and invitations.

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: September 1 2024

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, bringing shifts in consciousness and how we relate to the earth, resources, inner worth, authenticity, and finances. It has been inviting us deeper into our bodies, re-writing our understanding of freedom and safety, and expanding our comfort zones.

Beginning September 1, 2024 until January 30 2025, while in retrograde, these themes come under review. For with Uranus, we have been gathering insights, exploring new directions and perspectives, meeting different experiences, and opening to new ways of relating to these Taurean areas of life. Now we are going back, turning around and bringing all this gathering and forward momentum in front of us for review.

Uranus retrogrades every year for approximately five months, leaving seven months for its forward movement. This week as it begins its backwards spin, we are asking; what has shifted over the last seven months in my relationship to freedom, resources, money and authenticity? How has my relationship with my body and the earth moved and opened? And how has all of this changed me? Who I am?

We are exploring the steps we have been taking, clearing out what doesn’t feel truthful, and realigning to what is – so that when Uranus moves forward again on January 30, 2025 – we are walking upon the path that is for us.

Find your Uranus Retrograde horoscopes here.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: September 1 2024

Welcome to the last few steps of a 16-year-long story. Welcome to the final few steps before a new 20-year-long story. It’s the re-entrance of Pluto Retrograde into Capricorn on September 1, 2024, where it will remain until November 19, 2024.

Pluto has been dancing between Capricorn and Aquarius since March 2023. One of our slower moving planets, it entered Aquarius, took a few steps, and then retrograded back in Capricorn. Finishing its retrograde in Capricorn it took another few steps forward, entering Aquarius once again. A back-and-forth cycle we are now meeting our third cycle of.

Pluto in Astrology is our transformer. It is depth, death, rebirth. It is the unconscious, underworld, underground. It is self-reclamation and inner power, bringing an alchemising force to whatever it touches. Spending 12-30 years in each sign, it’s movement into a new zodiac represents the beginning of a new era. For this last year and a half, we have been sitting between worlds, transitioning between eras. And this week is an important step towards that transition.

In Capricorn, Pluto has been collectively and individually breaking down and rebirthing our relationship to material structures, foundations, tradition, resources, and success. It has been transforming our relationships with authority, power, ambition and self-responsibility.

And much like Uranus Retrograde, while Pluto continues in its backwards spin we are reassessing the vast transformations we have been experiencing in these Capricorn related areas of our life. As it is our final dip into this practical earth sign before its new 20-year beginning in Aquarius, we are meeting old patterns, perspectives, energies in our body and psyche for their final time, too – so that we may bring closure to these 16-year-long chapter of our lives.

Virgo New Moon: September 2 2024

Meeting us this week on September 2/3 2024 (depending on your timezone), is a new Moon in Virgo. Clarifying, medicinal, grounding and nourishing, its essence is that of stripping back, clarifying, and centring.

We have been within the arms of Virgo Season since August 22 2024. The medicine of Virgo has been massaging into us, inviting us to strip back and clarify, to cleanse and discern, to come deeper into our bodies and release what is not ours – in our mind, bodies, aura, physical spaces – only to call back what is ours. We have been in a season of bringing clarify to what felt messy, confusing, lingering. And it has been inviting us to tend to small, consistent, supportive and grounded movements and routine.

As the Moon begins a new cycle in this sign, tune in. How has Virgo Season been guiding you? What has it been whispering? How have its themes been showing up in your life? And how are you called to begin collaborating with it.

It’s a new Moon inviting us to reflect on our own foundations, our necessary basics, the simple yet profound energies, intentions, beliefs, and actions that bring us home to ourselves. Like conversing with our hearts. Feeling the Earth beneath our feet. Moving our bodies. Having a sleep routine. The habits that hold us, support us, nourish us – whatever they might be for you.

Find your horoscopes for the Virgo New Moon here.

Mars square Neptune: September 2 2024

Meeting us alongside this week’s new Moon on September 2 2024, is the connection of Mars in Gemini with Neptune in Pisces.

Mars in Astrology is our passion, motivation, assertion and drive. It is here that we clarify our individuality and express our desires. Neptune, on the other hand, is our planet of surrender, intuition, imagination and fantasy. It is how we connect with the sacred remember our Oneness with All.

Both planets represent different archetypes alive within each of us, and their square invites us to explore on our own relationship with these seemingly opposing sides of us and how they relate to one another. While a square aspect in astrology can represent tension, confusion, or friction – its invitation is to find the place where they meet, where these two archetypes can collaborate, see eye-to-eye, or enter a dance of balance.

What is your relationship between logic and intuition, assertion and surrender, action and flow? What about desire and acceptance, individuality and sacred oneness?

Mars enters Cancer: September 4 2024

Following its dance with Neptune, Mars enters Cancer on September 4, 2024.

Cancers waters are that of deep nourishment, healing, and inward diving. It is a zodiac of emotion, subjectivity, safety, and intuition. It is where we come home to ourselves to remember the deep belonging held within our own bodies.

As Mars enters these waters, it dives deep into our roots, emotions, sensitivities and needs. It traverses the terrain of memory – both conscious and unconscious – visiting the patterns, responses, and stories written in our formative years.

While it may not be a period of vast outer movement and passion for adventure and action, Mars in Cancer is an opportunity to bring awareness and transformation to what lives within us. And it is a beautiful invitation to clarify our needs and stand by them.

Mercury square Uranus: September 7 2024

Mercury in Astrology is our mind. It is our mental processing, learning, patterning, and perspectives. Uranus, often called our ‘higher mind’ is a planet of vast insight. It peers into the future and cracks open foundations for evolution and change.

Mercury came into a square aspect with Uranus just last month on August 18, 2024. As Uranus begun it’s backwards spin this week, it returns to this square – this time though, with new eyes, a different perspective.

This week on September 7, we are observing once again our relationship with freedom, liberation, truth and growth – and how the mind plays a major role in this relationship. We are exploring thoughts, perspectives, and mental patterns alive within us that are too small for us, limiting, or simply, related to someone we no longer are. And it’s our opportunity to begin re-writing that script and making more space for who we now are.

Weekly Astrology: September 1 to 7 2024

With vast movements in our skies this week and the movement of both inner and outer planets, our invitation is to tune into the medicine of the astrological season we find ourselves within – that of Virgo.

We do this through communing with the Earth and welcoming ourselves deeper into our bodies. We do this through stripping back the noise and re-establishing routine and rhythm. And we do this through creating space – in our minds, time, auras, and bodies.

As Uranus Retrograde begins and Pluto shifts back into Capricorn, there are deep energies beneath the surface shifting. Allow space, questing, and review of your relationship with safety, freedom, resources, and change take place – trusting that we don’t need to ‘go searching’ – rather, what is ready for shifting and/or review will arrive at your door, whispering your name for attention.

And as Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and Uranus begin their dance, it’s a beautiful opportunity to observe your flow of energy, vitality, motivation, areas of passion and areas of tension. For within this observation, much will open.

Zodiac Sign Horoscopes

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for 1 to 7 September 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week invites a new way to relate to your inner worth, security, and finances, Aries Rising. We are reviewing, re-writing, and re-aligning in these spaces while bringing transformation to your long-term visions, career, and your understanding of success. As the Moon begins again, allow your habits, body, and routines a refresh.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week initiates an opportunity to begin integrating the many changes you have been moving through, Taurus Rising. It invites space to begin reviewing who you have become this last year, and how your relationship with meaning, belonging, and truth has shifted alongside you. While the new Moon invites self-expression and play, Mars in Cancer invites a clarifying of your mind.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Security, dreams, inner nourishment, and outer building. Tend to your roots this week, your connection to your worth, inner safety, and emotions around finances, Gemini Rising. For the greater resource you can build within your own being, the greater building you can bring to your visions and desires.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

As Mars enters your sign this week, allow the inner streams of emotion begin to reveal what is important for you right now. The desires in your heart. The messages in your intuition. The nourishment you are calling out for. For this week invites a new relationship to community, humanity, partnerships, and vulnerability.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

You deserve to feel safe in your body and secure on this Earth, Leo Rising. You deserve to dream wide and true based on what is alive within your heart. What lives within that needs this reminder? How can you tend to these spaces within you? This week highlights themes of security, resources, inner worth, embodiment, and long-term visioning.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

As the Moon begins again your sign, allow yourself to strip back the noise and return to what is alive within you. Who are you under this lunation? What is asking to become known in you? This week invites a review of your belief system and relationship to vaster truths, and a return to the innocence of joy, play, and self-expression.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

Emotions bring with them insights, wisdom, and healing this week, Libra Rising. Introspection and silence bring with them intuition and guidance. This week, allow yourself space and reflection. Bring safety to your experience of emotion, feel the presence of the sacred holding you, and observe what reveals itself in the process.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

It’s a week of re-writing, re-arranging, and opening the mind, Scorpio Rising. With shifts in your relationships, both in close partnerships and wider community, this week also invites you into a larger conversation with life itself – for it is sharing wisdom, meaning, vaster truths and wider philosophies if you listen closely.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

This week invites deeper safety and belonging in your body, Sagittarius Rising. In your breath, your energy, and in the liberation of loving who you are in this moment as enough. It invites a clarification of your long term visions, your legacy, and who you desire to be in this world. And it begins a journey into your underworld, transforming patterns and unconscious responses in the process.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week initiates the final season in a 16-year-long cycle of deep transformation of who you are, Capricorn Rising. It invites a rebirth in your self-perception, reminding you of the vast depth alive within that perhaps, your understanding of yourself hasn’t yet come to encompass. As the Moon begins again, allow yourself to come into a vaster conversation with life – for it has wisdom to share.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

Observe what brings you energy, Aquarius Rising – the joys, the movements, the habits – and begin folding them into your life in a way that serves you. This week brings insights from memories and emotion alive within the body and unconscious, and invites you to renew your relationship with the sacred.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

We’re re-writing patterns, ideas, thoughts and perspectives this week, Pisces Rising. We’re opening the mind and allowing ourselves to see things a new way. As the Moon begins again in your opposite sign, invite yourself into the beauty that is this physical world, exploring the sacred within all of your humanness.

Other planets in transit and aspect this week:

  • September 1 2024: Moon Enters Virgo
  • September 4 2024: Moon Enters Libra
  • September 5 2024: Moon in Libra Conjunct Venus in Libra
  • September 6 2024: Moon in Libra Sextile Mercury in Leo
  • September 6 2024: Moon in Libra Sextile Mercury in Leo
  • September 7 2024: Moon Enters Scorpio
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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